But now with the constant fumbles and DMV style customer service, Now what do we do as Disney fans?
Does one just dump DVC points and write it off. I agree I think the company is developing an arrogant culture that assumes the 'hard-core' fans will always be back.
With the last 5-8 years of behaviors, it certainly seems like the company is pushing, pushing, and pushing.. incrementally seeing how far they can push the boundary before things snap. Things not going well? Just roll out some discounts so people feel like they are getting a bargin... the metrics stay in the band.. and keep pushing the line and repeat.
What are we to do? IMO - the answer is don't pay their numbers and make no secret about it in your network of acquaintances.
The 'we go anyway..' lock-in of DVC is why I could never give it serious thought. Each family is different.. but for us Disney is not even an annual thing. Even if local, I don't think I would dedicate my vacation weeks to it several times a year. Day dodges? Weekends? Probably... but my VACATION? I would bore of it. Over my lifetime we average trips every 2-4 years. I even went a 10+ year period where I didn't go at all (94-2005 I think it was). I have no 'I must goto Disney' in me. I go because I made the choice for that trip to pick Disney over something else. So when Disney doesn't rise up above other alternatives.. I don't go.
Our last 'Disney' dips were with DCL instead of WDW. I've been for a day or two at times.. my wife has done RunDisney stuff.. but no week stays. We did cruises in '11,'13', and will do another this fall. DCL is showing me something my family wants to do.. so we spend our money there. I show no loyalty to a product that doesn't earn it.
Ironically.. I do have vacations we do every year even without 'new stuff'. I've been to Ocean City, MD every summer of my life. I've vacationed there, I've lived there, I've worked there. We still go every year.. and not because 'zOMG look at what they've built this year!' but because they offer a vacation experience we are interested in and there is enough variety on the side to give us choices when we want them. Doesn't hurt my parents are property owners for the last 28 years.. but that is just about reducing the barrier of entry. We still opt to go there to spend time with family and to enjoy the beach town.
I guess with all my rambling.. what I'm trying to say is... even tho I have all this interest in Disney, the product, its history, and their activities... I have no blind obligation to feel like I HAVE to go or I'm missing something. I don't feel like there is something 'missing' if I haven't been in awhile. I think the feeling solidified when I went back for the first time after the big 10+ year gap. The magic and the 'Disney was so different...' feeling was gone. Everyone else had caught up to Disney.. what Disney was offering was not so unique compared to say.. Staying in a Vegas resort... theme parks had been using Disney's tricks.. it was good, but it was no longer leaps and bounds ahead. The only time I felt like 'Disney was still worlds ahead..' was in the water parks.
I've taken my kids several times since then.. they enjoy it. But do I feel like the reward is worth the investment? Not really.. so we've drifted to doing other things. When Disney does something that will make me interested, we'll make a point of trying to make a trip happen. But I lack this built-in obligation many fans seem to have.
On our upcoming cruise we like to spend one day at the tail end in FL. Last trip, we did KSC instead of heading to WDW... the one before that we did a few days at UNI. This trip we are eyeballing doing a day at USF due to the new HP 2.0 additions.
WDW just isn't offering anything that makes me feel like I need to go back... and it's not just 'UNI is building attractions and WDW is doing MB...'. I think the problems are far deeper than that.