Odd request, but help!


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Ok, I was thinking of a way I could possibly earn time to view this website.I want to take my girlfriend out. I want to creat a different type of date... something magical. I need your help. Give me ideas! Once I tell her I got everythign due to this site, she's bound to be flexible with me going on! Please guys! I want to stay!

The Mom

Premium Member
You haven't given me any idea about where you live or your age (except you're a lot younger than I, like everyone else on this forum, hehe)
But here goes. Weather permitting, most girls would enjoy a picnic, as long as you do all the work. If you lived here (FL) I'd suggest the beach.A park might be more suitable where you are. Get some food she would enjoy, even KFC if she likes it, a nice blanket & tablecloth, flowers & vase-it doesn't have to be fancy, an old pretty jar would do- wine or sparkling cider if you're underage, maybe one of those citronella candles, you get the picture. Don't forget a CD player or something for background music. I'm sure other people will chime in with more (and better) ideas.


New Member
how about taking her into an alley behind an italian restaurant and sharing a plate of spaghetti while the owner and cook sing "la bella notte"? make sure to give her the last meatball. :D


Well-Known Member
Right. It's taking all my powers of self restraint not to add something sordid, particlarly after dopeys posting.(:D !!)

Also like marciahahn, I am unsure where you are from, but I can heartly recommend taking your young lady to Wigan Pier, showing her all the interesting exhibits, and seeing what old school life was like. After that, why not take her to your local chippy and give her the high quality culinary experience that is Fish, Chips, and Pea-Wet.

Then, cart her off to your local bowling green, a quick game of 21 up, and she wont know what has hit her.

If that doesn't work the old magic, I don't know what will.



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I guess it would help if I provided some information about myself. My girlfriend is 19 and I am 20 (almost 21!) We live in Jacksonville, FL. She still lives with her parents, while I live in my own apartment.


New Member
You could always arrange to meet somewhere, but pretend you were just meeting for the first time, flirt with each other, then back to a hotel room (booked in advance as Mr and Mrs Smith)for.... :D or buy a very expensive gift - either will do!


New Member
Take her too disney world! Nothing more romantic then holding her hand going down a the big drop of splash mountain, sharing a kiss after fantasy in the sky, sharing a meal together at the french resteraunt, And nothing pleases the ladies more then watching you make a fool of yourself as an extra in indiana jones...<>sigh...brings back memories<> anyways, then, maybe, she wil see why you love this place so much, and she'll join the discusion board too!

HUh, I wonder if the real imagineering building has an 'Imaginative Date' department....


New Member
role playing always seems to work for me. you've got the old standbys, doctor/nurse, teacher/student, farmer/sheep.

uh, forget that last one.

or you can try one of these disney-related combos:

snow white/dopey (my favorite)
pinocchio/blue fairy (tell me lies!)
tantor/terk (from tarzan, fyi, as voiced by wayne knight and rosie o'donnell. wouldn't that be a lovely couple? ok, more realistically, terk/kala).

here's a good one: you, little mermaid; me, monstro. :eek:


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Wow! Thanks you guys! You're helping me out! But so far I haven't come up with anything perfect. It has to be perfect. Dopey and Piglet, I like your ideas! (If only there was an alley outside of an Itlaian restraunt!) Yours too, marciahahn! Chad, you're quite the ladies man, I take it! My girlfriend has been talking about marriage. She wants a Disney storybook wedding. Does anyone know much on those? I've been thinking of proposing when I finally take her out on this perfect date. I've got to come up with such a creative way to give her the ring! I know you guys won't fail to help me succeed with this task! Of course, I'll do the whole down-on-one-knee, "will you marry me?" bit, but I need to make her fall in love all over again! As of now, only days left until I'm supposed to give this site up for good :( (Sorry for taking up everyone's imagineering time with my love-life problems! It's all GREATLY appreciated!)


I'd hafta agree with Chad, what could be more magical than taking a trip to DisneyWorld, unless of course maybe, unlike me, you live there and go about every weekend with your season pass or whatever.

The Mom

Premium Member
Jason, you do have a problem! I can't think of any romantic places in Jacksonville! For our 10th anniversary, many ,many, years ago, my husband hired a carriage to pick us up & take us to Sterling's cafe. Won't work if you don't live in the neighborhood. Also, Stella's Piano Bar in 5 Points has a very romantic courtyard. What about St. Augustine? You could go on one of the carriage rides and then find a quiet restaurant in the historic district for dinner. I apologize to the rest of you, these names won't mean anything to you, but Jason will know what I'm talking about.


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Could this be it?

Ok guys, let me know what you think about this: I go with the trip to Disney World plan. Magic Kingdom. (It's got 'magic' in the name, it's got to work!) We'll get those silly mouse-ears with our names embroidered on the back. We'll just totally have fuin and act like kids! Perhaps she'll finally realize how much the place means to me and why I love it so much! At 7:30 our night transforms from fun to romantic. How does dinner at Cinderellas castle sound? (Has anyone ever eaten there? How pricy is it really? How much am I talking for 2 dinners?) It's perfect. After dinner, get outside just in time to watch the fireworks. Then I'll work my own magic from there and possibly pop the question! :)

p.s. Does anyone know of any good place to stay right outside of DIsney? I'm not made of millions, so I can't afford to stay in a Disney resort like I wish I could!


New Member
Cinderella's Castle is quite pricey..$27 for lamp chop and some potatoes.. so you're looking at a big bill, upwards of 75 bucks...I would think you could find a cheaper place...My and my girlfriend always thought the mexican resteraunt was great, watching the boats float by, but we like spicy food. Um, magic kingdom doesn't really have many 'magical' places to eat, your best bet would be to spend the day at MK with her, then hop over to epcot (just a quick monoail transfer away) to eat there, and then watch the fireworks...The italy resteraunt is VERY romantic, what with the strolling muscians and such, and once you're done, just walk outside and you've got a prime fireworks spot!


New Member
When your talking about Proposing there are many different ways of doing that.
More ideas are possible at Disney than you realize.
For instance.
You can always book a package at the Rose garden there at Diseny ranging from $295 all the way up to $3k.
Or just pop the question surprising on her some where else on the Park, I bet if you talk to the Cast members they will be glad to find a way to help you out. I know that they were willing to help me out when I mentioned the idea for my dive at the Living Sea later this year. All you have to do is Call Disney or Email them and ask for their help, and with the Care that Disney always gives, they will try to do their best to help you full fill your idea on how to make that moment even more Special.
Sorry to do this Steve, but I don't know if you have the information about the Engagement packages on your web page, but I know that Debs does so I am going to list her web page for it as a link.
Also there are parts of the packages you can Purchase seperate too down at the bottem


Well-Known Member
I've got an idea of the perfect spot at Epcot to pop the question. The little walkway in Italy that looks out over the lagoon. Try after the firewirks when everybody has left.

Speaking of odd ways to propose at theme parks, I have seen the most creative one at Sea World. (actually I've seen it happen twice. I don't know if any of you have seen any of the night shows at Shamu Stadium. Before the show, they film the unsuspecting audience members and show them on the big screen. Sometimes they add a funny quote. (Where's the restroom?, Bald is beautiful, etc.) Sometimes they show a happy couple. The guy's caption is "Kiss me you fool". The girl's caption is "What a charmer". Twice, I've seen the guy get down on one knee and the caption read, "(so and so) will you marry me?" And the crowd goes "Awwww!" and cheers.... You know the rest.


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So, are these Italy and Mexico places any good to eat at, Chad? I've never been there, but you have. I need someone's opinion! I guess the Cinderella castle is a little too expensive for my taste. I AM going to Disney with my girlfriend! I bought her this pink shirt that says "Princess" on it and has Snow White in the corner. I think that will accompany a card... well, it will be more like a threat. A threat to kidnap her. I want to go over to her house one morning and get her in the car and blindfold her while I wisk her away to Disney. Magic Kingdom will be our stop, and Epcot for dinner. The fireworks are a MUST. All you guys out there, would this be something you'd do for the girl you love? Girls, would this be somethign you'd like a guy to do for you? I want this to be something she'll remember for a lifetime!


New Member
I'm biting my tongue so hard that it's bleeding...


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New Member
jg, i don't know about italy, but the food at the mexico pavillion is decent. it's typical mexican-american fare, similar to chi-chi's, in that it's fairly bland.

in general, disney food is like that in order to appeal to the most people possible. so your meal at mexico won't be too hot, your meal at italy won't be too garlicly, etc.

speaking as a guy, i'd say you're a big sap.

speaking as a girl, i'd say you're wonderful!

all kidding aside, i think what you're doing is right on. this is something you will never forget...especially if she says no. ;)


New Member
Perhaps a concert followed by dinner.

""On the Leeds side-streets that you slip down, I wonder to myself/ Hopes may rise on the Grasmeres, but honeypie you're not safe here....."


Jason, it sounds wonderful. I am sure she will have an amazing time. Just being with you I'm sure will be most important to her. I hope you'll let us know how it works out!!

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