Numbers, Cars and Quality ...


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Original Poster
Don't know how many of you read Al Lutz's sorta/almost monthly column today here:

What's interesting from this Spirit's viewpoint isn't simply that the OLC wants a version of Cars Land that likely will replace much of Frontierland incuding the RoA, TSI and all the boat attractions or that it likely will improve on Anaheim's quality (the numbers I have heard for CAP EX for the two existing parks is staggering and likely 'splains this as I haven't seen anyone talk/post them) while WDW may wait until the end of the decade to get a 'value engineered' version ... think Studios conceit with painted flats replacing rockwork etc.

No, what's interesting beyond the fact that the OLC is looking to pump BILLIONS into EACH of its existing parks while planning a third (non-Disney IP) park is the fact that quality does will out to quote Old Dead Guy Walt.

The staggering success of DCA this year has surpassed the wildest expectations of TDA and Burbank and that success may well show in the numbers as DCA could be on pace to leapfrog TPFKaTD-MGMS, DAK and, possibly, even EPCOT and DLP to become the No. 3 park in the world attendance-wise after MK and DL.

That has got to be a HUGE wakeup call to the TDO execs who keep muddling along thinking that things like timeshare sales, dining plans, small additions and billion-dollar datamining/trip planning tools can compete with real world concrete and steel projects. And how do they expect this to continue when UNI and SW keep upping their games in solid measureable ways?

Al's always a good read, but this column is fascinating because of what it could mean down the road. Cause you must know by now that life is a highway, after all.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little surprised at the big NextGen push in Anaheim... for the very reasons mentioned in the article.


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Hmm... So would that park be based on more domestic IP like that of Studio Ghibli? Would WDI's Tokyo office be involved in that park?
Yes, on domestic IP.
WDI would have no part of this ... and that could very well lead to them not designing for TDR at all anymore.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm a little surprised at the big NextGen push in Anaheim... for the very reasons mentioned in the article.

It won't happen. That's just a very educated opinion. But NEXT GEN is going to be a disaster at WDW from everyone I speak to in OPs. So many things can and will go wrong and that's with a larger ... much larger tourist base. It will be impossible to impliment anything close to this in Anaheim. Again, opinion. Want to be clear, but I know of what I speak.


Well-Known Member
Yes, on domestic IP.
WDI would have no part of this ... and that could very well lead to them not designing for TDR at all anymore.
Any particular reason for that beyond the nasty politics and attitude? I could certainly see them hiring the imagineers they like to work with now for long term contracts and ditching WDI entirely. Is that what they're looking at?


Well-Known Member
Hmm so who would be doing the design of the third park?

There are lots of former imagineers out there who left Disney for a myriad of reasons. Some of them left due to the corporate ceiling, some politics and some because they felt they were stifled creatively. I bet there are now more former imagineers out in the world than currently at WDI. With the way that TWDC has been run over time, I wouldn't be surprised to see more join the "former" category.


Well-Known Member
There are lots of former imagineers out there who left Disney for a myriad of reasons. Some of them left due to the corporate ceiling, some politics and some because they felt they were stifled creatively. I bet there are now more former imagineers out in the world than currently at WDI. With the way that TWDC has been run over time, I wouldn't be surprised to see more join the "former" category.

Well, yeah I think we all know that but would OLC want them designing when they could get more bank for Yen going with another company.


Well-Known Member
The staggering success of DCA this year has surpassed the wildest expectations of TDA and Burbank and that success may well show in the numbers as DCA could be on pace to leapfrog TPFKaTD-MGMS, DAK and, possibly, even EPCOT and DLP to become the No. 3 park in the world attendance-wise after MK and DL.

Considering that the EuroDisney SCA annual reports talks about record attendance at their resort (and from my experience the parks there were very crowded on all my visits this year), I consider it rather unlikely that it will manage to pass DLP.


Well-Known Member
Don't know how many of you read Al Lutz's sorta/almost monthly column today here:

What's interesting from this Spirit's viewpoint isn't simply that the OLC wants a version of Cars Land that likely will replace much of Frontierland incuding the RoA, TSI and all the boat attractions or that it likely will improve on Anaheim's quality (the numbers I have heard for CAP EX for the two existing parks is staggering and likely 'splains this as I haven't seen anyone talk/post them) while WDW may wait until the end of the decade to get a 'value engineered' version ... think Studios conceit with painted flats replacing rockwork etc.

Me no likey.

As much as I wanted something original for DHS to hang its BAH on, I knew it was never going to happen. I hate the idea of cloning Cars Land only for the sake that DCA needs this to be exclusive IMO. However, since it was made aware that a version of Cars Land was near greenlight, I wished it was the full, no-cutbacks version that would come. Apparently with TDO there's no wishing or hoping left unless you put it in an annual campaign slogan. Painted flats? Really? Are they going to just prop them up from the back with a row of 2x4's also?


Well-Known Member
How else would you know that you're experiencing the Magic of a Real, Working studio?

If that's the case they should leave it half built & unopened to the public. That way there's always an exciting, on-going, in-production project going on here at Disney's Hollywood Studios! :)

Sidenote: Do they use ANY of the studios anymore other than costume design & such that you go through on the Backlot Tour? If not, bulldoze the lot of them & ditch the working studios theme for good.


Well-Known Member
I usually go to Disney World but decided to bring the family out to Disneyland over Thanksgiving. The new Carsland was amazing. Everyone in our group was amazed at the detail and just how real it looked. It was equal to Harry Potter World if not better. I kept thinking this will be a amazing addition to Hollywood Studios. We stayed in Hollywood and all the locals I talked too always asked me about Carsland and expressed that they had to go check it out. At least three locals said they haven't been to Disneyland in years but it's now on their to do list. It's that good. The reason its so good is the detail (same with Potter), I would be disappointed to see a scaled down version at WDW. I thought overall DCA was pretty fun and much better than the last time we visited. So I think it was money well spent by the suits. But they did set a high bar, I am thinking the new Fantasyland will not be able to match Carsland authenticity and mass appeal.

On a side note I thought the xmas overlay at Small World and the Haunted Mansion were great. It was nice to see something different rather than the same old ride which I have done a million times. Pirates was way better too. We went the Saturday before Thanksgiving and the crowds were moderate to heavy. But not horrible like I was expecting. I think it gets worse the closer to the holiday.

Anyway if you get the chance, make a trip out to Anaheim it's totally worth it.

Maybe that will send a message to the folks in Florida, If you build it (really good), they will come. :)


Well-Known Member
YES to this ^^^^!!!! Go cruise with Mickey! Go see Mickey's house in California! Anyone who asks I tell honestly that I'm no longer interested in the poorly managed WDW. There's too much quality out there to waste your time on the train wreck in Lake Buena Vista.

Very interesting about the DCA attendance numbers. I would LOVE to see them surpass Epcot. If that isn't clearly visible writing on the wall I don't know what is.

NextGen in Anaheim sounds like a square peg trying to be beat into a round hole, doesn't it? Wouldn't it be smarter for TDA to sit back and watch it roll in Florida, learn from what they see, take the bits that will benefit them, and leave the rest?

Not gonna lie, I thought the slashing of usual holiday offerings for the CMs in Anaheim was quite chintzy. I mean, really??? These CMs have been part-n-parcel to the biggest success the west coast has seen in many years, the resort overall is blowing even the loftiest of predictions away. You know the company is raking in the dough like never before but the cut the traditional "thank you" to the folks who actually execute on a daily basis??? I know if I worked there my drawers would be a'flamin'! Bad form TDA. Shame on you.

Very interesting read. Thanks, Spirit!

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