No outside food and drink in WDW parks?


Well-Known Member
First off, WOW. 2nd, it's not always about being able to afford but wanting to afford. I would personally rather put that money into an extra experience for my family, not bottles of water. Remember that when a company keeps giving less and charging more and brings in record profit, but keeps doing things to gouge its customers, people will have issues with it. I guess because I have a budget for vacation, and want to stretch it as far as I can, I am some undeserving peasant who shouldn't go. Oh well, shorter lines for you. :rolleyes:

Also, just because you are frugal doesn't mean you DON'T have money. Some of the millionaires I know are the cheapest people I've ever met, they'd just rather not spend money on something they can do themselves for less. Maybe that's what makes them millionaires.


Well-Known Member
I'm just gonna throw this out there: if you can't go to Disney without being able to afford all aspects of it from the start, you probably can't afford to go at all. Disney is a privilege, not some God-given right that you and your children are entitled to. If the lack of outside food and drink is what makes or breaks your vacation your have far bigger problems to worry about than your next Disney vacation.

There's a big difference of being able to afford something and not wanting to get gouged.


Well-Known Member
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but does Florida law stipulate that free water must be provided by certain designations of restaurants or food outlets. I'm not sure of the specifics but I'm pretty certain I read somewhere that anywhere that has sit down tables and serves food is legally obliged to provide free water.

You are correct.


Resident Curmudgeon
Also, just because you are frugal doesn't mean you DON'T have money. Some of the millionaires I know are the cheapest people I've ever met, they'd just rather not spend money on something they can do themselves for less. Maybe that's what makes them millionaires.

Same here that frugality is what MADE them a millionaire


Resident Curmudgeon
Originally Coke wanted Disney not to put any water fountains in Disneyland and only sell coke. LOL.

You might be right on the sodas. I don't think many people know you can get a free cup of water at the QS. End that as well. $1 for a water at QS. Disney doesn't owe people free water.

No make it the same price as the soft drink, Let's not leave ANY money on the table and at the same time remove the fountains, Can't give away what you want to sell.

Fe Maiden

Well-Known Member
Dude, it's 2016...with all kinds of edibles and vape pens I'm betting that goes largely unnoticed these days, especially at DL :joyfull:

Up until a few years ago it was fairly easy to sneak a few beers into the Linc and avoid paying for overpriced beer inside. Ahhh the good ol' days....

Ain't that the truth! Two cans of beer inside an Amoroso hoagie roll was commonplace. Best I ever saw was a guy push his "crippled" friend into the Vet with a quarter keg underneath the wheelchair hidden by a blanket he was using to cover his legs.


Well-Known Member
First off, WOW. 2nd, it's not always about being able to afford but wanting to afford. I would personally rather put that money into an extra experience for my family, not bottles of water. Remember that when a company keeps giving less and charging more and brings in record profit, but keeps doing things to gouge its customers, people will have issues with it. I guess because I have a budget for vacation, and want to stretch it as far as I can, I am some undeserving peasant who shouldn't go. Oh well, shorter lines for you. :rolleyes:
There are plenty of cheap meal options at QS. If you can't place them in budget then you really can't afford it


Premium Member
There are plenty of cheap meal options at QS. If you can't place them in budget then you really can't afford it

Like a $4 bowl of cereal?
How about a $1.70 for a single apple?
or $4 for a fruit cup..

Just because they are 'cheap' by Disney standards doesn't make them any more appealing to pay for. And after a few incidents of feeling gouged, customers are even LESS happy about paying what could even be 'reasonable' prices, so they are even more tolerable to burdens to do things NOT to pay the prices asked.

I said it earlier... happy customers are willing to forgive. Jaded customers will continue to look where to cut corners wherever possible and not feel bad about it.

Disney can play wack-a-mole with revenue leaks, but they're going to lose the war in the long run when everyone is a jaded customer and they lose their status as the 'must do' family event with future generations.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
I remember my mother saying that she remembered years and years ago when Disneyland started when they first banned outside food and drink. Walt was alive when this happened. I mention this in an attempt to be fair.

But my thinking that in 2016, with 2016 prices (and 2016 quality, service, etc...)

Is the homemade bologna sandwich really competition for the Cosmic Ray burger? If it isn't now, could it be in the future?

When $DIS raises prices, it isn't to get guests to 'redistribute' how they get money from them. It is to get more $$$ from them. They don't want guests to skimp on food costs to make up for higher admission & rooming costs. They want you to pay more there, too. Margins, precious margins.

But if homemade bologna sandwiches really are competition, eliminating that increases the leverage that $DIS has on all guests, and that potentially is a negative for all guests.

The swamps don't have Harbor Drive steps away from the main gates (which may explain why the food I've had at DL was always good and didn't feel super bloated price wise).

If $DIS food becomes the only game in town, what will this do to Prices? Quality? Lines? Amount of QS eateries they have open? How aggressive they are in turning away walk-ins at TS eateries that have empty tables?

In the end, will they take the condiment bars out? So you instead of you eating the Cosmic Ray burger because you can make that thing taste good after loading it up with sauteed onions, mushrooms, and bbq sauce packets, you eat a basically plain burger (with perhaps some wilted iceberg lettuce) because of TINA (There Is No Alternative).

Those who support this, be careful what you wish for....


Well-Known Member
I anecdotally think that water is not, or would not be the biggest seller at the parks.
I think people are more likely to buy soda.
I know I won't pay for water at the parks. I opt for the free cup at QS.
But when I happen to have a craving for a fountain or bottle of Coke I'll pay up.
The water you can get for free at a QS is exactly the same that comes from the fountains. The only difference is one comes in a cup.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
I remember my mother saying that she remembered years and years ago when Disneyland started when they first banned outside food and drink. Walt was alive when this happened. I mention this in an attempt to be fair.

But my thinking that in 2016, with 2016 prices (and 2016 quality, service, etc...)

Is the homemade bologna sandwich really competition for the Cosmic Ray burger? If it isn't now, could it be in the future?

When $DIS raises prices, it isn't to get guests to 'redistribute' how they get money from them. It is to get more $$$ from them. They don't want guests to skimp on food costs to make up for higher admission & rooming costs. They want you to pay more there, too. Margins, precious margins.

But if homemade bologna sandwiches really are competition, eliminating that increases the leverage that $DIS has on all guests, and that potentially is a negative for all guests.

The swamps don't have Harbor Drive steps away from the main gates (which may explain why the food I've had at DL was always good and didn't feel super bloated price wise).

If $DIS food becomes the only game in town, what will this do to Prices? Quality? Lines? Amount of QS eateries they have open? How aggressive they are in turning away walk-ins at TS eateries that have empty tables?

In the end, will they take the condiment bars out? So you instead of you eating the Cosmic Ray burger because you can make that thing taste good after loading it up with sauteed onions, mushrooms, and bbq sauce packets, you eat a basically plain burger (with perhaps some wilted iceberg lettuce) because of TINA (There Is No Alternative).

Those who support this, be careful what you wish for....
Which is why Disney hates people who live only about 5 minutes away. They don't need to buy anything but tickets.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
Now as far as 'health' reasons.

Again, to be fair: There are plenty of people who say they have allergies, and they really don't. I've read somewhere that as far as young adults go, for every one that has food allergies, there are four that claim to but really don't. And let's not forget how many have been 'diagnosed' through the TV by Dr. Oz....

The most important thing about food allergies is that they be consistent. If they say they will allow food for those who need it for health reasons, they need to always allow it. People who know that they can't bring food that they need will be able to make other arrangements. If it's random (based on the skills/mood/understanding of security), then it's like Russian roulette with guests health - they go in anyway, find that table service won't seat them since they didn't plan 6 months ago, and end up taking a chance that the low paid quick service workers know about 'cross-contact' (not exactly the same as 'cross-contamination') and have the facilities to prepare food in this manner.

A relative of mine carries an EpiPen wherever the person goes - which in this persons case just buys them time to make it to the ER if they eat something that has touched peanuts.

In the end, consistency is the key.


Well-Known Member
That's basically like saying drinking from your toliet is the same as drinking from the tap. Factual in some degree, but completely missing why people are making the differentiation in the first place.
No, both water sources are filtered. Absolutely no difference at Disney. People are sometimes overly picky about the simplest of things. I actually drink more water since I moved to Florida and the taste is perfectly fine.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
Which is why Disney hates people who live only about 5 minutes away. They don't need to buy anything but tickets.

And since they have such a large percentage of jobs in the region that they set the pay scale for the entire region, they know that they'll won't be able to afford anything...


Premium Member
No, both water sources are filtered. Absolutely no difference at Disney. People are sometimes overly picky about the simplest of things.

One goes from the water supply directly to a fixture.
Another goes from the water supply to a vending system that includes it's own piping, mixing, and dispensing systems that have their own standards for upkeep and is handled only by employees who operate under health code requirements.
Another goes from the water supply to a self-contained, cooling, storing, and nozzle system left in the public space.. that does not go through the same cleaning and purging type of upkeep as the other system.. is not regulated the same.. and regularly handled by people who just left the bathroom and people do everything from spit, to mouth, to wash their baby's bottom in it.

So yes, they can all come from the same water source - but again in your dismissive nature you seem obviously to how they differ in how people actually consume it.

Enjoy filling your cup from the toilet since you think they are all the same.

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