No Osborn Lights Today

The Mom

Premium Member
And I can't help but feel this is somehow Disney's doing in reaction to all the bad publicity and word-of-mouth they must be getting for not having the Lights on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day...

"Disney keeps Osborne lights burning bright",0,343732.story?coll=orl-business-headlines


Or perhaps just a slow news day? Even the NY Times was running "human interest" stories on their front page this weekend and yesterday. I suspect this story was in the Sentinal's "filler" file to be run when and if there was room to be filled.

I agree with the "WDW can't control the weather crowd." I had a puddle in my garage due to the extremely heavy rain and wind, and I had to waken my daughter and bring her into the main house early Christmas morning because we were under a tornado was almost every county in FL at some point yesterday. It was NOT typical FL Christmastime weather! The Christmas Day snow (1989) and arctic temperatures(1983) were well before the Osborne Lights, but they may not have been able to burn every night those years, either, had they been in place.

My outdoor lights went out (on one side only), as the heavy rain had accumulated near the plug junctions and tripped the GFI outlet. I couldn't get them to stay on until I unplugged everything and dried the cords, even though it had stopped raining when I finally went out.

And mousemerf, it appears you could use a little reminder to play nicely. :wave:


Le Meh
Premium Member
Well, along those lines, if Disney promotes the Lights and they cannot provide, then I don't think it absurd for Disney to provide park hopping to Epcot or MK or even AK (if it's known early enough) to enjoy their Holiday festivities if MGM's lights aren't working.

Anyone who already purchased park hopping - go hop - anyone who hasn;t, goto guest relations and lodge the complaint and ask for it. They advertised an event that was not offered.

But dont they also say schedules and attractions subject to change, etc....

I dont think it unreasonable to expect to not be able to see something because of a weather related closure. Just like when you fly. Its not the airlines fault that weather happens.


Active Member
But dont they also say schedules and attractions subject to change, etc....

I dont think it unreasonable to expect to not be able to see something because of a weather related closure. Just like when you fly. Its not the airlines fault that weather happens.

Agreed. Though It is REALLY EVIL to be stuck at an airport due to weather.


New Member
Sorry and maybe I am missing something but where does Disney advertise that any of their attractions or shows go on rain or shine????? Granted that parks never close because of this but certain attractions or other facilities may close. I know that in the 10 years I was with them that they never did!!! Also the same reason that rain checks are not given.


New Member
Then i'd personally request to talk to your manager because you obviously forgot that you're there for service recovery and that your (as in the park) service is lacking.. Disney advertised an event that IS capable of functioning in rain or shine - that however was not.

Guest Relations is required to give me exactly what I pay the Disney company for - and no amount of self entitlement on the part of the CMs lately is going to convince me otherwise. Disney advertises a show, but does not provide - they deserve the loss of revenue. It is not the responsbility of the guest to shoulder that loss. It is Disney's responsibility to provide that show, and if it is not possible - an alternative.

That is Guest Relations job (and as a matter of fact, all CM's trained "role in the show"). Do not try to tell me otherwise. Enough of this "guest hardship" acceptance crap.

In said situation you would be than entitled to tal to a manager, but chances are the decision has come from them. As was the case yesterday with Valerie Bunting declaring that no refunds or complimentary tickets would be given out for any guest inconvience due to the weather. Disney has never advertised that any attraction or show will always run because of rain or shine. As a company we cannot stand by that statement and therefore don't

As for being required to give you something, the company and it's cast members are required to give you good service within their means. i'm also pretty sure that what you paid over $60 for wasn't just to see some pretty christmas lights but to expeiance the park and visit some of the other attractions which were mostly all functioning. It is Disney's responsibility to provide the show, as long as it does not endanger the guests or the cast involved in it which is why attractions are closed, not as a fun game to lay with the guests. This company's key drivers are safety, courtesy, show and that order. People's safety was in concern so everything else didn't matter, especially the number three slot, show.

Believe that you are entitled to whatever you want and that the company is wrong for running a buisness and being concerned about it's guest. Still does't mean you'll get anything from it.


Account Suspended
In said situation you would be than entitled to tal to a manager, but chances are the decision has come from them. As was the case yesterday with Valerie Bunting declaring that no refunds or complimentary tickets would be given out for any guest inconvience due to the weather. Disney has never advertised that any attraction or show will always run because of rain or shine. As a company we cannot stand by that statement and therefore don't

As for being required to give you something, the company and it's cast members are required to give you good service within their means. i'm also pretty sure that what you paid over $60 for wasn't just to see some pretty christmas lights but to expeiance the park and visit some of the other attractions which were mostly all functioning. It is Disney's responsibility to provide the show, as long as it does not endanger the guests or the cast involved in it which is why attractions are closed, not as a fun game to lay with the guests. This company's key drivers are safety, courtesy, show and that order. People's safety was in concern so everything else didn't matter, especially the number three slot, show.

Believe that you are entitled to whatever you want and that the company is wrong for running a buisness and being concerned about it's guest. Still does't mean you'll get anything from it.

You skipped Courtesy.

As a courtesy to your Guests, you compensate them for not providing the service you advertised and they expected and for their trouble.

Lights can indeed be designed to withstand Florida rains and weather. A portion thereof not functioning due to high winds or something is one thing - but the truth of the matter is actually poor design. The MGM lights use interior lights. That was a grave mistake.

One which Disney deserves to pay for.

Incase you're wondering - I'm fully qualified to be an associate show lighting designer for Disney Imagineering (I checked out the resume requirements on their website on a whim). So I do know what I'm talking about.


Le Meh
Premium Member
You skipped Courtesy.

As a courtesy to your Guests, you compensate them for not providing the service you advertised and they expected and for their trouble.

Lights can indeed be designed to withstand Florida rains and weather. A portion thereof not functioning due to high winds or something is one thing - but the truth of the matter is actually poor design. The MGM lights use interior lights. That was a grave mistake.

One which Disney deserves to pay for.

Incase you're wondering - I'm fully qualified to be an associate show lighting designer for Disney Imagineering (I checked out the resume requirements on their website on a whim). So I do know what I'm talking about.

So everytime an attraction goes down, Disney should shell out comps for every park guest. Everytime a guest has to wait because something didnt go as planned, Disney should be responsible. If this were the case, I dont think there would be a Disney Park left in operation. I personally dont want that to happen, so if they have unplug the lights due to the weather, or if the monorail has to sit for five minutes because something unplanned happened, I will be ok with it....

Oh, and I am qualifed to be a stockholder of Disney, and if I were, I wouldnt want them comping for crap like I know what Im talking about...


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
"Disney Electrocutes Thousands to Avoid Bankruptcy by Comping Guests"

Now there's a headline for the Sentinel! The interview quotes the Director of Osborne Family's Spectacle of Dancing Lights saying the lights draw 800,000 Watts of power. So let's have all our guest wandering around in puddles while that much electricity is coursing through wires around them. Because if we don't, we'll lose $millions in comping guests with things they didn't pay for as a result of weather we can't control.

:brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
"Disney Electrocutes Thousands to Avoid Bankruptcy by Comping Guests"

Now there's a headline for the Sentinel! The interview quotes the Director of Osborne Family's Spectacle of Dancing Lights saying the lights draw 800,000 Watts of power. So let's have all our guest wandering around in puddles while that much electricity is coursing through wires around them. Because if we don't, we'll lose $millions in comping guests with things they didn't pay for as a result of weather we can't control.

:brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick:
Not to mention I don't think that there was a county in the state of Florida that did not have at least 1 tornado watch or warning form Christmas eve through late Christmas day.

Safety like security will always seem excessive until it is inadequate.


Then i'd personally request to talk to your manager because you obviously forgot that you're there for service recovery and that your (as in the park) service is lacking.. Disney advertised an event that IS capable of functioning in rain or shine - that however was not.

Guest Relations is required to give me exactly what I pay the Disney company for - and no amount of self entitlement on the part of the CMs lately is going to convince me otherwise. Disney advertises a show, but does not provide - they deserve the loss of revenue. It is not the responsbility of the guest to shoulder that loss. It is Disney's responsibility to provide that show, and if it is not possible - an alternative.

That is Guest Relations job (and as a matter of fact, all CM's trained "role in the show"). Do not try to tell me otherwise. Enough of this "guest hardship" acceptance crap.

Guests who were in the park got exactly what they paid the Disney company for. They got a day of entertainment at the studios, and of course all attractions are subject to closure, including seasonal ones. Although Disney advertised a show it's like all other shows and attractions, it's subject to closure. As someone else pointed out, should they comp park hoping every time an attraction is closed? There's always somthing closed in one of the parks, maybe they should just throw in park hopping for free. And although the light show was not possible, they did provide an alternative, the rest of the park.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Merf and Chernabog... you guys are awesome.

That being said, when Disney controls the weather, then they are to be held liable for the cancellation. However, Disney hasn't figured out how to do that... yet :lookaroun. So tough, you deal with it. Disney isn't going to compensate you for it. If you're that adamant about it, pay for the ticket with a credit card and dispute the charge.
Then i'd personally request to talk to your manager because you obviously forgot that you're there for service recovery and that your (as in the park) service is lacking.. Disney advertised an event that IS capable of functioning in rain or shine - that however was not.

Guest Relations is required to give me exactly what I pay the Disney company for - and no amount of self entitlement on the part of the CMs lately is going to convince me otherwise. Disney advertises a show, but does not provide - they deserve the loss of revenue. It is not the responsbility of the guest to shoulder that loss. It is Disney's responsibility to provide that show, and if it is not possible - an alternative.

That is Guest Relations job (and as a matter of fact, all CM's trained "role in the show"). Do not try to tell me otherwise. Enough of this "guest hardship" acceptance crap.
Get real why are people always complaining or trying to get something for free!


Le Meh
Premium Member
Get real why are people always complaining or trying to get something for free!

Because of the over emphesis on customer service in our society. Once people come to expect a certain level of service, or come to expect something as a normal part of everyday life, it quickly becomes an entitlement in their mind.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Courtesy and Politeness are not the same as being nice. Disney only requires 2 of those, guess which ones.

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
Merf, I love you. I love your posts. I love your updates. I worship the ground you walk on to take your many photographs that you share with us. You, to put it plainly, rock.

But, from where I sit, you are way way off the reservation on this one.

tink rules

New Member
Merf, I love you. I love your posts. I love your updates. I worship the ground you walk on to take your many photographs that you share with us. You, to put it plainly, rock.

But, from where I sit, you are way way off the reservation on this one.

Merf needs a hug and a little bit of chocolate.... :kiss: (sorry... couldn't find a hugging smiley on this one...) & maybe some pixie dust.... or a nap....


Active Member
I fail to see how canceling the Osbourne Lights due to inclement weather entitles anyone to compensation (be it monetary or something else). Yes, it is unfortunate that the lights were dark on Christmas Eve and Christmas day, however; I am sure Disney didn't cancel them simply to make people irate and upset.

I don't understand how anyone gets off thinking that they are special enough and feel entitled to compensation due to mother nature. God forbid somebody had a heart attack on a Disney ride and the ride subsequently closed to allow for the medics to do their job and investigation completed by Disney. Would you feel entitled to compensation, since the ride was not open for your enjoyment, and you paid good money to have access to all rides?

I suggest people with swollen egos to relax, you're on vacation or at Disney to have fun an escape from reality.

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