No "free dinning" rumor


Park History nut
Premium Member
Oh how I wish we COULD get some of the UK discounts here.

Yeah... But you have to put up with actually having to live here first...

There is a long term plan to move away from discounts as and when it's deemed suitable. Free dining, discounted rooms... Kind of back to how it used to be...


Well-Known Member someone who "pays" as they go, I've found the service level and food choice (and quality) drop dramatically since the institution of the DDP. On top of that, most menu prices have increased. Restaurant menus (especially in World Showcase) seem to have been dumbed down to the lowest common denominator to satisfy the masses. It's definately getting harder to find a truly memorable meal at the World now. They all used to be special.

I don't know about that, it's kind of an over exaggeration, imo. I've been going since the 80's and there aren't a whole lot of places in the parks that have ever had memorable meals. There's definitely some restaurants at The World with great meals, but it's about the same as its always been.

The prices have always been overpriced and have steadily been going up, way before DDP, just like everything else at Disney, consistently.


Active Member
My feelings on Free Dining aside, I've seen Free Dining PINs for dates in October come out. Don't know the validity dates for that specific PIN, but to me that's a sign that it's possible for general public. I wouldn't put money on that though, it's not like all PINs eventually come out as GP.

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
For a 8 day, 7 night stay, there is no way a $1200-$1400 discount for free dining for a family of 4 (ddp adults = 48 per day x 4 x 7) can possibly be offset by any room discount. A 40% dscount off a moderate (for the same duration) will be a max of $600 (using 40$ off $200 per night).

Free dining allows people to afford the trip more easily or actually afford the trip in general. So for those kids whose parents need it for their first trip and perhaps only trip...........I'll sacrifice a few extra choices for other people to experience WDW.

Just my opinion.


Think for yourselfer
Every year I hope free dining disappears. And every year it comes back.

At the very least, Disney should decrease the number of restaurants available under the free dining umbrella. Take Chefs de France off, take Le Cellier off, take Tutto Italia off, ect... Maybe then those kinds of restaurants could again offer a great experience.


Well-Known Member
Does it? I have never paid rack rate for a room at Disney ever. I haven't done the math to see if a room discount or free dining is better. A 40% room discount on moderate and deluxe resorts has to be a substantial savings as well. This may not be true with the lesser discounts on value rooms.

As a DVC member it's definitely not worth it to give up using points and the discount they bring to pay rack rate out of pocket. I can pay for dining and come out ahead.

I, in general, hate free dining and the DDP. Can't get a reservation, staff is simply trying to turn the table as quickly as possible and the food is the same everywhere.

Like I said, I understand why folks don't like the DDP. As a DVC member I can definitely understand why.

I am absolutely positive it is the best deal available at the times we go. We stay in moderate resorts. If someone stays in deluxe or DVC it may not make financial sense.

Here is the basic example; in September (off season) rack rate is about $200 a night. The biggest room only discount offered for Moderates is usually 25% off. I've seen deluxe and DVC at 30-35% off. Just for arguments sake lets assume that a 30% discount is available.

$200 a night at 70% of cost = $140 / night ($60 savings)
DDP per person = approximately $51 per adult per day + $15 per day per child (x2) = $132 / night

We like to eat one sit down meal per day. Could we eat cheaper then $50 per person per day - absolutely, but we could save about 15% Max over the DDP cost eating the way we do... A great deal no matter how you slice it.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Forgive me for not understanding, but why do people "not" like the Free dining plan offer?

I'll try to answer... I personally don't have an issue with free dining... But I think a lot of people don't care for it because it causes the restaurants to book quicker and then the people who don't, or can't use free dining get shut out of their favorite restaurants...


Well-Known Member
I'll try to answer... I personally don't have an issue with free dining... But I think a lot of people don't care for it because it causes the restaurants to book quicker and then the people who don't, or can't use free dining get shut out of their favorite restaurants...

Free dining absolutely causes restaurants to book up quicker. I admit it is rediculous to book dining reservations over 4 months out...

It isn't a problem for us because our trips are always planned out well over 6 months in advance.


Well-Known Member
I'll try to answer... I personally don't have an issue with free dining... But I think a lot of people don't care for it because it causes the restaurants to book quicker and then the people who don't, or can't use free dining get shut out of their favorite restaurants...

Nicely put. Honestly, I was waiting for someone to start freaking out and getting snarky about the whole thing. LOL Well done though. ;)


Well-Known Member
Free dining absolutely causes restaurants to book up quicker. I admit it is rediculous to book dining reservations over 4 months out...

It isn't a problem for us because our trips are always planned out well over 6 months in advance.

Same with us. As a matter of fact I'm working on next year's trip right now. ;)


Active Member
We just moved our trip from October 5th to arriving Oct 28th. Because of this we just saved 600 dollars. We love Disney and we are a family that only stays on property. We go a lot but we also deal with some financial difficulties at times. I find nothing wrong with free dining promotions. This is a very tough time for many people and Disney still raises prices. Maybe they should keep the promotions a smaller time frame (which it seems they are trying to) but no one should be against promotions. Discounted room rates for a couple months a year and free dining for another couple months another time of the year. It helps bring in guests and it really helps families (young or old) to be able to have a more affordable disney vacation. Saving that 600 dollars basically just made our flights paid for a lot easier.

I will say I enjoy the fact they changed the free dining to the level of resort youare staying at. Before you could stay at a value and get same free dining as a moderate or deluxe, I did have a little issue with that. But a tip for anyone, in case you didnt know. You can stay at Value and get the free plus dining. They will just add in the difference in price of quick serve to plus dining.


Well-Known Member
Every year I hope free dining disappears. And every year it comes back.

At the very least, Disney should decrease the number of restaurants available under the free dining umbrella. Take Chefs de France off, take Le Cellier off, take Tutto Italia off, ect... Maybe then those kinds of restaurants could again offer a great experience.

Although I am a fan of the DDP, I like this idea. This allows Disney to serve both types of guest. Not to mention probably make more money in the long run. For those who are on the dining plan but just have to eat at one of these resturants Disney will get the bonus of them having to pay cash for this dining experience. To me

For me the DDP weather it is offered free or not is a nice feature to our vacation. We get to enjoy meals at several different resturants otherwise we may not beable to afford. I also agree that Disney gets their money one way or the other. If you think about it, rarely is there a time where you dont get a discount one way or the other. So for Disney there is a bottom line number they need to get from every guest. Lets also not forget that to enjoy free DDP you must "stay on property" meaning that the chances of you spending money on other things such as merch goes up. You are now a captured audience.

The death of discounts? Not so sure about that no matter what the suits say. They are now offering discounts going into the summer which is "peak" season. They must be forcasting lower numbers to entice peop[le to book. If the summer is forcastred to be lower ( even with the opening of FLE) then surely fall will be lower. I would bet that there will be some sort of discount. I booked a trip through a family member for early June. Was told not only could we not get a discount on the DDP but couldnt get it at all with the CM discount on the room. BUT was told to call late May....things might change....wink wink. My thought. Free dining to be announced in May sometime. Yes they always tell you to call back, but this time there was a note in confidence in the CM I spoke to. Maybe I misread her.....maybe not:shrug:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
They're at fault for not making reservations early enough. And I'm pretty sure they would book up regardless. Really, this seems ludicrous to see people complaining about other people getting something for free. That's a pretty high level of being miserable.

regardless if they would book up or not... Booking 180 days out is stupid... I don't know what I want to eat tomorrow, never mind if I want to dine out... But I have to decide 180 days out if I want a steak from Le Cellier or pasta from Tutto... The old way of doing things (hey, since TDO is into bringing back things from the past, BRING BACK TO THE OLD WAY OF DOING DINING, INCLUDING THOSE FUN KIOSKS WHERE YOU TALK TO A CM THROUGH A SCREEN AND BOOK YOU DINING THE SAME DAY IN THE PARK!!!!) was perfectly fine... 180 days out too far out...

Free dining absolutely causes restaurants to book up quicker. I admit it is rediculous to book dining reservations over 4 months out...

It isn't a problem for us because our trips are always planned out well over 6 months in advance.

I plan my trips a year in advance, well, hotel stay anyway (especially being a DVC owner 11 months out for a resort is fine), and when i am close to 180 days out I have to figure out where to book, if I want an ADR... And i think it is dumb beyond belief... To the point I don't even want to book them anymore and just take my chances... i find 90% of the restaurants don't book up anyway, and the ones that do book fast I don't want to eat in anyway :)

Nicely put. Honestly, I was waiting for someone to start freaking out and getting snarky about the whole thing. LOL Well done though. ;)

I am guilty of snarky comments, some people just deserve a snarky answer, as do some questions... but this member had a legit question that didn't deserve a snarky answer unlike those who STILL refuse today is Test Track's last day of operation... Those people deserve to be given snarky responses...

The people that book their stuff out 6 months in advance should get preference over locals who just expect to be treated like royalty for being more passive about how they visit the park.

I don't think that is right at all... Again, it is only my opinion, but 180 days out is silly... If they went back to same day, or even 1 day out booking, the restaurants would still book up... But hey, this is the way they do things... And yea, if you snooze you loose... But the free dining only makes it worse... take free dining out, and the 180 day system would work a lot better... Now, with free dining, it is a mess... I wouldn't call it unfair, because everyone who is at the 180 day mark as the same opportunity to book the restaurants... But the free dining adds way too many people... More people than the system can handle...

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
Some of the glut in the system was allowing multiple bookings for the same day and times. Has that change helped ease the pressure on the booking system? Or can you book two dinners 30 minutes apart? A restaurant may be fully booked but did all reservations show? If they used CC deposits for more restaurants that would stop some of this foolishness.

I had no problem booking that far in advance. Had everything else booked way before my dining anyway. Got the free dining after upgrading resorts and still got $200 refund! Was win for me.


Well-Known Member
Booking 180 days out is stupid...

....But the free dining adds way too many people... More people than the system can handle...

Some people do not consider it stupid. We know exactly where we want to eat on our next trip.

And I agree, it does add way too many people. However, Disney is a business and as a business they do what makes them money, not what the people want. I know, that in and of itself is dumb since we basically pay for the lights to be kept on, but there you go. :shrug:


Well-Known Member

I think it was 1983. I had a band trip to WDW and when we went to EPCOT we used those cool computer Kiosks to talk to a CM and make a reservation. We had Italian I believe. It was the coolest experience ever!:cool:
As for the free dining plan, we book @ no other time. It saves our family at least $1,200.:) I guess when you plan a WDW trip, you need to plan at least 6 months to a year in advance!:eek: Not sure how I feel about that, but I have no problem doing it.:) This time we're staying @ the POLY and I calculate at least some savings. I believe as long as the economy is the way it is, WDW will continue to offer discounts. And yes- Disney will get its money any way you slice it!:goodnevil

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