I'm still not sold on photos of the final product. Is it impressive? Absolutely, especially the unprecedented amount of movement. Is it aesthetically pleasing? To me, no. This has been my complaint all along, but it's so cramped and cluttered and the removal of the construction and scaffolding equipment did not change that which I was hoping would. Everything is on top of everything else, it looks like there's very little walking space or room to breathe. No "vista" views, if you will.
Maybe, but you don't actually go fast on this. We'll have to wait and see whether this properly feels like a wild race or yet another instance where actual fast movement should have been utilized over simulated fast movement.
*First Harry Potter, (several mediocre to horrible attractions omitted), Hagrid's, and now this.
Galaxy's Bland isn't a cramped, cluttered corridor and it holds the best theme park attraction ever created, so we'll see how this stacks up.