Nineteen Eighty-Four Competition Arena


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What's nomination immunity?

It's been going on for most of the game. Outgoing Heads of Household must name one person who gets safety from the next HoH's initial nominations. It's a way to make the outgoing HoH a bit more involved.

Week Four Power of Veto competition

Nintendo Goes Universal Part Two

For this week's Power of Veto competition you must tie directly into the last project. Let's hypothetically say your pitch for a Nintendo/Universal movie ended up being a huge smash hit. Of course Universal is going to want to capitalize on that. You must design an attraction for any Universal Studios park (please pick a specific location) based around your pitch for a Nintendo movie from the Head of Household competition.

Because @Brer Panther and @Basketbuddy101 did not participate, they must pitch at the very latest the lead star and director, along with a brief plot summary, for their idea for a Nintendo based movie before pitching the attraction that it will spin off. @mickeyfan5534 is on vacation and won't be participating in this project. Everyone else is fair game. Good luck houseguests, this project is due Sunday August 16th at 10:00 PM Eastern.



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I love the Zipper! :p:D

It's one of the few thrill rides I have trouble going on, just because I HATE the Ferris wheel style loading and I'm always super paranoid that I'm going to get stuck upside down when it stops to load someone. It's an awesome ride once everyone's loaded and it gets going, but the loading process itself always makes me anxious.

I'll tell you though, one ride I will NEVER go on again is the swinging side of Mickey's Fun Wheel. I literally yelled at the cast member to let me off when I got back to ground level from my first rotation. That thing makes you feel like your car's gonna fall off the rails every single time it swings, and there's jack s**t to grab on to! I'll go on ANY roller coaster, but swinging Ferris wheel type contraptions get to me. Even regular Ferris wheels freak me out because of the slow load.

Someone needs to make a loading platform for a Ferris wheel that goes half way up the thing, so it would only have to stop twice to let everyone on. And this has been your tangent for the day!


Well-Known Member
It's one of the few thrill rides I have trouble going on, just because I HATE the Ferris wheel style loading and I'm always super paranoid that I'm going to get stuck upside down when it stops to load someone. It's an awesome ride once everyone's loaded and it gets going, but the loading process itself always makes me anxious.

I'll tell you though, one ride I will NEVER go on again is the swinging side of Mickey's Fun Wheel. I literally yelled at the cast member to let me off when I got back to ground level from my first rotation. That thing makes you feel like your car's gonna fall off the rails every single time it swings, and there's jack s**t to grab on to! I'll go on ANY roller coaster, but swinging Ferris wheel type contraptions get to me. Even regular Ferris wheels freak me out because of the slow load.

Someone needs to make a loading platform for a Ferris wheel that goes half way up the thing, so it would only have to stop twice to let everyone on. And this has been your tangent for the day!
But loading is the best part! You get to swing back and forth and here the rust falling!

May we replace an attraction?

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
I'm confused... Am I taking part in the veto competition? I'm mentioned in the summary, but below it there's a list of competitors who I assume are supposed to be the ones competing, and I wasn't part of that list...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm confused... Am I taking part in the veto competition? I'm mentioned in the summary, but below it there's a list of competitors who I assume are supposed to be the ones competing, and I wasn't part of that list...

Yes, you're a part of it assuming you complete the first part which is pitching the film. I tagged the people at the end of that post just for reference sake to let them know the challenge had been posted.


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Original Poster
I thought sitting the competition out meant you didn't have to do it... I am so confused.

I told you upfront that if you sat out the HoH you'd still have to provide details about your Nintendo film to be translated over to the attraction. It doesn't have to be a full separate project, just a quick cast, director, and plot.

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
I'll have to sit out too... I forgot all about it until today and I don't want to have to rush through it like I did on the Peanuts one.


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Week 4 POV--Nintendo Goes Universal Part II
The Legend of Zelda
As demonstrated before in my Nintendo Goes Universal Part I project, my film was the first in an all-new series of adaptations of The Legend of Zelda games. So, since this POV competition this week involves a ride based on our movie, I've decided to give you a dark ride, also called The Legend of Zelda.

For those unaware, dark rides like Pirates of the Caribbean guide attendees through a series of scenes that tell a loose story. Through lighting, sound, and animatronics, dark rides are designed to show riders exactly what they need for a dramatic experience. Unlike rollercoasters, dark rides are less focused on speed and thrills, and more on senses of discovery and wonder. Discovery and wonder are exactly what The Legend of Zelda are built upon! A dark ride that guides riders through the plot of a Zelda game, presenting major events and epic vistas as it moves along, would work amazingly. Perhaps the ride could even lead riders through a dungeon or two; the ride could hold some bursts fast-paced excitement for a fight or boss segment. So, let's not waste another segment.


The land area formerly held by Woody Woodpecker's KidZone would be the appropriate place for a land like this. I'm sure Men in Black and Fear Factor would go the way of the dinosaur to possibly expand Nintendo or expand Springfield. The facade is themed around the Hyrule Castle.

The queue takes guests through many dark corridors, lit by torches. Along the wall, stained-glass windows set up the story you are about to witness. Below each window, you'll see a passage from the opening monologue of the game.

A long, long time ago the World was in an age of Chaos.

"In the midst of this chaos, in a little kingdom in the land of Hyrule, a legend was being handed down from generation to generation, the legend of the 'Triforce'; golden triangles possessing mystical powers. One day, an evil army attacked this peaceful little kingdom and stole the Triforce of Power. This army was led by Ganon, the powerful Prince of Darkness who sought to plunge the World into fear and darkness under his rule. Fearing his wicked rule, Zelda, the princess of this kingdom, split up the Triforce of Wisdom into eight fragments and hid them throughout the realm to save the last remaining Triforce from the clutches of the evil Ganon. At the same time, she commanded her most trustworthy nursemaid, Impa, to secretly escape into the land and go find a man with enough courage to destroy the evil Ganon. Upon hearing this, Ganon grew angry, imprisoned the princess, and sent out a party in search of Impa."

"Braving forests and mountains, Impa fled for her life from her pursuers. As she reached the very limit of her energy she found herself surrounded by Ganon's evil henchmen. Cornered! What could she do? ... But wait! All was not lost. A young lad appeared. He skillfully drove off Ganon's henchmen, and saved Impa from a fate worse than death."

"His name was Link. During his travels he had come across Impa and Ganon's henchmen. Impa told Link the whole story of the princess Zelda and the evil Ganon. Burning with a sense of justice, Link resolved to save Zelda, but Ganon was a powerful opponent. He held the Triforce of Power. And so, in order to fight off Ganon, Link had to bring the scattered eight fragments of the Triforce of Wisdom together to rebuild the mystical triangle. If he couldn't do this, there would be no chance Link could fight his way into Death Mountain where Ganon lived."

At this point, guests enter the loading area through a giant door. Above the door is this mysterious incantation.

"Can Link really destroy Ganon and save Princess Zelda? Only your skill can answer that question. Good luck. Use the Triforce wisely."

Loading Area
We are still in the castle corridors. Our ride vehicles--seemingly carved out of wood, some still with moss on it--head towards the mysterious darkness. A voice sounds throughout the loading area: "Welcome to Hyrule, travelers. You are about to embark with Link on a mission to save our princess and defeat the evil Ganon. But for you to return safely, we ask that you remain seated in your vehicle and keep your hands, arms, feet and legs inside it at all times. Oh, and be sure to watch your children. Thank you and good luck."

Once all are aboard the wood vehicle, we enter the darkness.


After traveling in the darkness, we find ourselves in the Overworld.
The Overworld is thick and forested. As we enter the Overworld, we hear Link: "Hurry, we must save Princess Zelda!" After traveling through the forests for a while, we enter a cave. In this cave, we see Tektites (giant spiders) roaming about on ledges.
Octorocks also appear on ledges, shooting us with "rocks". In reality, projections are used and special sound effects are used to imitate our vehicle getting hit.
Suddenly, blocking our way are two Moblins: "Halt!' they bellow. "Who goes there? Trespassers!" With that, they "swat" us away with their spears. Our vehicle spins a bit as if it is hurled away by the swat.
Link appears at the edge of the cave. He notices the "damage" our vehicle took. "Come on--I know a place where you can be healed." We exit the cave and find ourselves nearby the Fairy Pond. A fairy waves her wand at us and our car is "healed".
We then traverse through the forest some more. Various characters appear to wish us luck. But then, the joy is broken by an unfamiliar sight--a dungeon.
As we go through the dungeon, we are met with several booby traps and enemies. But, we are able to meet them all. But then, we enter an extremely dark room, where we come face to face with...Ganon!
We are then placed on a small turn-table, similar to the original Journey Into Imagination, where we actually witness Link battle Ganon. As we leave and head back on the track, we see a projection of Link defeating Ganon.

What then follows is a scene at Hyrule Castle. It is a day of great jubilation. Link and Zelda proudly stand side-by-side, as Zelda thanks us for saving her.
With that, we turn and head back into the loading area and disembark our vehicle.
Ride Statistics
Name: The Legend of Zelda
Location: Nintendo Land, Universal Studios Florida
Vehicle: Wooden vehicle
Riders per vehicle: 5 to 6
Ride length: 5 minutes

Well, there we have it! Forgive me if it's not one of my best works...

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