Nightmare Before Christmas Attraction?


Active Member
It would be easy to argue the exact opposite...that HMH adds to what's already at the Haunted Mansion. While on the other hand, during nights when they only show Holiday Wishes (or only Summer Nighttastic Fireworks, or MSEP, etc), it's a subtraction, because Wishes and SpectroMagic are kicked out. Or the typical Main Street music is kicked out for Christmas songs, etc. That's not how I feel, I'd like to see more seasonal overlays.

People who've seen HMH really like it and think it's cool. The logic that a seasonal plus could ruin someone's once-in-a-lifetime trip makes no sense (and if someone's trip is truly once-in-a-lifetime, it doesn't matter if HM is 'ruined' to them, although I doubt it would ruin someone's trip, considering that it's mainly fan boys who obsess about having 'the exact original' or 'what Walt would have wanted' and so on).

Good point, but those are shows and Haunted Mansion is a classic E-ticket that just happens to be one of WDW's arguably most popular attractions. It would suck to lose it for 1/4 the year. And aren't parades and fireworks supposed to change *cough*Disneyland*cough*?

And people who see it do seem to like it, true, but not everyone.

And it makes COMPLETE SENSE how it would 'ruin' one's 'once in a lifetime trip', but it just doesn't apply to most people- especially anyone here on the boards. Just because you think it's silly doesn't mean it doesn't affect people.

And people, like I, am limited in choosing when I can vacation. I would hate to miss out on an E-ticket if it landed between dates that I must schedule my trip.


Well-Known Member
I for one am not a big Nightmare Before Christmas fan, but I've got to say that the concept of the overlay looks and sounds really cool. I've always wanted to check it out, and you know what? I say too bad to those people who would come to Orlando during the month-or-two that the Mansion would be overlayed in NBC. Us Florida locals really get the shaft in comparison to all of the goodies handed out to Disneyland and TDL...Yeah, we have four parks, but we all know how those four parks are not ALL full day parks. So many more attractions packed into the other parks around...the world. (except for Disney Studios Paris!)
NO NBC overlay, no Ghost Galaxy overlay, heck, a crappy 1/2 done SM much more could be done and should be done here. They're spending a billion dollars to fix California Adventure...why not spend that much over all four parks down here? 250 million to each park would be a substancial amount and could vastly improve some of the issues in Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom for sure...not to mention plus the Magic Kingdom and EPCOT. The Florida Disney parks are the big world renowned moneymakers...TDO needs to get off their butts and start SPENDING money to keep people coming back for years to come. If they aren't willing to do that, then someone needs to find a way to oust these guys of their positions.
I made my first trip to Disneyland back in 2007...and was blown away by how much better the park was than the Magic kingdom. I went back last year with some of my friends, and they too were completely amazed. I'm going back there this fall...just so I can experience their awesome Holiday overlays.

So I say, NBC...bring it on!
Good point, but those are shows and Haunted Mansion is a classic E-ticket that just happens to be one of WDW's arguably most popular attractions. It would suck to lose it for 1/4 the year. And aren't parades and fireworks supposed to change *cough*Disneyland*cough*?

And people who see it do seem to like it, true, but not everyone.

And it makes COMPLETE SENSE how it would 'ruin' one's 'once in a lifetime trip', but it just doesn't apply to most people- especially anyone here on the boards. Just because you think it's silly doesn't mean it doesn't affect people.

And people, like I, am limited in choosing when I can vacation. I would hate to miss out on an E-ticket if it landed between dates that I must schedule my trip.

I am 100% with you on this one. SpectroMagic being temporarily replaced by Disney's Main Street Electrical Parade is different than a ride being over-layed with something. Temporarily replacing a light parade with a light parade is different than temporarily replacing a ride with a lay-over of a movie.

I'm really sorry that some of you feel that Florida locals get the bum end of the stick sometimes but TDO knows there are way more out of area tourists that come to WDW. This is why we don't get some of that. Its because they know they need to do things in DL to keep the locals coming. WDW however feels they just need to referb the rides and not do these seasonal attraction offerings like DL.
I for one am not a big Nightmare Before Christmas fan, but I've got to say that the concept of the overlay looks and sounds really cool. I've always wanted to check it out, and you know what? I say too bad to those people who would come to Orlando during the month-or-two that the Mansion would be overlayed in NBC. Us Florida locals really get the shaft in comparison to all of the goodies handed out to Disneyland and TDL...Yeah, we have four parks, but we all know how those four parks are not ALL full day parks. So many more attractions packed into the other parks around...the world. (except for Disney Studios Paris!)
NO NBC overlay, no Ghost Galaxy overlay, heck, a crappy 1/2 done SM much more could be done and should be done here. They're spending a billion dollars to fix California Adventure...why not spend that much over all four parks down here? 250 million to each park would be a substancial amount and could vastly improve some of the issues in Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom for sure...not to mention plus the Magic Kingdom and EPCOT. The Florida Disney parks are the big world renowned moneymakers...TDO needs to get off their butts and start SPENDING money to keep people coming back for years to come. If they aren't willing to do that, then someone needs to find a way to oust these guys of their positions.
I made my first trip to Disneyland back in 2007...and was blown away by how much better the park was than the Magic kingdom. I went back last year with some of my friends, and they too were completely amazed. I'm going back there this fall...just so I can experience their awesome Holiday overlays.

So I say, NBC...bring it on!

I agree with that. They really should spread a little TLC on DHS and DAK


Well-Known Member
You lose Haunted Mansion for 1/4 of the year. It's a subtraction.

And the ride looks like a C/D of an NBC ride. There's no way it surpasses the original Haunted Mansion... No way.

With all due respect, and I mean this in a sincerely friendly way, you haven't even been on this ride yet. :animwink:

Right here in this thread we have had multiple people say how surprised they were with HMH and how much they enjoyed it. And that's the general theme of nearly every single person that has actually been on it in real life. I'm sure there are a few people (who are likely very passionate about what is simply a ride at an amusement park) who don't like Haunted Mansion Holiday even after they've ridden it. But they are a tiny minority of people.

Heck, I haven't even seen the NBC movie and still have no desire to, but I just get a real kick out of Haunted Mansion Holiday. It's such a great experience, even if you aren't familiar with all the Characters.

Of course, there is that mythical man from Turkey we just learned about here who has dreamed of visiting WDW all his life to ride the circa 1971 Haunted Mansion who may be furious to learn it has a Halloween/Christmas theme at Halloween/Christmas time. But then I have to wonder, if this guy from Turkey knows so much about the original Haunted Mansion, will he be really upset when his Turkish Airways flight (Non-stop service from Istanbul with complimentary Okuzgozu just after take-off) lands at MCO and he rushes to the Magic Kingdom only to learn they totally redid the opening scene to include the digital projection stairs and a completely new audio track in the Expanding Room? Will our new friend the Turk be crushed that WDW changed the ride on him? :)

I remember the uproar on this board a few years ago when TDO decided to stop swapping out the regular show for the Christmas show at the Country Bear Jamboree. That was a popular opening-day E Ticket from Magic Kingdom's golden age, but apparently it was okay to change that up with a holiday overlay every year for six weeks. But Haunted Mansion and Small World are off-limits for a similar treatment for fear it will ruin the vacations of theme park purists from afar? :confused:

I just have never understood that excuse for allowing further stagnation in the Magic Kingdom, and I guess I never will. At least we all have Disneyland USA!


Well-Known Member
Us Florida locals really get the shaft in comparison to all of the goodies handed out to Disneyland and TDL...
NO NBC overlay, no Ghost Galaxy overlay, heck, a crappy 1/2 done SM much more could be done and should be done here. They're spending a billion dollars to fix California Adventure...

Tiny correction there...

According to reliable media sources like the Orange County Register and the Los Angeles Times, Disney is spending 1.2 Billion dollars on the DCA makeover through 2012. :D


Well-Known Member
This is perfect for the young adult crowd or even teenagers- especially even for those who tihnk WDW is for little girls and is just pixie dust.
exactly. You want teenagers and 20 somethings in the park? Give them a nightmare ride. I adore the movie, and now, with HP pulling in adolescents, it makes sense Disney starts appealing to them. (even though my family would think it was the best thing in the world, at ages 7, 9, 38, and 41!)
they did a recent meet and greet, and the lines were up to 3 hours long. Long overdue.
I agree, no overlays. Leave these like they are, give nightmare it's own ride and shop!


Well-Known Member
HM is a classic attraction. If you want to do seasonal stuff there, then I think you have lots of things you can do without changing the spirit of the Haunted Mansion. I would be for something like that but not for NBC at the HM. I watched NBC. I kind of liked it and kind of didn't. We own the movie, but there's not really anything in that movie that has anything to do with the HM imo. Just because they are both supposed to be creepy, doesn't mean they are the same. I'm sure they do a good job of making it work at DL, but If they want to do something for NBC at WDW, I think they should do something somewhere else. I understand at DL they are a little cramped for space, but I keep coming back to this point and I think it's very valid: if they want to do this at WDW, what's stopping them from building a new building or attraction on that entire county they own?

BTW, can someone please explain why the heck DL changes it to another theme during the time that that type of attraction would be at its best? I've never understood that. The HM is its creepiest time of the year at Halloween. I mean, if I was there for Halloween, I'd much rather have the HM as opposed to NBC. To me, they should wait for that until Nov 1 at least ...

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
BTW, can someone please explain why the heck DL changes it to another theme during the time that that type of attraction would be at its best? I've never understood that. The HM is its creepiest time of the year at Halloween. I mean, if I was there for Halloween, I'd much rather have the HM as opposed to NBC. To me, they should wait for that until Nov 1 at least ...

Nightmare is a Halloween/Christmas movie. That's why Mansion gets changed during this time. Mansion isn't even scary to begin with.

It's not just Mansion that gets the Nightmare treatment at Disneyland. Jack and Sally pop up during Halloween. One of the stores in New Orleans Square basically gets its own Nightmare Before Christmas shop. All the shops on Main Street are filled with Nightmare merchandise. Jack is the host during the Screams firework show, and Zero flies around the castle. The Nightmare Before Christmas has been a tradition for Halloween and Christmas at Disneyland for years now.


Well-Known Member
As much as I like Nightmare Before Christmas. Keep it away from the HM at WDW. Please. For the love of Master Gracey!

Didn't they have meet and greet with Jack and Sally in DTD at WDW this year?


Well-Known Member
As much as I like Nightmare Before Christmas. Keep it away from the HM at WDW. Please. For the love of Master Gracey!

Didn't they have meet and greet with Jack and Sally in DTD at WDW this year?
yes, and the lines were about 2 to 3 hours long. Which is why I think wdw is in need of a nightmare attraction!


Well-Known Member
Disney is so good with keeping their attractions a little different in every park. This def. goes for the HM. NBC overlay needs to stay in Cali.


Im fine with the HMH staying in DL as long as WDW gets some love itself. DL gets basically everything and i think WDW is really worse right now. Take the FLE for example. What WDW gets out of it is new scenery, a new restaraunt or two, and really 1 ride since we have to wait for the Mine Train. DL has so many attractions that are either cooler, different or themed at holiday times. It seems ever new attraction at Disney has already been pre-tested or is co-released with another park. Im an AP at WDW and have only been to DL 3 times, but DL is kicking butt right now.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
While I love HMH, it is a little peculiar that the Mansion isn't the Mansion for Halloween. At WDW, I've always thought a NBC ride should go into DHS with a really big postshow area about how stop-motion animation is done. I've thought that might be a way to update the DHS concept of a working studio... ride through an in-universe dark ride and then have an Epcot-style postshow where you learn the tricks of the trade that relate to that movie. To bring up another fanboy wish, if they ever moved Alien Encounter to DHS, it could have a post show about the power of sound, since sound is so important in that attraction.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
yes, and the lines were about 2 to 3 hours long. Which is why I think wdw is in need of a nightmare attraction!

Unfortunately, two years later, I'm not sure it's going to come about. But thanks for the drive down memory lane....

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