Next Year Will Be Different For Us


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During our trip this Sept., our in-laws went w/ us.
We booked things (meals, etc.) that we liked & we believed that they would like also.
We discussed everything w/ them prior to booking & they agreed that everything was fine.
Well, when we arrived at WDW, the situation changed...:eek:
There were complaints about almost every place that was chosen to eat except CRT & 1900 Park Fare.
I was so disappointed.:(
I guess I took their complaints personally & I shouldn't have.
It's just that I worked so hard to make sure that they would have a good time.
They were unable to attend Mickey's Backyard BBQ on that Thurs. evening due to a conflict in their schedule.:(
We were able to rebook it for them for that Sat. evening & we replaced their Fri. meal w/ The Hoop Dee Doo Revue (which they loved).:D
Next year, we are going to let them choose all of their meals.
It may be easier for them now that they know how everything works & what types of meals are offered.
Like I said, this trip was certainly a learning experience.:eek:
We plan to do things more w/ our family on our next trip even though our in-laws are planning to return at the same time.

Thanks for listening!:)


Had they been before? We are taking my in-laws who have never been this December and I am doing all the planning also. They wont know what to do otherwise, but in your case it sounds like they had been before? Im sorry you experienced this, I know how disppointing that can be :(


New Member
During our trip this Sept., our in-laws went w/ us.
We booked things (meals, etc.) that we liked & we believed that they would like also.
We discussed everything w/ them prior to booking & they agreed that everything was fine.
Well, when we arrived at WDW, the situation changed...:eek:
There were complaints about almost every place that was chosen to eat except CRT & 1900 Park Fare.
I was so disappointed.:(
I guess I took their complaints personally & I shouldn't have.
It's just that I worked so hard to make sure that they would have a good time.
They were unable to attend Mickey's Backyard BBQ on that Thurs. evening due to a conflict in their schedule.:(
We were able to rebook it for them for that Sat. evening & we replaced their Fri. meal w/ The Hoop Dee Doo Revue (which they loved).:D
Next year, we are going to let them choose all of their meals.
It may be easier for them now that they know how everything works & what types of meals are offered.
Like I said, this trip was certainly a learning experience.:eek:
We plan to do things more w/ our family on our next trip even though our in-laws are planning to return at the same time.

Thanks for listening!:)

I hear ya, everytime I have been to WDW its been with the in-laws and man it was difficult to keep them happy, granted it wasnt the worst time, but just a lot of complaining on the things we thought they would like versus what they actually wanted to do...
My sympathies...:)
But ya this year will be a different experience for me and my kids as I am taking my mom for the first time and its going to be a whole new world!!
Good Luck on your next trip


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yes, they had been before, but it was a LONG time ago!
Things have really changed since then & I wanted them to experience a variety of what WDW has to offer.
I guess I was disappointed mainly because I had the best of intentions in mind.
We even booked things that we had done before so that they could experience them.
Our trip was still great!
I think we had more fun when we were doing our own things.
This way, we could meet them for some things that we wanted to do together.
Actually, the final 3 days of the trip were the best because we did more things as a family.


New Member
I guess I took their complaints personally & I shouldn't have.

You are exactly right on that but I know it's hard not to take it personally. Only your inlaws can decide if they want to enjoy themselves. Time at WDW is too precious to let others have enough power to suck the joy out of your trip. Give them the option of making some choices next time and leave it at that.:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I guess I took their complaints personally & I shouldn't have.

You are exactly right on that but I know it's hard not to take it personally. Only your inlaws can decide if they want to enjoy themselves. Time at WDW is too precious to let others have enough power to suck the joy out of your trip. Give them the option of making some choices next time and leave it at that.:)
That's great advice - thank you! :D


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Can you leave them home next year??? :rolleyes: :D
Believe me, last wk. I was wondering! :lol:
They are really nice people...I guess it's kind of like the old saying, "You never really know how someone is until you live with them."
But, in this situation it was, "You never really know how someone is until you go on vacation with them." :D


Well-Known Member
Believe me, last wk. I was wondering! :lol:
They are really nice people...I guess it's kind of like the old saying, "You never really know how someone is until you live with them."
But, in this situation it was, "You never really know how someone is until you go on vacation with them." :D


You are a better woman than I. We're going to WDW at Christmastime to ESCAPE my in-laws!!!


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Original Poster

You are a better woman than I. We're going to WDW at Christmastime to ESCAPE my in-laws!!!
We are kind-of hoping that one of my DH's sisters will take her family on the next trip & they can all hang out together & drive eachother crazy & let us do our own thing! :D


Well-Known Member
We "gave" my inlaws a trip to WDW with us for our February trip 2 Christmases ago. I bought them a copy of Birmbaums, some long-sleeve t-shirts to match ours, and printed up a real nice letter letting them know what all was included in their "gift". Basically the trip included their room paid for (at POP adjoining us) & parkhopper passes. They had to pay their airfare, food, and souveniers. Both cried when they opened their gift.

As soon as they got their Birmbaums I told them to look it over and pick places they want to eat, things to see, or things to do. As soon as they started finding things I started moving things around so that we were doing things with them that they would enjoy. Of course, they did some of our family fav's too and enjoyed it. The trip was a huge success. Everyone had a blast and it was memories to last a lifetime. My in-laws are very easy-going people, lots of fun and adventurous. I never doubted a bit that they would be a ton of fun to go with.


Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Here's something to help them, Get them the Unofficial guide to Touring WDW, you can pick it up at Barnes and noble, or It gives true opinions of the resturants, and what they serve, how much for which meals, and peoples approval ratings. Hope this helps. :animwink:
PS; It is a big book but you can tell them to read just what they want to find out about.


New Member

You are a better woman than I. We're going to WDW at Christmastime to ESCAPE my in-laws!!!

That's exactly what I was thinking! :ROFLOL:
There's no pleasing some people. My boyfriends family is the same way...
"You're paying WHAT for a Disney trip? Shouldn't you get new floors instead?" :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Although your intentions were the best, maybe your in-laws felt their trip was overscheduled. This time, why not just tell them what you're planning to do as a family each day, and give them the option of joining you, or heading out on their own. If reservations need to be made in advance, give them a deadline for deciding, and stick to it!

In any case, have a great trip! :wave:


Active Member
I went with my In-Laws and had a great time. I went with some good friends and ended up parting ways after 1 day. They didn't like the way I wanted to see the parks even though we agreed in advance.
I know how you feel. We took some friends in December and they had a great time and all but I was just concerned that they wouldn't want to do everything we wanted. I think the only thing my friend didn't really like was eating at WCC and a couple of us got the skillet and she then realized we were all sharing. But we got through it and she can't wait to go back. At least the same for your inlaws they are planning to go back. Sounds like you did a great job. :king:


New Member
Believe me, last wk. I was wondering! :lol:
They are really nice people...I guess it's kind of like the old saying, "You never really know how someone is until you live with them."
But, in this situation it was, "You never really know how someone is until you go on vacation with them." :D

I agree with Goofy, Your time at the World is precious and to expensive to allow someone, EVEN In-laws, to spoil it. Ben Franklin said it best " Fish and company (family), both stink after 3 days!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Although your intentions were the best, maybe your in-laws felt their trip was overscheduled. This time, why not just tell them what you're planning to do as a family each day, and give them the option of joining you, or heading out on their own. If reservations need to be made in advance, give them a deadline for deciding, and stick to it!

In any case, have a great trip! :wave:
I agree. Maybe you need to plan to be a little more flexible with them. Make your reservations, but remember that not everyone likes the same things as you do.


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Original Poster
I am staying positive about it.
I have already told them that they need to pick out what they like for next year.
They have the WDW dining list & I will remind them to be sure to book 180 days in advance.
For this last year, we did all of the booking, etc. for them.
I don't think they realize how much work goes into planning such a big, expensive trip.
Maybe they will understand more when they do the planning.

My kids had a great time...on the last day, they kept saying, "We don't want to go home! We want to stay at WDW!"
That made me feel so much better.
The smiles on their little faces when they met their favorite characters or rode their favorite rides will be etched in my mind as some of my fondest WDW memories. :)
I was going to post something about my upcoming trip with in-laws, but since DH also views this site, I have thought better of it.:lookaroun

Let's just say it will be very interesting in 9 days.:D

Loving people and vacationing with them are two different things.

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