Well, we successfully completed our trial of FP+ yesterday. Fairly underwhelming, obviously.
We used it at Buzz at 9:10am. They ran our cards through the swipe on the tablet, it popped up with our name, celebration (Anniversary) and said OK in a big green screen. The end.
Pan was next at 10-something. Apparently Pan had been down for some time, because the FP queue was out onto the sidewalk, while there was literally nobody in Standby. They used the little "orb on a pole" gizmo to scan our cards, but still had a CM with a tablet to give us an un-magical "Happy Anniversary Tom". The wait was about 15 minutes because everyone who had been denied access all morning was in the FP line.
At 12:30 was Jungle Cruise. Held it to the orb, it flashed green, and we were ushered in. I don't think they even had the tablet going at this one....can't remember.
Our last one was to be at Splash at 2:30, but we were hot and tired, so we left the park and skipped that one.
As you all know, with this trial, you don't get to pick your times. You just get to approve a randomly generated list of times, or ask for another set to be generated. And it's only being tested in the MK right now. If the final system simply generates a random set of FP times, it's a completely useless system, but it won't be, so that's a moot point.
The only way I see this as being beneficial to someone like me is to let me log on sometime before my trip, pick from a list of rides and then a list of times.....just like online ADRs. Then, the system just needs to take 1 regular FP out of circulation for that time, so that the total number of FP's floating around are the same as they are now.
If there's one perk....it's just that you can have 4 (or however many they decide) FPs at one time. If there's a second perk, it's that you can get them added to your KttW card (or pick up a FP+ card when you arrive) in advance, saving you the treks across the park.
I guess we'll see where they go with this. Right now, pretty underwhelming. I'm anxious to see if us lab rats will get an email survey.