Next Gen Busses


Well-Known Member
Well, some people could care less about design. But for those who do, it's not just about bus wraps. It's yet another example in a growing list of the "tackification"--both visually and conceptually--of Disney under the current leadership. One used to go to Disney and notice how nice most things (with some notable exceptions) looked: tasteful, authentic, high-quality, thoughtfully considered, impeccably designed, and painstakingly detailed--far above what you would see at any other theme park. Now more and more things look tacky, garish, cartooney, cheap, clumsy, and out of place.
To you, maybe not to others. Love of Disney does not gift you with pushing your opinions as facts. why does a bus need to be "tasteful, authentic, high-quality, thoughtfully considered, impeccably designed, and painstakingly detailed" ?

Whatevs, seeth at the buses all you like


Well-Known Member
Design is always going to be subjective. I don’t think my opinion is fact. I mean it is DISNEY world... the icon is a princess castle.

But early on Disney had a ballance.... Disney castle parks used to welcome you with Main Street USA.... the newest castle park welcomes you with.... Mickey Street. That’s the trend we are seeing with the character designs.


Where the hell are we — Paris?
Premium Member
Sure, I ate glue in Kindergarten. If there's a demand, why not? They're selling cookie dough now. Bleh.


Well-Known Member
I don’t mind them. I personally hate the WDW bus situation. It’s the least pleasant part of my vacation. The characters make my kids happy. When waiting for who-knows-how-long-cuz-the-time-keeps-changing, happier kids makes my vacation better.

I’m not for overuse of IP either. But the buses already sucked.
The new dispatch software is just starting to get introduced. This has been in the planning stages for well over a year. We are currently using it in Fort Wilderness, next will be Disney Springs. This same software is being used in many municipalities and is performing very well. It will be about a year before All hubs are up to speed, be patient relief is on the way.


Well-Known Member
To you, maybe not to others.
Yes, to me and several others in this forum who have criticized these.
Love of Disney does not gift you with pushing your opinions as facts.
I'm just stating my opinion in this forum as you and everybody else are, my friend.
why does a bus need to be "tasteful, authentic, high-quality, thoughtfully considered, impeccably designed, and painstakingly detailed" ?
Nothing NEEDS to be designed well and I think the new bus wraps demonstrate this. But I and others have come to expect design that is a cut above from Disney and are disappointed when, in our opinions, it falls short. And it's not limited to the bus wraps. Others have offered examples of what they consider tacky, out of place design. (And does your question mean that you don't think it matters if a bus wrap is well-designed?)
Whatevs, seeth at the buses all you like
Nobody's foaming or seething: just stating opinion and analysis about design and engaging in a dialogue with others who are interested in design. Disagree if you want or offer your own critique, as others have, or if you think it's a silly discussion you're free to ignore it, but there's no need to chastise people for having an interest and expressing their opinions, especially in a forum intended for that very purpose.


Well-Known Member
All the people living these tacky wraps will be the first to moan when a new monorail is introduced and covered in wraps, all Disney will say is "guests told us they loved the wraps on the buses and skyliner so we decided to unify the tackiness based on guest feedback, just see the wdwmagic forums for proof, we have been monitoring them"


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
All the people living these tacky wraps will be the first to moan when a new monorail is introduced and covered in wraps, all Disney will say is "guests told us they loved the wraps on the buses and skyliner so we decided to unify the tackiness based on guest feedback, just see the wdwmagic forums for proof, we have been monitoring them"
Personally, I liked the wraps on the monorails.


Well-Known Member
Which ones? The current ones in California with Mickey are ok... I prefer the sleek non-wrap design but I don’t hate the current wraps.
I have found most of the monorail wraps, on both coasts, have been tasteful and have felt intentionally designed to complement the monorails' shape. Admittedly, I love the classic unwrapped look of both the Mark VI and VII, and that should never stop being the default.

The bus wraps don't excite me one way or the other. They're OK. The old Disney Transport scheme had gotten somewhat tired. The new Grey/Red or White/Red Retro was a step up. These are a side step to me. At least it's not a return to the original scheme with the turd brown stripe and magnetic flags to distinguish routes.

I think like some here have said, if they were designed to complement the bus (i.e. characters riding or doing something on the bus) instead of just providing visual decoration as they currently do, I would like them more.


Well-Known Member
Another reason I don't like these wraps is that I, for one, associate wraps in general with advertising, not design or decoration. And not just run-of-the-mill advertising, but obnoxious, in-your-face, lowbrow, tacky advertising; more intrusive and uglier than billboards. Wraps somehow seem so desperate. Pathetic even. I'm all for giving a bus some pizzaz, even with characters, but not this way.


Well-Known Member
I like the new bus wraps. Not saying they couldn't have done better but Disney using the classic animated characters in WDW has never bothered me. Personally, I don't feel that using IPs that they created and that have been foundational to their success as a company is the same as using purchased IPs in their parks that have no attachment to Disney history and were not created by the Disney company.

Also, I've never been a fan of the white/red/gray basic looking color scheme. Perhaps if I had grown up with it, I would feel differently (like I did about the previous, more purple-based color scheme from when I was a kid). But that's how it goes; nostalgia has a lot to do with our personal preferences and I'm not naive to that fact.


Well-Known Member
To you, maybe not to others. Love of Disney does not gift you with pushing your opinions as facts. why does a bus need to be "tasteful, authentic, high-quality, thoughtfully considered, impeccably designed, and painstakingly detailed" ?

Whatevs, seeth at the buses all you like

By that same token I could ask why does a trash can need to be designed to be high quality, thoughtfully considered, impeccably designed, etc.... But Walt Disney spent a lot of time thinking about the trash cans in his park. That level of thoughtfulness pertaining to something others may consider mundane is exactly what set Disney parks apart from the competition.

Seems as though the guests are now questioning why anyone would go through the trouble of doing such as it really shouldn't matter. It's really sad to see guests aid management in the degradation of the parks.


Well-Known Member
I think part of the problem for me is that wraps are generally used as ads now. That's actually how wrapping companies suggest they be used (as one company puts it, "a 45-foot long traveling billboard"). So if you're going to use a wrap for a resort, it's a good idea to distinguish it from the way banks, casinos, phone companies, etc. use them (in other words, make it understated). If wraps weren't so ubiquitous now, it wouldn't be as big of a deal, but these types of wraps just don't look special anymore. And buses are already not special. So it would be nice if they tried to make it look different than buses advertising T-Mobil or whatever. I actually don't think it would be that hard to do. But you'd want to decide on a uniform theme that was coherent across the resort.

I actually didn't completely hate the Mickey/Donald/Minnie/etc. ones, but the Guardians one just looks like another generic ad to me. I hate paying thousands of dollars to go to a resort and be advertised to. It makes me feel a little bit like a chump.


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
I actually didn't completely hate the Mickey/Donald/Minnie/etc. ones, but the Guardians one just looks like another generic ad to me. I hate paying thousands of dollars to go to a resort and be advertised to.
Well, then, don't think of it as advertising -- think of it as mood-setting.

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