New World Showcase and DHS Rumors

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok, just as a clarification, these are rumors told to me by one of my roomates, who was told them by one of his managers...

First, apparently a new country will be coming to the World Showcase...and it's none of the ones we had hope for... Turkey. Why there would be a particular demand for that I'm not sure, but that's the rumor...

The other involves a rather extensive overhaul of a classic section of Hollywood Studios. The rumor is that the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular's days may be numbered and that it will be replaced with a Star Wars themed restaurant and a new Star Wars show. Both of these are suppose to open right around the same time as Star Tours 2 in June of 2011.

Apparently there's also some more stuff coming to Magic Kingdom, but nothing specific was mentioned.

Discuss away...

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As do I about that one... Both actually... although the DHS one has a little more weight to it than the World Showcase one...


Well-Known Member
That would be surprising. From what I gather whenever WS gets its refurb it will just be some additions to Japan, Germany and Norway would be getting fixed up.

The Star Wars thing is kind of out there. Not far fetched, but I know there were some plans in place for a long time to turn the Stunt Show and the land behind it into an Indy themed land, with a ride and restaurant. That was a while ago, but it was close to happening. It would be strange to make "Lucasland" all Star Wars.

And I definitely just don't see any expansion with current TDO around ST2. We're only getting ST2 because its a DL clone. And opening up the same time as the ride in 2011? No way.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I believe Turkey in World Showcase, and from what I hear IJ isnt't leaving us anytime soon, but I could see some sort of overlay comiing to the Backlot Express (didn't that just gett refurbed?) or getting a new show. I believe there is a bit more coming to Star Tours than just a new film.


Well-Known Member
Turkey? I can't think of any big company based in Turkey that would have the cash available needed to sponsor a pavilion. A new country would be awesome, but unless its a biggie, I can't see Disney ponying up the cash itself.


Well-Known Member
Ok, just as a clarification, these are rumors told to me by one of my roomates, who was told them by one of his managers...

First, apparently a new country will be coming to the World Showcase...and it's none of the ones we had hope for... Turkey. Why there would be a particular demand for that I'm not sure, but that's the rumor...

The other involves a rather extensive overhaul of a classic section of Hollywood Studios. The rumor is that the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular's days may be numbered and that it will be replaced with a Star Wars themed restaurant and a new Star Wars show. Both of these are suppose to open right around the same time as Star Tours 2 in June of 2011.

Apparently there's also some more stuff coming to Magic Kingdom, but nothing specific was mentioned.

Discuss away...


Master Gracey 5

Active Member
Turkey? I can't think of any big company based in Turkey that would have the cash available needed to sponsor a pavilion. A new country would be awesome, but unless its a biggie, I can't see Disney ponying up the cash itself.

Yeah, Turkey isn't exactly rolling in cash to help Disney build a WS pavilion centered on its country. I call shenanigans on this rumor.

DHS might have a little more weight. With LMA in the backlot, I have felt as though Indy Stunt Show's days were numbered (though I vastly prefer Indy to LMA). I could see them doing something over there, be it a new stunt show or a SW/Lucas area. Even so, I'd say its out there just because of the timeline mentioned. 2012 is too soon with all that will be going on with FLE and the new Animation resort.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So it seems you all pretty much have the same hunch as me that these aren't lagit. I don't think they are either, but figured they'd make for good discussion.

One I forgot in the original post is that apparently Disney is considering a Marvel Weekends type event for Hollywood Studios. I think this one will actually happen because that is a loophole in the Marvel/Universal deal that can be exploited i.e. having a temporary event in the parks is allowed. Since DHS really doesn't have any kind of events in the fall, Marvel Weekends would fit in mid fall or late summer...
I have also heard that Epic's days may be numbered. But have not heard of what will replace it. I know they have wanted another table service restaurant at the Studios ever since the failed David Copperfield restaurant.


Well-Known Member
You won't see any country from that area of the world in Epcot. Just too much unrest and potental for problems for the park, which Disney doesn't want any part of. Especially when there are so many other possible countries that are long-standing, unwavering allies.

I don't know about your DHS rumor either way, but BOY, I would LOVE it. Haven't seen the Indy stunt show in years.

Common sense, though, would say that if this were all going to happen, Disney would be touting it BIG TIME as a new "Star Wars Land". Like the currently "single attracton" Pixar Place. No way they'd sweep a new themed restaurant and big show under the rug.


GREAT!!!! Thankgiving dinner every day in World Showcase!!!

Oops, sorry, wrong Turkey........:ROFLOL:

the only rumor here that makes sense is the Marvel weekends at DHS.

that would work.

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