@RSoxNo1 @AJH219 @danlb_2000 @brb1006 @Goob @MisterPenguin
Hi guys, it's Jack from DSNY Newscast here. I do read these forums and threads, and despite not being a member until only recently, I have actually monitored them for quite a long time, as it's got some amazing discussion by really dedicated Disney fans.
Obviously some areas you guys are very clearly more well-versed than me, and probably have many more sources within WDI and Disney in general. But just to defend the reason why I did the Monsters Inc video, is because I was trying to explain it was a potential far-off in the distance plan of WDI, and I did say in the video, it may not even happen.
But, what I'm trying to achieve with DSNY Newscast, is a simple, concise news roundup for the more casual Disney fans, who do not have the wealth of knowledge that you all clearly have. And then hopefully it will grow the community to the stage, where people will become more and more interested and you'll see new members on forums like this as well.
Thanks for your feedback, and no harm done
Have a great day!