New Stitch Show on web

I was not expecting anything good to come from this, but I honestly have to say that I'm surprised that this show is THIS bad. I have to agree with Sir Goofy. I really almost have no reason to be in MK at all since SM is being refurbed. My wife and I MIGHT do Buzz Lightyear and then RUN from the park to avoid this show...

HORRIBLE, Disney. UGH!!! What were you thinking?!


Premium Member
The go-go girls are a nice touch, but they aren't used to their potential and their "dancing" seems to be so limited and stunted. I've noticed that about all dancers in parades and stage shows in Florida, it's like they are forced into choreography that only uses 60% of their ability and range of motion. Why is that? Is it because of the climate and humidity?

Someone once explained it to me that it had to do with unions or something that limit the amount of movement and choreography the cheaper labor in Florida is allowed to do. That makes little sense to me as I'm not involved in the entertainment industry, but the reality I repeatedly observe is that dancers in the Florida parks always look so limited in their movements and abilities compared to Disneyland dancers/performers, so there has to be something going on there. :confused:

I dont think there is a significant difference across the two resorts. Things like Block Party at the Studios and the Pixar Play at DCA are very similar in terms of dance ability. I think it just comes down to the specific coreography.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing redeeming about the production.

At least Touring Plans has the guts to tell it like it is. This sounded bad from the minute it was proposed, and it just keeps getting worse every time someone posts something new about it.

And how could you possibly not include one imagineer on the process? Is that standard procedure for a stage show, or did some choreographer come down with a Napoleon Complex?

Let the Stitch stuff DIE already, people (even people more normal than us) are getting tired of having it rammed down our throats.


Active Member
I kinda like it. It's no worse than the Kids of the Kingdom shows of the '70s, and it's kinda cute. Notice that the kids dancing in the front got into it. Hey, let's give it a chance. They need to work out the bugs and tweak it a bit. Plus, they can't all be diamonds. It beats any front-of-the-castle shows I've seen lately, and MK needs more shows in general, imho.

at least they were doing their best! Agreed.
But it's still kinds cheesy


New Member

First of all, anyone notice how they open with a Cheech and Chong (Dave's Not Here) bit?

I guess the saving grace is that the stage looks like it could be repurposed very easily. This show is terrible.


New Member
I must be the lone wolf on here. I actually really enjoyed the show! I think it's a cute production and hey, it's Stitch. Sure, the overall lines of the actors may be a bit cheesy, but Stitch pulls it off. And, as a PP previously said, Stitch as Elvis = AWESOME. :)


New Member
Stitch is an annoying character who should be run over by a bull dozer, and then put into a much shredder, and then be buried in a land fill next to an active volcano where molten lava flows and covers the area.


There now; I feel all better.



New Member
Stitch is an annoying character who should be run over by a bull dozer, and then put into a much shredder, and then be buried in a land fill next to an active volcano where molten lava flows and covers the area.


There now; I feel all better.


As a Disney CM, this is so embarrassing. I'm taking some newbies next week and this will be there first experience at the MK? Are you kidding me?

It's true, MK is no longer a "family" park, it's a "kiddie" crapland. I don't care what the penny pinchers say, we need to maintain the magic and we aren't right now.

There is so much potential and I have a lot of hope, of course I will keep on dreaming, but how many times will they keep getting things wrong? I hope the SM refurb is good and perhaps we can get the much anticipated Fantasyland makeover.


I put up abut 80 pics and full video, it isn't a great show. It does have it's moments, I like the part with Stitch on the screen the best.

I agree on the Celebrate mentions - I am so tired of the whole "Celebration" theme, I mentioned that I hope I never have to hear "what are you celebrating" ever again - as long as I live. :)



As a Disney CM, this is so embarrassing. I'm taking some newbies next week and this will be there first experience at the MK? Are you kidding me?

It's true, MK is no longer a "family" park, it's a "kiddie" crapland. I don't care what the penny pinchers say, we need to maintain the magic and we aren't right now.

There is so much potential and I have a lot of hope, of course I will keep on dreaming, but how many times will they keep getting things wrong? I hope the SM refurb is good and perhaps we can get the much anticipated Fantasyland makeover.

I can't agree with you anymore. If it wasn't for the fact that I work in Ad/Lib, I would honestly be embarrassed to work in MK.

Seriously, the park needs help.


We have the full video, like 25 minutes worth on YouTube (broken down into 5 videos).

I actually like the Stitch video part the best.



I feel like they've tried too hard to force him into the parks that it's just gone down hill....not to mention how long ago did lilo and stitch even come out?


New Member
Are they possibly trying to shore up the ill conceived Stitch's Great Escape attraction?
Garbage on top of garbage produces only a pile of garbage.

Why not admit that Stich's Great Escape was a mistake and move on.
Change SGE to something that people really want.



Well-Known Member
Are they possibly trying to shore up the ill conceived Stitch's Great Escape attraction?
Garbage on top of garbage produces only a pile of garbage.

Why not admit that Stich's Great Escape was a mistake and move on.
Change SGE to something that people really want.


Kingdom Keepers attraction?:shrug:

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