News New security measures


Well-Known Member
So...I was at MK on Saturday, which was a really busy day. A good time to evaluate the new security measures first hand.

What a complete JOKE they are. In fact I cannot stress enough how pathetically pointless they are.

To start off, I showed up at around 11am with a huge camera backpack, loose fitting pants, a hoodie tied around my waist...pretty much attire that would make it VERY easy for me to smuggle anything in (which I obviously wasn't, thats similar to what I wear when I know its going to get cold at the parks).

Disney security conducted a very welcomed thorough bag check and sent me on my way. As I was proceeding past, I commented to my companion about how I will most likely be randomly selected to be scanned.


In fact, CSC decided it was far more wise to randomly approach a man with 3 kids in tow to scan. He was obviously confused and visibly annoyed by this. While he argued with CSC over the absurdity of being selected, at least 50+ others just strolled past the scanners without so much as a glance. The conversation with the "security expert" and the guest was pretty much to the point of CSC threatening the man if he didn't comply.

I did not see one uniformed officer, no K-9 unit...nothing.

So how well does that work? Not at all.

In the course of my day I was keeping an eye out through the extremely heavy crowds for things I felt should have been stopped at the main gates. No less than 10 adults wearing costumes, a few kids with their own toy guns brought from home, and our good friend the selfie stick were all spotted various times. All of which have been banned. So whats the point?

At the end of the night as I was leaving (1 hour before park close), CSC was still on hand to do their random scans (which at that hour should mean everyone should be scanned as there aren't a lot of people entering). Nope...5 of CSCs "highly trained" security experts were just sitting around joking around with each other and spouting random profanities while doing so. Very professional, for sure. I guess their visible tattoos and street vocabulary make them ideal candidates to intimidate all who wish to bring threats to a family theme park.

This system is not only completely useless, its negatively effecting guest experiences. I would be ok with it if I felt it was doing even the slightest bit to make things safer, but as others have stated on here...they just aren't. Scanning 5 people every few minutes is hardly going to make the slightest dent in the screening process.


Wilson King of Prussia
Give me an example of someone's every day attire that you would wear that would be a costume.

Its obviously a costume. Do I work for Disney? No. Do I agree with the rule? No. Let it go.

My apologies. I was unaware that by "give me an example" you actually meant "let it go."

I wore a white uniform, white hose, white shoes, and a funny looking hat every workday for years. Yet people dressed up as a nurse at Halloween - and asked to borrow my cap and a uniform, stethoscope, etc.. The same with scrubs and a white lab coat - people dress up as doctor - wearing what many wear every day. If I were to dress in a matronly pink uniform wearing a hairnet and carrying a ladle, I might be dressing up as a lunch lady.

How about Tom Hanks and Antonio Banderas in "Philadelphia? They dressed as sailors, which was normal attire for those in the Navy at the time. I've seen people dress in flight suits - both as a costume, and stopping in at the grocery on the way home from work. There are still nuns wearing habits in my neighborhood - but I've also seen people dress up as a nun for Halloween parties.

Anything that is not your normal attire, but is daily (or on most days) attire for someone else is a costume for you. I have also seen people seriously dressing wearing pocket protectors, etc - that's how they dressed.

I also agree (and even mentioned ) that wearing daily wear from another culture as a costume would be insulting - if you are not a child, or performing in a play, etc.

All great points. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.
So...I was at MK on Saturday, which was a really busy day. A good time to evaluate the new security measures first hand.

What a complete JOKE they are. In fact I cannot stress enough how pathetically pointless they are.

To start off, I showed up at around 11am with a huge camera backpack, loose fitting pants, a hoodie tied around my waist...pretty much attire that would make it VERY easy for me to smuggle anything in (which I obviously wasn't, thats similar to what I wear when I know its going to get cold at the parks).

Disney security conducted a very welcomed thorough bag check and sent me on my way. As I was proceeding past, I commented to my companion about how I will most likely be randomly selected to be scanned.


In fact, CSC decided it was far more wise to randomly approach a man with 3 kids in tow to scan. He was obviously confused and visibly annoyed by this. While he argued with CSC over the absurdity of being selected, at least 50+ others just strolled past the scanners without so much as a glance. The conversation with the "security expert" and the guest was pretty much to the point of CSC threatening the man if he didn't comply.

I did not see one uniformed officer, no K-9 unit...nothing.

So how well does that work? Not at all.

In the course of my day I was keeping an eye out through the extremely heavy crowds for things I felt should have been stopped at the main gates. No less than 10 adults wearing costumes, a few kids with their own toy guns brought from home, and our good friend the selfie stick were all spotted various times. All of which have been banned. So whats the point?

At the end of the night as I was leaving (1 hour before park close), CSC was still on hand to do their random scans (which at that hour should mean everyone should be scanned as there aren't a lot of people entering). Nope...5 of CSCs "highly trained" security experts were just sitting around joking around with each other and spouting random profanities while doing so. Very professional, for sure. I guess their visible tattoos and street vocabulary make them ideal candidates to intimidate all who wish to bring threats to a family theme park.

This system is not only completely useless, its negatively effecting guest experiences. I would be ok with it if I felt it was doing even the slightest bit to make things safer, but as others have stated on here...they just aren't. Scanning 5 people every few minutes is hardly going to make the slightest dent in the screening process.

You are SO right. I have witnessed this unprofessional team this week. I was targeted and terrorized by them and was even followed by a plain clothed security man while at Epcot this Saturday. Meanwhile I saw some questionable other guests (including a trio observing the baggage check process at International Gateway - not coming or going just studying the process) and banned items and behaviors all over these past 10 park days not get noticed at all. Yes, Disney security saw me - a frumpy middle aged mom of 3 (one with Autism) wearing my Disney gear, visiting every year since 1974 as a threat. My family and I felt completely stressed and terrorized and left early. Then could not sleep last night thinking they would target us again today. I used to think that Disney security was top notch and felt safe here but not after yesterday. It's not only quantity but quality. After yesterday I no longer feel they have a common sense quality security team. We all are looking forward to going home and are not planning on coming back.
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Well-Known Member
In the US you don't need much caution.



Premium Member
So...I was at MK on Saturday, which was a really busy day. A good time to evaluate the new security measures first hand.

What a complete JOKE they are. In fact I cannot stress enough how pathetically pointless they are.

To start off, I showed up at around 11am with a huge camera backpack, loose fitting pants, a hoodie tied around my waist...pretty much attire that would make it VERY easy for me to smuggle anything in (which I obviously wasn't, thats similar to what I wear when I know its going to get cold at the parks).

Disney security conducted a very welcomed thorough bag check and sent me on my way. As I was proceeding past, I commented to my companion about how I will most likely be randomly selected to be scanned.


In fact, CSC decided it was far more wise to randomly approach a man with 3 kids in tow to scan. He was obviously confused and visibly annoyed by this. While he argued with CSC over the absurdity of being selected, at least 50+ others just strolled past the scanners without so much as a glance. The conversation with the "security expert" and the guest was pretty much to the point of CSC threatening the man if he didn't comply.

I did not see one uniformed officer, no K-9 unit...nothing.

So how well does that work? Not at all.

And I left the park at nearly the same time and saw the dog units and police... So you simply missed them.

And your story simply illustrates that csc are probably not supposed to be trying to "find" threats but simply sampling. It would be more damning about disney's security... Who are the ones trying to decide who are threats or not. Csc is there to do a task... Not play detective.


Premium Member
You are SO right. I have witnessed this unprofessional team this week. I was targeted and terrorized by them and was even followed by a plain clothed security man while at Epcot this Saturday. Meanwhile I saw some questionable other guests (including a trio observing the baggage check process at International Gateway - not coming or going just studying the process) and banned items and behaviors all over these past 10 park days not get noticed at all. Yes, Disney security saw me - a frumpy middle aged mom of 3 (one with Autism) wearing my Disney gear, visiting every year since 1974 as a threat. My family and I felt completely stressed and terrorized and left early. Then could not sleep last night thinking they would target us again today. I used to think that Disney security was top notch and felt safe here but not after yesterday. It's not only quantity but quality. After yesterday I no longer feel they have a common sense quality security team. We all are looking forward to going home and are not planning on coming back.

Targeted... Terrorized... Can't sleep? Seriously? Maybe it was this kind of hyper reaction that drew attention to you. Or maybe you were just freaking out? Which seems entirely possible given the sampling here
Targeted... Terrorized... Can't sleep? Seriously? Maybe it was this kind of hyper reaction that drew attention to you. Or maybe you were just freaking out? Which seems entirely possible given the sampling here
I knew if I shared my true experience here with you all that I would be blasted because Disney in your eyes can do no wrong. There were people in line near us that could not believe the treatment I was given and told me I should write a letter to the company. You were not there but you seem to know it all.


Premium Member
I knew if I shared my true experience here with you all that I would be blasted because Disney in your eyes can do no wrong. There were people in line near us that could not believe the treatment I was given and told me I should write a letter to the company. You were not there but you seem to know it all.

I wasn't there... But I do know it's possible that the story was made worse by your own actions or perspective.

The idea we paint me as someone who thinks Disney can do no wrong means your knack for accuracy or look before you leap is horrible. It's all coming in focus if you ask me... But please tell us your story


Well-Known Member
Is CSC the same "security" staff that Universal uses for HHN? Because if so, they are total garbage and the first HHN we attended a year or two ago I had some words with one of their "leads" about their attitudes and they way they spoke to us guests as we went through the detectors.


Well-Known Member
I went down to disney a few days after the paris attacks and I was stopped several times while entering the park because i was wearing cargo shorts. They asked if they could see the inside of my cargo shorts.

How did THAT work? How does one show the inside of their clothing without removing it? Did they take you some place to do it?

Cargo shorts are all I wear ever at WDW (I don't own any other types of shorts, and as a northerner who feels hot at WDW during the day even in January, I wouldn't be caught in pants ever). I'd just about be able to put up with being asked once, but if I got asked every time (or even every other time, etc.) I walked into a park to show the inside of my clothing, let's just say I would not be a happy camper.


Well-Known Member
The more I hear about this the more difficult it is to keep my eyes from rolling back in my head.

I don't like this "random" stuff at all. Whatever procedures they put in place, either you do it for everyone or not. Pulling people out of line at a Disney theme park like that is just so very, very wrong. How long before they start random searches within the park?

Sorry Disney, I may have to put up with that garbage when I choose to fly (which is much less these days, I'd rather spend even a day or two driving if at all possible), but if that is really what coming to WDW is going to be like in the future, I'm going to be asked to show the "inside" of my clothing, they can kiss my cargo shorted behind. When I am at WDW I generally hit three parks a day, which means a lot of in and out of the gates. A good half the time I'm solo. I'll be harassed like no one's business.

No thank you, Disney...particularly since unlike what some folks may think, nothing about this is going to keep anyone "safer" because "safer" implies that it was dangerous to begin with. The type of serious attack folks are deluded into thinking this is to prevent would never be stopped by procedures like these, even if they did do them to every person. This is about someone in the company over-reacting - because if there were a real, credible threat to WDW - the type of security they need would be invisible, and they wouldn't be hiring bottom of the barrel rent-a-thugs and doing "random" searches.


Well-Known Member
And I left the park at nearly the same time and saw the dog units and police... So you simply missed them.

And your story simply illustrates that csc are probably not supposed to be trying to "find" threats but simply sampling. It would be more damning about disney's security... Who are the ones trying to decide who are threats or not. Csc is there to do a task... Not play detective.

It is possible I missed them seeing how it was quite crowded.

Regarding CSC however, yes its not their job to play detective, but is it their job to harass guests? Disney security isn't perfect by a long shot, but the interactions I had with them were pleasant AND they did a decent bag search on me for the first time in as long as I can remember. CSC just seemed to be there as a visual "we are doing something" gesture, but in reality its quite the opposite. Anyone who sees how they operate will be able to conclude how they are absolutely impacting guest safety in no way, as they are bypassed by 95%+ of the guests who enter the parks.


Well-Known Member
It is possible I missed them seeing how it was quite crowded.

Regarding CSC however, yes its not their job to play detective, but is it their job to harass guests? Disney security isn't perfect by a long shot, but the interactions I had with them were pleasant AND they did a decent bag search on me for the first time in as long as I can remember. CSC just seemed to be there as a visual "we are doing something" gesture, but in reality its quite the opposite. Anyone who sees how they operate will be able to conclude how they are absolutely impacting guest safety in no way, as they are bypassed by 95%+ of the guests who enter the parks.
Yes, not to mention taking a gun to the park isn't a crime. So if someone really wants to bring a gun in there is no "fear of getting caught" as a deterrent. If they happen to be one of the very slim percentage getting pulled aside for the metal detectors they just simply leave and come back and try again. In reality it's more a factor of inconvenience, if you want to take a gun in you just have to accept that on rare occasions you might not be able to and may have to make a trip back to the car or hotel.

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