No, not the same. The sign only states that screening is required of persons and bags prior to entry. The actual rule states that this also includes all clothing, all items, and can be done at any time, even after entry into the park.
Additionally, at this time what is their definition of screening? Pat downs? Removing articles of clothing including coats, belts, and shoes? If not now, when?
Will there be something similar to the TSA Pre(check) Screening for low risk frequent visitors? I'd welcome this and would continue to visit Disney if this were put in place to be done prior to visiting.
Is Disney security allowed to profile like Israel Airlines (El Al)? If not, what are you going to think about their security when a lone, older Caucasian woman is "chosen" to go through the metal detector screening process while a pair of or a lone younger Middle Eastern or African American man just breezes by? El Al is the safest airline on Earth because not only do they racially profile, they also question passengers and are specially trained to learn if someone is lying and/or hiding something.
As it has been said before, randomly selecting people to go through a metal detector does almost nothing to increase the security of the parks. Would you consider this acceptable security measures if you were flying with these same people? Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo (and I am not implying the the racist version for those so easily offended) at the TSA checkpoints? Not any different than you being with 40 people in one monorail car and a total of 204 on the entire train. How about up to 112 people on the articulated buses and 600 people on each ferry? A lot of people in a small, confined space before ANY security measures and the opportunity for a terrorist to have a large amount of casualties. And no, by my stating this, I didn't just give any one this idea, however, what I did was make you aware of it.
Let's face it, little old ladies don't get caught with shoe bombs. There is a certain small group of people that commit acts of terrorism and time is being wasted checking low-risk individuals. Since we unfortunately live in PC Land, run every one through screening--and do it prior to the transportation process--or no one. There is not a middle ground that should be acceptable. What is being done now is BS. Disney may or may not miss my business, but they can save some money by not sending me a Christmas card every year.