News New security measures


Resident Curmudgeon
Who did Uni and SW hire to run their detectors? Or are they using their own security teams for it?

Disney hired Day Labor goons from CSC, UNI is apparently using their own security forces who are professionals they joked about the OT everyone was getting. I was at UNI for the Mannheim Steamroller concerts this weekend lots more uniformed presence everywhere at UNI.

On the way into DHS passed the 'Brain Trust' running the detectors and the security 'professionals' were catcalling the guests and generally acting like the goons they appeared to be.


Resident Curmudgeon
Yes, anybody can drive around back there, but that doesn't mean they can physically drive into MK from back there. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure there's a couple of metal wedge barriers back on the actual driveway into the backstage area behind Fantasy Land that are capable of doing...well...this

The attacker will simply crash through the fence NEXT to the barrier, These barriers are only useful if the vehicle decides to stay on the ROAD they are blocking they are designed to end a chase or guard access to a secure building where there are no alternate entry points.


Well-Known Member
I have literally never seen them sweep every ferry departure with a k9 team and I've never seen visible uniformed security very clearly guarding any attraction in eight years of living and working here.
I'm not sure how you've missed that. I've spent the last 15 years living and working here and what you describe is very common. Perhaps it's one of those things where when you aren't looking for it you just don't notice it.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Disney hired Day Labor goons from CSC, UNI is apparently using their own security forces who are professionals they joked about the OT everyone was getting. I was at UNI for the Mannheim Steamroller concerts this weekend lots more uniformed presence everywhere at UNI.

On the way into DHS passed the 'Brain Trust' running the detectors and the security 'professionals' were catcalling the guests and generally acting like the goons they appeared to be.

The CSC employees working major sports events at my university all look college age. I can just imagine what the flyer on campus says. "Students, a little short on cash this term? Tired of eating Ramin 24/7? Need cash so you can purchase those "study aids" to help you get through finals week? Well, CSC is looking for YOU! We need young, energetic students just like you to work [name of university] next week's [sport] game against [name of rival]. Lots of benefits - get paid minimum wage, free admission to the game, a cool neon yellow t-shirt to wear, etc. Plus, you'll get the added bonus of patting down that frat ***hole in your remedial English class, telling him you're just doing your job searching for that baggie of whiskey you know he's got stuffed in the front of his pants. And when he gets mad and takes a drunken swing at you, you will have fun watching him get handcuffed by University police, thrown to the ground and escorted from [name of sports event venue] to jail. And you will get to watch the Big game once you've finished checking people at the gate." Sounds like an ideal job for a 20 year old student, lol.


Premium Member
Why on earth are you all still talking about event staff as if it's relevant to the job contracted out here?

That's just a distraction intended to paint csc in an even worst light. The jobs and how they fill them aren't even relatable.

The issues are not wit,h csc ultimately- but what Disney is buying. If Disney is only setting out to get metal detector operators... That's what they are getting. You can't fault csc for not being the fbi if Disney didn't contract out an offer for detective level competency


Resident Curmudgeon
Why on earth are you all still talking about event staff as if it's relevant to the job contracted out here?

That's just a distraction intended to paint csc in an even worst light. The jobs and how they fill them aren't even relatable.

The issues are not wit,h csc ultimately- but what Disney is buying. If Disney is only setting out to get metal detector operators... That's what they are getting. You can't fault csc for not being the fbi if Disney didn't contract out an offer for detective level competency

Flynn - Take a GOOD look at the pictures of the CSC staff at Disney, Would you want them running the metal detectors at your corporate office. The CSC staff at Disney are bottom of the barrel goons. I'm sure CSC could have provided more professional staff had Disney been willing to PAY for it.


Well-Known Member
Flynn - Take a GOOD look at the pictures of the CSC staff at Disney, Would you want them running the metal detectors at your corporate office. The CSC staff at Disney are bottom of the barrel goons. I'm sure CSC could have provided more professional staff had Disney been willing to PAY for it.

I'm not so sure about that, if all the venues in the Orlando area were suddenly advised by the government to beef up their security presence for the holidays, then CSC may be running low on employees.

I do hope Disney management is cringing every time they see or think about these guys. And the prevalent thought in their minds is screaming "We have to get these guys out of here, yesterday!"

If they weren't so busy ripping up the woods over at Wilderness Lodge, I'd say the Lumberjacks from Canada would make some decent security personnel.


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure about that, if all the venues in the Orlando area were suddenly advised by the government to beef up their security presence for the holidays, then CSC may be running low on employees.

I do hope Disney management is cringing every time they see or think about these guys. And the prevalent thought in their minds is screaming "We have to get these guys out of here, yesterday!"

If they weren't so busy ripping up the woods over at Wilderness Lodge, I'd say the Lumberjacks from Canada would make some decent security personnel.
I doubt CSC is running low on employees, I don't think any of the other parks are using them. They also typically hire based on what contracts they get. If Disney came to them and said we need 500 highly trained security employees I'm absolutely certain CSC would jump at the offer as well as give them the quote for what "highly trained" costs. It really does all come down to what Disney is willing to spend, apparently currently that's as little as possible.
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Resident Curmudgeon
I doubt CSC is running low on employees, I don't honk any of the other parks are using them. They also typically hire based on what contracts they get. If Disney came to them and said we need 500 highly trained security employees I'm absolutely certain CSC would jump at the offer as well as give them the quote for what "highly trained" costs. It really does all come down to what Disney is willing to spend, apparently currently that's as little as possible.

Universal is using their own security, I'm sure some are contract and uniformed as Uni but it's a lot more professional crew than Disney appears to be using. Can't speak to SeaWorld and Legoland


Well-Known Member
It's not like you need a college degree to be a security guard for CSC. A high school degree might be preferred but not needed. If selfie sticks can get through, anything can get in. That is unless your a grandma bringing in your hand sanitizer then it's a mandatory strip search.


Resident Curmudgeon
Is UO sending everyone through the detectors, or doing the same as Disney?

My local Six Flags (Magic Mountain) sends everyone through metal detectors (in a nice-looking permanent structure, and operated by Six Flags employees), and it's quick and easy, just like at a sporting event or concert. If Six Flags can do it...

Disney these days will always do the CHEAPEST thing. The Disney difference is DEAD.


Well-Known Member
When I worked there in 2004, yes. Bags were searches you got on the bus at West Clock. Also your bags were supposedly search before you got on the bus to return to your car.

And by "search" I mean "a cursory glance in your bag"… and yes, I would say it's there to determine theft. My question is whether or not that practice still exists 11 years later…
Same now.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Why on earth are you all still talking about event staff as if it's relevant to the job contracted out here?

That's just a distraction intended to paint csc in an even worst light. The jobs and how they fill them aren't even relatable.

The issues are not wit,h csc ultimately- but what Disney is buying. If Disney is only setting out to get metal detector operators... That's what they are getting. You can't fault csc for not being the fbi if Disney didn't contract out an offer for detective level competency

Have you ever attended an event staffed by CSC? I have, every time I attend a college football game. The CSC employees hired to perform bag checks are young. And very bad at doing their job. Not talking about the CSC person scanning my ticket, but the just out of high school looking kid checking the bags of the 82,000 people attending a college football game on a Saturday afternoon. And I bet at least 20% of those getting in (higher if they are students) are drunk since they've been tailgating for several hours prior. Yes, University police are also present, but they are usually inside the stadium. Not how it used to be. University police were the ones who would stop and search your bags and ask the guys to turn out their pockets or take off their cowboy boots - that's how my boyfriend was trying to sneak in a small flask. And they are checking for not just booze and other beverages and food, but also for weapons.

Disney has implemented these security measures most likely because of San Bernardino and the incident with the lawyer and the gun. And probably also at the strong urging of the feds. And they've been on media, including their own official blog talking about the enhanced security measures now in effect at WDW. All to help calm a very nervous public. Whose fears have only been exasperated by politicians (yeah, Trump, I'm talking about you).

So yes, I'm going to comment on the level of competency exhibited by those employees of CSC manning the metal detectors. And be concerned about their ability to effectively do the jobs they are getting paid for. Because me, as a guest of WDW , is helping to pay their salary. And they are there for my security and ease of mind. And if they are negatively interacting with guests, as someone observed, then Disney needs to rethink who they contracted with, pronto.

Never thought I'd be saying this, but those clowns make the TSA agents manning the scanners at Hartsfield look more like members of Seal Team 6 than the "not paying any attention to his job because he was too busy texting on his phone and flirting with the attractive blond standing behind me in line" TSA agent at the scanner I went through. Didn't know they could have their cell phones with them while on duty.

If Disney wants security that have the maturity and professionalism - not just someone to waive me through a metal detector while giving me a once over - then hire those individuals who have the experience and qualities you want. They're called vets. And they need jobs. And I bet they'd be pretty good if, god forbid, someone did try to do something. Because quite frankly, I think one of the best ways to discourage some idiot would be a rather intimidating former Marine who knows how to handle the situation. Just make sure you do a thorough vetting so you don't inadvertently hire a vet who is suffering through extreme PTSD. And you will get the added bonus of the publicity for giving jobs to those men and women (and also benefit their families) who put their lives on the line so I can visit WDW in relative safety. I'm sure the staff at Shades of Green would be very happy and willing to provide a list of suitable candidates
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Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Or even better, right behind the tables at bag check, several OCSD K-9 officers in full fatigues brandishing whatever type of assault rifle they use. That would certainly make some think twice. Not that I'm a fan of the police demonstrating their military grade equipment, but I think a certain level of intimidation may be helpful in deterrence.

I flew back from my mother's funeral the day we started bombing Afghanistan in 2001 After stepping through a metal detector, I was told to step aside and spread eagle so this tiny woman could wand me, repeatedly. And standing about two feet behind me to my right was a member of the California National Guard in full uniform, holding his M-16 (I assume it was an M-16; it was black, very big and scary), scanning the crowd. I was going to say to the woman who was repeatedly scanning around my waist that she was picking up my metal belt buckle, but I happened to glance at the National Guard person and he was giving me a look that immediately changed my mind about saying a word. Intimidation. Not that it will stop everyone, but many will think twice.


Well-Known Member
Does WDW have real police officers overseeing the security by CSC? At Disneyland, the Anaheim PD are also just inside the bag check station watching the situation.


Well-Known Member
Does WDW have real police officers overseeing the security by CSC? At Disneyland, the Anaheim PD are also just inside the bag check station watching the situation.
I saw a number of OCSO folks in the general area, cannot say they were overseeing the operation or just making their presence known, as I have seen them in the area many times prior to this current security process.

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