New Rumor Says Further Demolitions Cancelled & Clubs Could Reopen!


Well-Known Member
I know it works well with Rainforest Cafe and Planet Hollywood, but those aren't clubs that serve high amounts of alcohol. Will leasing to a 3rd party take away from the Disney atmosphere? Maybe they don't care. :shrug:

Well, thats actually a good question. I would assume that there would be a pretty good amount of clauses and red tape involved. As far as third parties taking away from the Disney atmosphere, it actually seems to be what Disney is going for there...


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I know it works well with Rainforest Cafe and Planet Hollywood, but those aren't clubs that serve high amounts of alcohol. Will leasing to a 3rd party take away from the Disney atmosphere? Maybe they don't care. :shrug:

go to HOB sunday nights and see people packed wall to wall with high amounts of alcohol. Disney doesn't mind, they just dont want to do it themselves, which is why they should have just outsourced the clubs in the first place


Well-Known Member
I know it works well with Rainforest Cafe and Planet Hollywood, but those aren't clubs that serve high amounts of alcohol. Will leasing to a 3rd party take away from the Disney atmosphere? Maybe they don't care. :shrug:

No more than leasing to a 3rd party cigar bar, Latin American restaurant with a prominent tequila bar, and Irish pub.

Hopefully, they would bring back AC too, but I think that's just wishful thinking at this point. Still kicking myself for never going. :brick::cry:

Doubtful. [Going full-on Rusty Scupper mode here, forgive me]

(1) The start-up costs would be huge compared to a more typical club--finding artifacts to decorate, training actors, etc.

(2) I doubt Disney will part with their intellectual property (characters, shows).

(3) The AdvClub, although profitable, had lower margins than Mannequins/8-Traxx/Motion. If it was my money, I'd re-open Mannequins with a mix of top 40 and 80s music, go for a greatest common denominator approach.

Just an observation on what is often posted around here that is completely false. Downtown Disney is not a ghost town, far from it, even in its current state. On a nightly basis the restaurants have lines out the door, the parking lots are full, even the West Side lot is congested. Regardless of what you think about DTD, it is not true to say it's a ghost town.

I think the truth is somewhere in the middle (excepting the 6 or so busiest weeks of the year, when all of SW Orlando is slammed). Marketplace is always a zoo. AMC does alright. And the "kiddie" restaurants have lines out the door. But most of the year, you'll have no trouble getting immediate seating at Raglan or Paradiso or Bongos, even at 7 pm on Friday. While I agree it's nowhere near a "ghost town," a lot of the businesses are not as busy as they probably should be. And I've never had problems parking in lots 3 - 5 outside peak season (and even in peak season, never seen the lots to the side of Hob/Cirque more than 1/3 full).


Well-Known Member
This would be a lose-lose because it will drive potential customers away from the retail districts and from the AMC and Disney Quest and T-Rex and RFC. It is a self defeating strategy that would only appeal to a small but vocal audience that does not have much disposable income in this economy.

Bringing clubs back to DTD would be nuts. Steve essentially confirmed HW is happening yesterday.

I'm calling shenanigans on this SPI news. Someone's gotta do it. :wave:

So wait, over 21s that like to dance and drink is a 'small but vocal audience'? JT, here's a quarter. Go buy a clue.


So wait, over 21s that like to dance and drink is a 'small but vocal audience'? JT, here's a quarter. Go buy a clue.

So, I'm a new poster here.. I've been lurking around for years but never registered.... did so because this kind of thing happens a lot here... Anyway.. Just curious.. what makes someone elses opinion less valued here then your own? I know JT has 'Disney Fanboi' itis.. but whats wrong with that really?

Either way, apparently personal attacks are ok on here as long as you are on the 'in list' with this website...

not trying to upset anyone (or the owner of the site) but this is really troubling.. Disney is about family, and togetherness.. A heated discussion is fine, but personally attacking people and degrading them on here? Really?

For what it's worth, my thought is that regardless of what happens at PI these days, it's likely too late for anything to be done as far as ressurecting AC or any of the other clubs.. If any of the spaces were 'leased' out, I'm sure it would be completely new concepts..

Keep in mind that this is a rumor based in absolutely no fact whatsoever... so, we'll just have ot see what happens

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
So I was doing some reading over on the MiceChat forum and came across an interesting story of how the Pleasure Island revamp was supposed to go. . .

Originally Posted by KingEric

Before I say anything a disclaimer... these are memories of conversations and other such with some people about PI back in 2004 - 2008... so if I have missed a point, or misrepresented a decision that was made please feel free to correct me.

Back in 2004 PI was showing it's age. The powers that were directly in charge of PI at the time (some really great people) wanted PI to be a bit more fluid and be able to transition and turn over more often than Disney was willing to invest.

The big complaints being the Mannaquins, 8 Traxx, Rock N' Roll Beach Club, BET and Motions should constantly be changing. What they wanted to do, was take some of the great night time talent that they had pretty much put out of business from downtown Orlando, and Pointe Orlando and allow them to operate clubs at Downtown Disney. Giving them the audience that they want, giving Disney the high rent that they want, and giving the guest a fresh and constantly changing/fresh experience. (There was a time that Mannaquins was voted the best night club in the south eastern united states).

So that being said, in order to do this and attract these big players they had to make PI an open area, not a hard ticket. So out went the turn styles, out went the west end state, things were beginning to really take shape at the time when they tore out the west end stage.

Then some people moved on, and some philosophies began to change. Then with PI not being a hard ticket, and the big crusader for this change no longer in Florida, the vision really changed from let's change this experience to OMG we are loosing so much money, we need to dump these venue asap.

So the plan was drafted to get 3rd parties like planned before, but make them restaurants/clubs ala CityWalk, and just be done with it. So they closed PI, the economy crashed, and there was no one there to redevelop like they had hoped... there was no longer that great vision.

So because the mentality had changed and the goal had now been to dump the venues, and get really any 3rd party in there, we have what we have today... a ghost town.

Again if I have misrepresented a decision please correct me, but this is my point of view of the situation, from the information that I have been privy to.

Dear God on high, please let this be what is once again in store for Pleasue Island with Adventure, of course, being the main focal point!

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!



New Member
go to HOB sunday nights and see people packed wall to wall with high amounts of alcohol. Disney doesn't mind, they just dont want to do it themselves, which is why they should have just outsourced the clubs in the first place

I forgot about the House Of Blues, will have to get over there again.


Well-Known Member
Folks, you may be missing the point on this one. This doesn't mean HW isn't happening. If the rumor is true, it really just means Hyperion Wharf could be a mix of retail, restaurants and clubs – exactly what the concept for HW should've been in the first place.

I'm still incredibly confused as to why they need to theme this area as Hyperion Wharf. I like the name and the concept art, however the thing they need to do most of all (besides getting tenants) is get rid of the concept of the 3 different areas. It made sense originally once PI was created, but now that they've gotten rid of PI, there's no reason to have The Marketplace, The West End, and HW. The three areas creates a false boundary and stops traffic flow. The best thing they could do at this point would be to spread the Disney-owned stores throughout the area. Their efforts now should be to create one unified DTD.

Obviously, this wasn't their initial concept for HW. But, in these horrible economic times, I'm sure they've come to realize they can't close the door on any possible tenants. The clubs worked before and will add life and make the area more appealing to new businesses.

I would imagine they won't allow more than 2 or 3 of the clubs to re-open no matter how desperate they are to fill space. They know the road block PI was and wouldn't repeat that mistake again. If something like AC were to re-open, I certainly would hope they'd insist on it being a restaurant that appealed to all-ages day and night.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
This would be a lose-lose because it will drive potential customers away from the retail districts and from the AMC and Disney Quest and T-Rex and RFC. It is a self defeating strategy that would only appeal to a small but vocal audience that does not have much disposable income in this economy.

Bringing clubs back to DTD would be nuts. Steve essentially confirmed HW is happening yesterday.

I'm calling shenanigans on this SPI news. Someone's gotta do it. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I would love if this happened..there's no reason that it can't. Then it would cover ALL aspects of people and everyone would be satisfied. Of course not as dramatic as it use to be but maybe 2 or 3 clubs and the rest restaurants and shops.....everyone's happy!!


Well-Known Member
not trying to upset anyone (or the owner of the site) but this is really troubling.. Disney is about family, and togetherness.. A heated discussion is fine, but personally attacking people and degrading them on here? Really?

Personally attacking or degrading people is never cool - Disney related or not. I don't think I have actually seen any name calling or threatening posts - just skepticism and general annoyance.

And just a side note. It's only an actual discussion if both sides are willing to concede to logic, reason, and evidence.


This would be a lose-lose because it will drive potential customers away from the retail districts and from the AMC and Disney Quest and T-Rex and RFC. It is a self defeating strategy that would only appeal to a small but vocal audience that does not have much disposable income in this economy.

Bringing clubs back to DTD would be nuts. Steve essentially confirmed HW is happening yesterday.

I'm calling shenanigans on this SPI news. Someone's gotta do it. :wave:

Your posting is lose-lose.

If this happens to fruition then I would have to say,

WAY TO GO TDO :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
So, I'm a new poster here.. I've been lurking around for years but never registered.... did so because this kind of thing happens a lot here... Anyway.. Just curious.. what makes someone elses opinion less valued here then your own? I know JT has 'Disney Fanboi' itis.. but whats wrong with that really?

Regardless of his fanboi status, most of his arguments are made up on the spot and have no basis in fact, such as the line I quoted.

Either way, apparently personal attacks are ok on here as long as you are on the 'in list' with this website...

Trust me, I'm far from the 'in list'. Also, replying to someone isn't an attack.

not trying to upset anyone (or the owner of the site) but this is really troubling.. Disney is about family, and togetherness.. A heated discussion is fine, but personally attacking people and degrading them on here? Really?

Common misconception. Just because Disney has a family-oriented image does not mean a website that is unaffiliated with Disney has to have the same image.

For what it's worth, my thought is that regardless of what happens at PI these days, it's likely too late for anything to be done as far as ressurecting AC or any of the other clubs.. If any of the spaces were 'leased' out, I'm sure it would be completely new concepts..

Keep in mind that this is a rumor based in absolutely no fact whatsoever... so, we'll just have ot see what happens

You don't know for sure how much fact the rumor is based in. Unless the source made it up completely, then there is at least some fact in it, as with most rumors. Yes, some are completely made up, but others are not.


Well-Known Member

Wow, harsh but hilarious.

Anyways everyone knows Disney will never reopen clubs because of the all of the massive drunk driving accidents that happened on a nightly basis. Oh wait JT made that whole conspiracy up a while back.

I'm willing to wager that JT never even set foot in PI when it was open. Newsflash, people like to drink, dance, and have a little fun while on vacation, and yes that includes while at WDW. He reminds me of a character from that Steve Carell movie, you can probably guess the one I'm thinking of. ;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, harsh but hilarious.

Anyways everyone knows Disney will never reopen clubs because of the all of the massive drunk driving accidents that happened on a nightly basis. Oh wait JT made that whole conspiracy up a while back.

I'm willing to wager that JT never even set foot in PI when it was open. Newsflash, people like to drink, dance, and have little fun while on vacation, and yes that includes while at WDW. He reminds me of a character from that Steve Carell movie, you can probably guess the one I'm thinking of. ;)

Despicable Me?


Well-Known Member
If this happens to fruition then I would have to say,

WAY TO GO TDO :sohappy:

Really? Third-party versions of Motion and 8-Traxx (what I imagine we'd end up with) are better than empty buildings, and I do miss the revolving dance floor, but still nowhere near what PI once was. Closest analogy I can make is JiYI 3.0--yeah, better than the abomination that was 2.0, but still mostly just makes me nostalgic for Dreamfinder.


Regardless of his fanboi status, most of his arguments are made up on the spot and have no basis in fact, such as the line I quoted.

Trust me, I'm far from the 'in list'. Also, replying to someone isn't an attack.

Common misconception. Just because Disney has a family-oriented image does not mean a website that is unaffiliated with Disney has to have the same image.

You don't know for sure how much fact the rumor is based in. Unless the source made it up completely, then there is at least some fact in it, as with most rumors. Yes, some are completely made up, but others are not.

I could post a rumor that there is going to be a smurfs attraction constructed in DHS, that doesn't mean any of it is based in fact..

Fine, your reply was on the fringe side of attack (telling someone to 'get a clue' is rude... no matter how it's framed)

on the other side of this whole thread though.. is there ANYTHING to suggest that hyperion wharf ISN'T moving forward as planned?

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