There's this whole thing in all of Hollywood about hesitating to do big dinosaur movies because they don't want to be compared to Jurassic Park, and really the only big-budget live-action dinosaur movie we've had besides Jurassic Park sequels in the last 20 years is Peter Jackson's King Kong. We've had some animated movies and a bunch of TV documentaries, but nobody seems willing to challenge Jurassic Park as a "Humans and Dinosaurs together" thing now.
It's mostly been kind of a silent attitude, but I keep seeing director interviews for stuff like Kong Skull Island or the recent Godzilla where the directors admit they actively avoided additional dinosaurs or dinosaur-like kaiju because they didn't want to compete with Jurassic Park, as if dinosaur representation peaked there. But as any number of sticklers for accuracy can tell you, the Jurassic Park franchise isn't on the cutting edge of paleontology anymore and in some places, they've even regressed. There's a pent-up demand for dinosaur content there, but not a lot of delivery.