In my opinion, setting isn’t even the biggest problem. Some scenes of Zootopia take place in more natural areas, which I’m sure, or hope, they’d take inspiration from. The bigger issue is that the themes of the movie Zootopia have everything to do with human social issues and animals are simply used as an allegory for humans. Yes, Zootopia would look more jarring than Pandora, but it also would take a complete deviation from the IP’s origins to make the potential ride fit the park.
Synergy with a skyliner expansion though?
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I don’t get either of those impressions at all. These are just opinions, whether you or I agree or disagree. And when someone disagrees with the company’s potential decision, they aren’t acting like the have authority or trying to convince themselves otherwise. Disney often makes mistakes. People often discuss them. Nothing more.
Also it’s “you’re,” not “your.”