For real? Next you're going to tell me the animals on the Jungle Cruise are real.
I'm sure she is a lovely fun person, just like the person who was cast for the Test Track Social Media piece, but this is all carefully choreographed and scripted PR. It lacks complete authenticity.
Lets go though the laundry list of what's wrong this.
First, it is a scripted PR post. That's what the intention of the video is. They aren't filming a work in progress/in place video for the general public.
Second, why in the world would you do filming in and around active construction? There is no reason to take that even slight risk that something goes wrong during filming, or something gets caught on camera that shouldn't be.
Third, who do you think Disney is going to have do a PR video talking to the public about an upcoming Disney location, someone what works for Disney, that will stay on script and who likely has had some schooling/training, in PR/Public speaking/communications, ect., or some laborer who may or may not actually work for Disney, but rather an independent contractor and who's job it is to build things, not film commercials?
Fourth, "dirty PPE?" Seriously? I mean leaving aside the fact that this project is basically a remodel, your not doing heavy concrete pours, working with slurry, or other materials that should really "dirty" up PPE and that the project hasn't been ongoing all that long such that most of the PPE should still be in good shape, the person who is doing the video is clearly not a front line worker. Any guest to a project site is going to get new PPE as a standard practice, filming or not and if she happens to have her own for when she does visit sites, its not likely that its going to be banged up.
I mean at this point your just complaining to complain.