New pics of 20K subs


Well-Known Member
Joe :wave: , I personally like your posts and enjoy hearing from you. If I had more money I'd be shopping. Seeing as how I'm a poor college student, stuff like yours will have to wait until someday in the future. Please continue to post here. Even though I can't afford many items in your auctions, it's still fun to "window shop" and reminisce (?sp). You're definitely welcome here!

Also, spelling and grammar, while important are not necessarily the most important part of the post. It is easier to read a post that has no errors in it, but I had no difficulty in reading or understanding any of your posts. Some others can be much worse. I understand that nobody's perfect and sometimes mistakes can be made. In fact, I'm sure that I make mistakes in some of my posts (I just caught a few right now in fact).

Welcome to the boards! :wave:


New Member
Boy, I have heard some petty complaints but to comment on someones grammar & use of punctuation just because he sells old Disney Junk is absolutely ridiculous. I used to be involved with this site much more but it became to bothersome to listen to people whine & complain about stupid stuff. This is my first post in a while & it will be my last for a while also. WDWMagic is getting to be nothing more than a bunch of internet geek losers who do nothing but complain & point ouit the obvious. Get a life people & also try to get out of the house. Joes auction items on ebay are fairly priced Used Disney garb. For people like myself who think this stuff is cool check it out. I would love to see his warehouse. P.S. i hated the 20k ride but would like to have a piece of the sub as a yard ornament.


New Member
BeachClubVillas said:
Also, you would think you would realize that by insulting the entire group of us you are really cutting down your chances of selling your items on ebay. Most of us look at ebay just about every day for ebay merchandise, myself included. But, since I love this site and the people on it, and since according to you, we are nothing but people trying to "slam" each other, I'm certainly not going to buy from you.

Really? If this is the case - keep slamming Joe, chase everyone away so I can get some great deals! :lol:

I'm only kidding of course - it's not nice to come onto someone's site, and cut everyone down. This can be a very friendly group, but if you try to pull anything below board, everyone will band together and expose it. There are a lot of very smart, very Disney connected people here, so you better have your ducks in a row when you make a statement. I don't think it's a site that slams everyone, but it's definitely a site where you can't get away with tossing up a post like "The monorail expansion has begun!" without getting called on it.

You have some very interesting auctions, but if you get nasty in the message boards, you are going to turn off over 10,000 potential customers really quick! Just some words of advice to you.


OK, I'm gonna stick up for Joe's.
I have purchased from them in the past, and can definately vouch for them.
They buy the old stuff from Disney, then sell to the public.
Who cares about typing skills?
The merchandise is top-notch.


Well-Known Member
Just going to put in my .02 here. I don't know Joe, so I won't say one way or the other about his business practices, since I have no point of reference. But I will say that the people that mention spelling and grammar as being reasons they would be hesitant to deal with someone can be a valid point. I know there are people here that are saying "So what if he can't spell or uses poor grammar? That describes half the people here." But if you step back for a moment and look at it from this perspective:

Say you need to buy a watch. You have a choice of two stores, neither of which you really know much about. One store is advertising the following as being on sale: "Swatch, Timex, Rolex and Movado." The other is advertising "switch TiMecks Rolleks and MoovDoo." Which one are you going to be hesitant on dealing with? Odds are, it's the one with incorrect spelling and grammar. I think that's the point people before were trying to make. And like I said, I am not saying anything for or against Joe here, just trying to clarify why some people are saying they are wary about dealing with him based on his spelling. I do apologize if people feel that I am being mean to anyone in particular. I tried to word this as best I could to get my point across without ticking anyone off.


New Member
Haha, I think there are a few people on this thread (who shall remain nameless) who need to put it on ice. :lol:

Whether joesauctionsales is swindling the public at large or not is a moot point. What is important is that he has pictures and information which he is willing to share with all of us--correctly spelled or not :animwink:

Let's just give the guy a chance.


New Member
Joes Auction Sales

I just wanted to give a great reference to Joes, I have bought lots of items from them over the year,,,,I have bought items from Disney direct also on their auction site,,,,I originally bought the Monorail Red from them two years ago,,,Now that was an experience,,,,took me forever to get an answer from them on how to move it and to display it,,,I was going to make a section of track for it but luckely I got the guy that moved the other monorails to Vegas to tell me how to do it,,,,Look up on and under collectables and you will find me and the pictures of moving it from Disney to my house.. I have bought a Mr Toads Ride, Snow White Ride, Space Mtn and People Mover from them,,,,They lost my Pirate of the Carribean boat,,,,,they just appoligized and gave me credit on it,,,,but no boat,,,,,I am still waiting on my other Space Mtn ride vehicle, been about 10 weeks now,,,,
When I have bought from Joes,,,I get my stuff within days, I have bought
some major pieces from them also,,,,The subs are very real that they have and I will be bidding on them also,,,,Send me an email if you like and I will answer any question you might have on Joes, Chip Young


Well-Known Member
I feel bad for you if you had a bad first experience on here. Mine was WONDERFUL! Everyone went out of there way to say hello to me and send me positive rep. points, I was so greatful! This is a wonderful site...but you have to show the good you before you can get a little mean and what-not. *Just some friendly advice*


New Member
Didn't they already auction these off at a past Disneyanna Convention after the closed the ride. I remember this because they did the same thing with Mr. Toad Cars.


Well-Known Member
I dont think the guys lying at all, but then again, right now I dont really care. I just want to see the pictures of his warehouse and backstage areas. If you dont trust him, or dont like his spelling, then dont buy from him and shut up. Most of us could really care less what you think about him and no matter how important it makes you feel, your still bashing someone on the internet. Get over it. there any chance of seeing any good pictures?


New Member
reply to all

i have been keeping quite, so i dont get bashed, but they did auction off some seats and, and porthole windows, we now have a dumbo ride car (blue hat) that was slated for disneyana auctions but since they were cancelled we get them now, we also have the huge sign fantasyland character festival from on top of 20000, ride entrance area, can email photos if you guys want to see.


Active Member
Once WDW dismantles a ride, who cares how the parts are gotten. Now Joes said they have permission to sell the stuff. Still I for one could care less if the parts were given, found, or taken. Does it really matter? The rides are closed. WDW dosen't use them. They sit up and rot.

If I knew where this stuff was that disney tore down I wouldn't hesitate to help myself to any of it. Think about it. Who cares how the stuff wound up on Ebay. It isn't used anymore. End of story. :D


Active Member
joesauctionsale said:
ps i have a lot of photos from inside 20000 building how do i post

When you make a post, hit the square button "Insert Image" and enter the url of where the pic is online. It has to be online here or somewhere to post it.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Hey joesauctionsale - these picture will be fascinating. Thanks for agreeing to post them! If you have any difficulty in putting them in your WDWMagic album, PM me (click on my name at the top of this reply and select private message.)


Well-Known Member
Hi Joe,

Thanks for posting those. That is such a shame, it depresses me to see that. Not your fault Joe, I'm glad you did psot them. I just miss the attraction and so regret not going on it on my trip in 1993 before it closed. :(


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