New Park Rules.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I'd ban strollers altogether, well for kids over 5 lol The amount of times I have been mown down by them o_O

I'm totally with you there. Strollers are like four-wheeled plagues that endanger pedestrians and clutter up the landscape, killing whatever ambience and atmosphere Imagineers try so hard to create. I wish they could be banned, and parents forced to use harnesses, leashes, their own arms, or their kids' own legs to move them around from place to place. It'll never happen, but it's a nice thought.


Well-Known Member
No show (Fantasmic!) can start seating/admitting any guest until 15 minutes before show start time. Sorry, but I don't want/need to spend 90 min sitting in stands waiting for a show that may or may not be performed. If we can't get all the people to file in and sit down in 15 min, then we need to create better/more entrance and exit points.


Well-Known Member
As I understand it, if a guest does something really stupid like standing up on an attraction, or dropping something in the ride, this can trigger a stop. I also believe they can be kicked out for this. I say that is not enough.

If a guest intentionally causes an "e-stop" or whatever, they should have to stand by the exit with a sign proclaiming their idioacy as all the guest who had their experience ruined walk by them. I have seen an upset WDW guest or two in my time, and most would not want to be subject to this wrath.


Active Member
1. No speedos at the waterparks- I've been witness to a few not so pleasant sights.
2. No high heels- you look ridiculous. (Maybe the blisters are enough for them to learn their lesson?)
3. No flash photography on the dark rides- I think we should lock these people in SGE for 24 hours. That should teach them.


Well-Known Member
Strollers hurt, but not as much as the electric scooters... and I think i've been hit by more scooters than strollers.

How about a drivers license for scooters in WDW, with a written and road test? Examples:

1) In the USA, who by default has the right of way?
a. Vehicles
b. Pediestrians (sp?)
c. Me
d. Both a and c

Road Test: you must enter this bus and parallel park your scooter in less than two minutes.


Well-Known Member
If you are over the age of 5, and you kick, punch, pull, or otherwise harrass a costumed character, you must spend the rest of your vacation in the thickest, darkest, least ventilated, most reviled villian costume possible in the Florida heat.


Well-Known Member
Not so much a guest rule, but I would ban a Photopass CM from making a guest who set up to shoot fireworks 45 minutes in advance move, especially when their were 2 additional photopass photographers within 30 feet of said cast member on the same line of sight, and said CM was nowhere in sight when this individual set up.

This did not happen to me, but rather another gentlemen who was trying to shoot that night, I still let the CM know how much I thought they sucked for doing that to that individual, and stopped at guest relations on my way out.

To make matters worse, this happened during a hard ticket event, the Halloween Party.


Well-Known Member
- No complaining about heat
- No complaining about long lines
- Must use deorderant
- No stollers for kids 6+
- Treat CMs nicely as they do to you
- No texting at rides/shows/restaurants (not only is it respect, but it's WDW!)
- Don't say "Mine wasn't working!" after losing to another on BLSRS or TSM because it's obviously your lack of talent. Especially when you lose all the time.

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