News New Park Hours...


Well-Known Member
Me (-: I need Any Disney fix

I get the need for a fix... We have the same need for some Magic. This limited time in the park needs to be considered again. If it is just to manage the buses, and transportation to insure distancing, the logic doesn't hold. I've been o.k. with everything up to this, but we are really rethinking the trip because of reduced hours.

My Questions:
  • What are people going to do back at the hotels?
  • Will the demand and concentration on buses increase because everyone is leaving at the same time?
  • Wouldn't the best strategy be to open the parks earlier and leave them open longer to reduce concentration (And maximize revenue)?
  • How am I going to be able to get the value for the $$ paid on the reduced hours?
  • What am I going to do at the hotels when I get back at 7:30.
  • Are the hotels going to be overly concentrated around pools, and other venues and therefore the net change in "distancing" is not accomplished, or made worse?
I am sure there are others, and we will wait awhile to make our decision, but this changes everything for us!


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I get the need for a fix... We have the same need for some Magic. This limited time in the park needs to be considered again. If it is just to manage the buses, and transportation to insure distancing, the logic doesn't hold. I've been o.k. with everything up to this, but we are really rethinking the trip because of reduced hours.

My Questions:
  • What are people going to do back at the hotels?
  • Will the demand and concentration on buses increase because everyone is leaving at the same time?
  • Wouldn't the best strategy be to open the parks earlier and leave them open longer to reduce concentration (And maximize revenue)?
  • How am I going to be able to get the value for the $$ paid on the reduced hours?
  • What am I going to do at the hotels when I get back at 7:30.
  • Are the hotels going to be overly concentrated around pools, and other venues and therefore the net change in "distancing" is not accomplished, or made worse?
I am sure there are others, and we will wait awhile to make our decision, but this changes everything for us!
Reduced hours to me means even less people probably wanting to go. On top of that, we usually get pooped out before the times listed anyways.


Well-Known Member
I get the need for a fix... We have the same need for some Magic. This limited time in the park needs to be considered again. If it is just to manage the buses, and transportation to insure distancing, the logic doesn't hold. I've been o.k. with everything up to this, but we are really rethinking the trip because of reduced hours.

My Questions:
  • What are people going to do back at the hotels?
  • Will the demand and concentration on buses increase because everyone is leaving at the same time?
  • Wouldn't the best strategy be to open the parks earlier and leave them open longer to reduce concentration (And maximize revenue)?
  • How am I going to be able to get the value for the $$ paid on the reduced hours?
  • What am I going to do at the hotels when I get back at 7:30.
  • Are the hotels going to be overly concentrated around pools, and other venues and therefore the net change in "distancing" is not accomplished, or made worse?
I am sure there are others, and we will wait awhile to make our decision, but this changes everything for us!
I agree! I think it’s crazy to open Epcot during the height of the day when it’s the hottest. And then to close hours before sun goes down.

personally to everyone I recommend visiting tourist recreations in small towns or islands that are going to have a harder time surviving this pandemic than Disney. Disney fix can wait! I personally recommend Ocracoke island in North Carolina


Premium Member
I get the need for a fix... We have the same need for some Magic. This limited time in the park needs to be considered again. If it is just to manage the buses, and transportation to insure distancing, the logic doesn't hold. I've been o.k. with everything up to this, but we are really rethinking the trip because of reduced hours.

My Questions:
  • What are people going to do back at the hotels?
  • Will the demand and concentration on buses increase because everyone is leaving at the same time?
  • Wouldn't the best strategy be to open the parks earlier and leave them open longer to reduce concentration (And maximize revenue)?
  • How am I going to be able to get the value for the $$ paid on the reduced hours?
  • What am I going to do at the hotels when I get back at 7:30.
  • Are the hotels going to be overly concentrated around pools, and other venues and therefore the net change in "distancing" is not accomplished, or made worse?
I am sure there are others, and we will wait awhile to make our decision, but this changes everything for us!
The value proposition is a personal choice. If you think about the time people spend either waiting for a parade or fireworks show, waiting for a meet and greet or in the various shows that won’t be running there’s a lot of time freed up. Add to that extreme reductions in restaurant capacity so much less people eating in the parks and the fact that you may need to wait in a line to get into a shop so probably less shopping too you won’t need as many hours total in the parks. Not even factoring in the comfort of guests in the summer heat. Ignoring the mask issue, whenever I go to WDW in the summer we always did mornings in the park, afternoon at pool or in room and then evening into night back at the parks. It’s tough without a mask to stay in a park all day in July or August probably Much more difficult this summer. Many people will bug out long before the official close time. Of course the downside to less to do in the parks Is everyone will be competing for the same rides that are open and most people will get there early so mornings may be less leisurely.

On the pool front, the details are not out yet, but at least in the DVC e-mail they specifically stated:
  • Physical distancing at restaurants, lobbies, pools, fitness centers and other public areas, including reducing capacity where appropriate
I take that to mean pool areas will be setup with chairs at least 6 feet apart and a cap on the number of people allowed in the area. If the parks are all closing early and everyone is back at the resorts I imagine pool capacity could max out pretty quickly. In other words they will maintain distancing by capping the number of people allowed in the pool area. Works if you get in, not great if you return from the parks and get shut out. I guess there’s always DS if you can get on a bus to it. May be a good reason to rent a car.

Revenues aren’t going to be much higher with the parks open longer, but costs will. I think they are doing what they need to do to get the parks open. People wanted them to open ASAP but this is what it takes to do that. If things work out well and they can ramp up capacity quickly the hours can be expanded but that assumes there’s enough demand. As we get into Sept a lot of people won’t be pulling kids from school considering how much school was lost this year and things like the halloween and even food and wine that draw fall crowds are in doubt. Demand may stay low heading into the holiday season.


Premium Member
I agree! I think it’s crazy to open Epcot during the height of the day when it’s the hottest. And then to close hours before sun goes down.

personally to everyone I recommend visiting tourist recreations in small towns or islands that are going to have a harder time surviving this pandemic than Disney. Disney fix can wait! I personally recommend Ocracoke island in North Carolina
Local attractions and parks are going to be popular this summer. I saw somewhere that RV rentals are up 800% heading into the summer. Makes a lot of sense. No hotel rooms or crowds to deal with. A lot of those rentals are within close proximity to national parks.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I get the need for a fix... We have the same need for some Magic. This limited time in the park needs to be considered again. If it is just to manage the buses, and transportation to insure distancing, the logic doesn't hold. I've been o.k. with everything up to this, but we are really rethinking the trip because of reduced hours.

My Questions:
  • What are people going to do back at the hotels?
  • Will the demand and concentration on buses increase because everyone is leaving at the same time?
  • Wouldn't the best strategy be to open the parks earlier and leave them open longer to reduce concentration (And maximize revenue)?
  • How am I going to be able to get the value for the $$ paid on the reduced hours?
  • What am I going to do at the hotels when I get back at 7:30.
  • Are the hotels going to be overly concentrated around pools, and other venues and therefore the net change in "distancing" is not accomplished, or made worse?
I am sure there are others, and we will wait awhile to make our decision, but this changes everything for us!
They do not physically have the infrastructure to get everyone to all four parks for 8 am with physical distancing.


Well-Known Member
The way were looking at it, it gives us more time to slow down and enjoy being there, Disney Springs is there if you want something else after the park, or even go back to your hotel hit the hotel pool bar, and take in how great your resort is on a walk. Get a good night of sleep and hit the next park the next day.


Well-Known Member
In the summer? 8 am to 10 am is the best window for sunshine and somewhat comfortable temperatures. It’s 90 degrees by 11 and stormy any time from 12 noon to 9 pm.

Yeah, we love going as early as possible in the summer to beat the heat but will take what we can get.


Premium Member
In the summer? 8 am to 10 am is the best window for sunshine and somewhat comfortable temperatures. It’s 90 degrees by 11 and stormy any time from 12 noon to 9 pm.
Yeah, if they were only going to open 10 hours a day in the summer it should be 7-12 then closed from 12-6, then open from 6 to 11pm. I know that’s not practical but that would be ideal for guest comfort.


Well-Known Member
If Universal will push through with Horror Nights this year, why can't Disney do MNSSHP?

They didn't pull them off the schedule yet, but I can't imagine we'll see Halloween parties in August this year. Maybe not at all, but they have the option to wait and see so there is no need to cancel yet. And does Universal have people stand in long lines together to get candy from cast members? This is a real question as I don't know if there is a trick or treat component to their event


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if they were only going to open 10 hours a day in the summer it should be 7-12 then closed from 12-6, then open from 6 to 11pm. I know that’s not practical but that would be ideal for guest comfort.

That would be forcing people together on transportation more frequently though, and shutting down lines at 11am or so to make sure people are out of the park in time.


Premium Member
That would be forcing people together on transportation more frequently though, and shutting down lines at 11am or so to make sure people are out of the park in time.
I know. It’s completely impractical and definitely won’t happen. Just saying from a pure guest comfort standpoint it would work best.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
...and how are they making money with that plan? Hoping every APer buys 10 Mickey Bars, eats 3 full meals at the parks, and spends $200 each in souvenirs as they leave the parks before it even gets dark?
And that's a problem ? That's easy to do, just one park exclusive Rooney surpasses that watermark.

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