New Orleans Woman Arrested At Magic Kingdom For Child Abuse

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Well-Known Member
I wish bail were set a bit higher. $2,000.00 seems to be fairly low for punching and kicking a 1 yr old. :mad: I also wish the article noted who was caring for the child after the incident. Of course we didn't see where this took place in the park, but it says she kicked him b/c he didn't walk properly... if she was barbaric enough to kick and punch her child, one might infer from this that she was also too ignorant to know to bring a stroller. I know -I know, it says nothing about this...but it's one of the places my mind went after the anger over the big things.

The Orlando Police Department want her to go back home to New Orleans, that's why bail was set so low. Florida has enough problems, they do not need to import more.


Well-Known Member
So sorry to hear about this, makes me sad.

I also get so upset when a mother is talking so badly to a child or spanking them in a restroom in Disney. Does the mother not realize that just because we can't see them doesn't mean we can't tell what's going on??:mad:


One question for the mom... Why???
Because she may be a Mom on the outside, but a monster on the inside. She needs help, to say the least, and is in no mental capacity to raise a child. I hope authorities keep that child away from her, and relocates to a kind/loving home or guardian that he deserves.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
If this is how she treats the child in public when there are literally hundreds of people around, imagine what she does to her kids in the privacy of her own home.

That's the most frightening thing.


Beta Return
Nothing says, "You will ENJOY Disney World" like some good, old fashioned, blunt force trauma.

But seriously, I hope she's put away for a long time and never sees the kid again. A hearty spanking is in order on many occasions (I'm living proof), but this type of crap aint.


Well-Known Member
If this is how she treats the child in public when there are literally hundreds of people around, imagine what she does to her kids in the privacy of her own home.

That's the most frightening thing.

I thought the exact same thing Nick. That poor, poor child. Hopefully, this incident will mean that child will have a much better life from this point on.


I'm so glad that I was not in the park that day because I probably would have gone to jail myself for beating that mother. I mean seriously, what kind of monster would do this to their child? Especially in front of hundreds of people. It makes me sick to think about what could possibly be going on behind closed doors. This is so so sad.

The Duck

Well-Known Member
As a native of New Orleans, I'm deeply ashamed of this creatures behavior. When I brought this story to the attention of a friend (and former cast member) he told me that he had witnessed child abuse many times at the parks and it usually went unchallenged from the other guests. Besides the physical abuse, he heard parents screaming at their children saying things like, "I'm sorry that I ever even had you!", usually followed by obscenities. Hopefully this will end well for the child.


Active Member
i think this womans punishment should be to be chained to a scene in its a small world for one whole week with the power on the whole time. I prefer the pinata scene and letting the little wooden doll smack her in the head till she realizes how stupid and selfish she is. Then for good measure i think one whole day on the C.O.P. should be enough to keep her straight!
I think and this is probably a totally obvious point, that because WDW is a family place that the amount of children you will see is very large and therefore there will probably be the odd instance of this as some people are idiots who should not have children.

I have a 3 year old and have never pushed her one bit. Our holidays are meant to be relaxing times so 'if' my daughter is tired then we take her home for a nap. If she's hot we take her back to the pool. If she's hungry we take her for something to eat etc...At no point should you lose it with a child. When our little girl was 15 months we took her to Disney for the first time she walked a few times but the vast majority of the time she was in a stroller.

Unfortunately this is not specific to Disney - idiot parents are all around so the good parents have to take the blame for a number of things such as 'why do we have to bring strollers in to parks' and 'why is that baby in a plane' etc. I'm sure you get my point.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the people who called the authorities got Dream FASTPASS tickets. I think they should have.


Well-Known Member
the system at least here in florida stinks. she'll have her kid back in no time and the first people they'd have tried to place it with is a family member. a few promises and a few hours in how to be a parent class and that will be it until the next time. we had first hand experience with dcfs when my step cousins were being abused by their father and it was horrible trying to keep them safe. the state kept giving them back after they'd jump through a few hoops. it's a sad sad joke.
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