New Orleans Woman Arrested At Magic Kingdom For Child Abuse

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Active Member
If she did that in public imagine what she does behind closed doors.
Exactly. If she was on her best behavior at WDW I wonder what she is like when at home? On the other hand perhaps from her perspective this type of behavior is normal as this is all she knows? That being said how does somebody this stupid scrape together enough cash to come to the happiest place on Earth in the first place?

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Because she may be a Mom on the outside, but a monster on the inside. She needs help, to say the least, and is in no mental capacity to raise a child. I hope authorities keep that child away from her, and relocates to a kind/loving home or guardian that he deserves.

There has got to be a special place in Hell for people that behave like that.

That poor child! I really wonder about people who think that kind of behavior is acceptable. What goes through their minds?

this makes me sick,yes ok I get it that being a parent is frustrating at times,but there is no excuse for this type of behaviour at all.

This is going to make me the designated a-hole of the day, or at least the "bleeding heart liberal" of the day, but a lot of the comments I'm reading compels me to make what I hope will be taken as a valid point.

Many of the comments are based on the idea that this woman, like most of us, knows the difference between right and wrong. Now it's possible she knows what she's doing is deplorable but does it anyway. And it's also possible, awful as it may seem, that she has no idea what she did was even wrong, considered abusive. Maybe she was raised the same way and doesn't realize it's not right. I know, I know, how can you be on this planet long enough to have kids and not know it's never ok to punch a 1 year old for any reason, let alone not "walking properly?" But that's my point, it's more an indication that the woman is mentally ill, more than that she's "a monster."

I certainly hope her child is safe, and I think what she did is deplorable & is worthy of punishment, but I can't jump on the Casey Anthony Bloodlust Express just yet. Because there seems to be some indication that this mom is not in her right mind, and maybe the best punishment she'll ever get is the realization from her actions. If she goes through life now thinking everything is crap, taking her kid away and putting her in jail only reinforces that world view. Getting her to truly understand just how wrong what she did is, the long-term ramifications of her actions, might be the sort of thing that some people equate with "hell," the chance to sit and stew on the evil you've caused, again and again and again.

And like I said, she might very well be evil through and through, I don't know. But I'm gonna take the "What Would Jesus Do" Christian approach, rather than the "an eye for an eye" approach and hope that someone will get to the bottom of such an awful act, change it and try to cultivate SOME positive change out of it.


Well-Known Member
This is going to make me the designated a-hole of the day, or at least the "bleeding heart liberal" of the day, but a lot of the comments I'm reading compels me to make what I hope will be taken as a valid point.

Many of the comments are based on the idea that this woman, like most of us, knows the difference between right and wrong. Now it's possible she knows what she's doing is deplorable but does it anyway. And it's also possible, awful as it may seem, that she has no idea what she did was even wrong, considered abusive. Maybe she was raised the same way and doesn't realize it's not right. I know, I know, how can you be on this planet long enough to have kids and not know it's never ok to punch a 1 year old for any reason, let alone not "walking properly?" But that's my point, it's more an indication that the woman is mentally ill, more than that she's "a monster."

I certainly hope her child is safe, and I think what she did is deplorable & is worthy of punishment, but I can't jump on the Casey Anthony Bloodlust Express just yet. Because there seems to be some indication that this mom is not in her right mind, and maybe the best punishment she'll ever get is the realization from her actions. If she goes through life now thinking everything is crap, taking her kid away and putting her in jail only reinforces that world view. Getting her to truly understand just how wrong what she did is, the long-term ramifications of her actions, might be the sort of thing that some people equate with "hell," the chance to sit and stew on the evil you've caused, again and again and again.

And like I said, she might very well be evil through and through, I don't know. But I'm gonna take the "What Would Jesus Do" Christian approach, rather than the "an eye for an eye" approach and hope that someone will get to the bottom of such an awful act, change it and try to cultivate SOME positive change out of it.

Your are the designated "Bleeding Heart Liberal" today. Sometimes people are just evil. I couldnt care less what her childhood was and how she might have grown up. Blah Blah Blah....

She is just lucky I wasnt there. Funny thing is I would have probably had a higher set bail then her. She might have gotten one punch off but not the kick. I would have been on her like white on rice. I wouldnt have physically harmed her but I am certian she wouldnt have had the chaance to lay her hands on the child the second time.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Your are the designated "Bleeding Heart Liberal" today. Sometimes people are just evil. I couldnt care less what her childhood was and how she might have grown up. Blah Blah Blah....

She is just lucky I wasnt there. Funny thing is I would have probably had a higher set bail then her. She might have gotten one punch off but not the kick. I would have been on her like white on rice. I wouldnt have physically harmed her but I am certian she wouldnt have had the chaance to lay her hands on the child the second time.

That's right, you're the big bad-a$$ of the Disney forum. You would've gotten in much more trouble righting the wrongs of evildoing monsters. People like you should have unlimited permission to use your discretion to dispense street justice because you can tell who's evil and who's not. Wah wah wah...


Well-Known Member
I am not really going to get into some kind of "battle of words" with you. I am in no way a Bada$$. But in absolutely no way will I stand by and let ANYONE abuse a child like that. I really dont care what that persons problem is....wasnt brought up that way.

I also said I would not attack her physically or harm her. But I would do whatever I would have to do to prevent her from kicking or hitting the child a second time. If you want to call it "street justice" so be it. To me its called protecting a innocent defenseless baby.

Given your comments I can only guess that you would have first thought of the mothers state of mind, what must have driven her to do such a thing? While she is knocking the crap out of the child. You would be the one who would just walk by....would you even call the police? Would you run to find a CM or security?

Nope not me.....My first thought is protecting the child from being hurt AGAIN! If I faced that situation, I couldnt care less what you think.


Well-Known Member
WHAT is this babies life like at home. I am betting this child needs to be taken away. They are still in Diapers, bottles does she punish them and make them stay in dirty diapers or no food because she doesn't like something the child did. For all we know they live in sqwaller and are depriving this kid or kids to go on this vacation and couldn't find anyone to dump the kids on..This needs to be taken farther to where they live and someone warn child protective services to check on this family... Please someone do this if you live in or near their city..Can someone check Florida records to get their names and report this to their home town authorities so when they return, this gets some attention

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I am not really going to get into some kind of "battle of words" with you. I am in no way a Bada$$. But in absolutely no way will I stand by and let ANYONE abuse a child like that. I really dont care what that persons problem is....wasnt brought up that way.

First of all, *I* never said *I* would let an attack happen either, just that the bloodlust some people seem to have over a woman whose mental capacity might not be all that was unseemly.

I also said I would not attack her physically or harm her. But I would do whatever I would have to do to prevent her from kicking or hitting the child a second time. If you want to call it "street justice" so be it. To me its called protecting a innocent defenseless baby.

Horsecrap. You wrote "She is just lucky I wasn't there." How does that jibe with "I also said I would not attack her physically or harm her?" What were you thinking, there Chuck Bronson, giving her a stern talking to? Oh, you would have stern talkinged-to the hell out of her, I'm sure.

Given your comments I can only guess that you would have first thought of the mothers state of mind, what must have driven her to do such a thing? While she is knocking the crap out of the child. You would be the one who would just walk by....would you even call the police? Would you run to find a CM or security?

Nope not me.....My first thought is protecting the child from being hurt AGAIN! If I faced that situation, I couldnt care less what you think.

Your reading comprehension skills are incredibly subpar. I can see why you wouldn't want to get into a "battle of words" with me. I'd ask you to re-read what I wrote, as I did my best to be thoughtful and detailed with my opinion, but clearly you'd just get distracted by the nearest bright shiny object and then have to start alllllll over again. I'm glad people stepped in, I'm glad the kid is safe...for now. But chances are, the kid's going to go back home with mommy, so I'd be much more hopeful that social services will work hard to figure out why this particular mommy thought this level of abuse was a good idea, so she can be dissuaded from that notion without a bunch of strangers going all lynch mob on her.


Well-Known Member
Getting her to truly understand just how wrong what she did is, the long-term ramifications of her actions, might be the sort of thing that some people equate with "hell," the chance to sit and stew on the evil you've caused, again and again and again.

And like I said, she might very well be evil through and through, I don't know. But I'm gonna take the "What Would Jesus Do" Christian approach, rather than the "an eye for an eye" approach and hope that someone will get to the bottom of such an awful act, change it and try to cultivate SOME positive change out of it.

You're right - even if they take this kid away from her, what's to stop her from having another?

You need to get a license to drive a car and do all sorts of other things, but any dumb*** can have a kid with no parental training course or psychological evaluation or any other requirement.


Well-Known Member
First of all, *I* never said *I* would let an attack happen either, just that the bloodlust some people seem to have over a woman whose mental capacity might not be all that was unseemly.

Horsecrap. You wrote "She is just lucky I wasn't there." How does that jibe with "I also said I would not attack her physically or harm her?" What were you thinking, there Chuck Bronson, giving her a stern talking to? Oh, you would have stern talkinged-to the hell out of her, I'm sure.

Your reading comprehension skills are incredibly subpar. I can see why you wouldn't want to get into a "battle of words" with me. I'd ask you to re-read what I wrote, as I did my best to be thoughtful and detailed with my opinion, but clearly you'd just get distracted by the nearest bright shiny object and then have to start alllllll over again. I'm glad people stepped in, I'm glad the kid is safe...for now. But chances are, the kid's going to go back home with mommy, so I'd be much more hopeful that social services will work hard to figure out why this particular mommy thought this level of abuse was a good idea, so she can be dissuaded from that notion without a bunch of strangers going all lynch mob on her.

(Your Atlas Shrugged/Pluto Nash line is brilliant.)


Well-Known Member
I feel that people should lose human rights. Having a child is one of those rights in my mind. If someone is convicted of a crime like this, not only should they be imprisoned, but they should be sterilized.
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