New nighttime show 'Rivers of Light' confirmed to be coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom


Well-Known Member
Remember there are different colors of money - OpEx and CapEx. Entertainment is labor intensive with higher paid staff and is operating expenses. Fireworks take expensive techs, etc that are not that elastic in their staffing. While a ride is very expensive, it has a long lifespan over which you have tax benefits, and is staffed by some of the cheapest labor on property :)

So I don't disagree that they should be acting to fill out the parks to make each greater destinations in their own self.. but there are reasons entertainment/shows can look unattractive and why they can be the first to be monkey'd with... especially if you are measured by keeping OpEx low, etc.
But for a show like IllumiNations, I imagine a new show would cost about as much to run as the current one (same staff), so the cost is from design and any new showpieces. I guess the real question is: would a new IllumiNations attract new guests, or at least move guests away from the Magic Kingdom?


Premium Member
But for a show like IllumiNations, I imagine a new show would cost about as much to run as the current one (same staff), so the cost is from design and any new showpieces. I guess the real question is: would a new IllumiNations attract new guests, or at least move guests away from the Magic Kingdom?

Yes, the real question they face is... 'will making this change make a significant, sustained, difference in our attendance patterns?'

If you start off thinking "I know I can make an even BETTER show than we have.." and you are motivated to do that.. you probably could. But if you face people doubting the change will result in significant enough gains... I think you get what we have today. Run that sucker until the wheels come off!


Well-Known Member
But for a show like IllumiNations, I imagine a new show would cost about as much to run as the current one (same staff), so the cost is from design and any new showpieces. I guess the real question is: would a new IllumiNations attract new guests, or at least move guests away from the Magic Kingdom?

Like anything else, make something spectacular enough and word of mouth will draw the crowds. Lord knows if WDW guests think Wishes, ROE and Fantasmic are life-changing experiences, imagine what would happen if they got to see a really-for-real state-of-the-art lavish nighttime spectacular - here's hoping Rivers of Light fits the bill.

That said, Wishes is getting an upgrade to a new show, but ROE and Fantasmic are dying slow painful deaths and are in great need of updating (or in ROE's case, replacement).

Hobnail Boot

Well-Known Member
I'm on my tablet so I can't edit, but I think the area just underneath where it says "Discovery" in this image would be a good spot to build some seating.

If my memory serves me right, there's nothing on that walkway and it's location would be a bit easier to control guest flow during the show. You can't see the Tree of Life from the same angle as the concept art from here, though.


Well-Known Member
That said, Wishes is getting an upgrade to a new show, but ROE and Fantasmic are dying slow painful deaths and are in great need of updating (or in ROE's case, replacement).

Different folks have different perceptions, but I can say that pretty much without fail, everyone I know who goes to WDW seems to love Fantasmic!. I had one person tell me that their children were scared by the villains, but everyone seems to think the show is impression. Granted, I'm talking about maybe 10-12 families, so not a massive study size. I think you can argue that it is "stale" for the frequent WDW guest, but I think it is tough to say that it is "bad".

Just my experience.


Well-Known Member
Different folks have different perceptions, but I can say that pretty much without fail, everyone I know who goes to WDW seems to love Fantasmic!. I had one person tell me that their children were scared by the villains, but everyone seems to think the show is impression. Granted, I'm talking about maybe 10-12 families, so not a massive study size. I think you can argue that it is "stale" for the frequent WDW guest, but I think it is tough to say that it is "bad".

Just my experience.

I don't think Fantasmic is bad per se (though it is in comparison to DLR's version), it's just old and in bad shape. It needs some serious tech upgrades, like what has been done at DLR over the years.


Premium Member
Different folks have different perceptions, but I can say that pretty much without fail, everyone I know who goes to WDW seems to love Fantasmic!. I had one person tell me that their children were scared by the villains, but everyone seems to think the show is impression. Granted, I'm talking about maybe 10-12 families, so not a massive study size. I think you can argue that it is "stale" for the frequent WDW guest, but I think it is tough to say that it is "bad".

Just my experience.

You must remember you are replying to a DL fan... where F! has gotten NUMEROUS upgrades in technology and prime show pieces... while F! in Florida has skipped nearly every one of them... all while the show started out deficient compared to the original version.

It's stale and limping but many still think it's awesome because the bulk of the audience doesn't know any better.


Well-Known Member
You must remember you are replying to a DL fan... where F! has gotten NUMEROUS upgrades in technology and prime show pieces... while F! in Florida has skipped nearly every one of them... all while the show started out deficient compared to the original version.

It's stale and limping but many still think it's awesome because the bulk of the audience doesn't know any better.
Just within the past year, F! has gotten new lighting, new LED barges, cleaned/or new projectors, new lasers, added lighting, and just a general cleaning. The show is actually in really good shape. The only thing it needs is a new dragon. It's been getting small upgrades here and there just people don't notice or post about it.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
NOT fond of an amphitheatre being built right in the middle of Asia.
I have taken pictures in that area and fooled people that I was actually
in Asia. I don't think an Amphitheatre would enhance the theme . . . .
what if the amphitheatre is pyramid like built? like those Cambodian temples?


they could even use these towers to put the light canons.


Well-Known Member
It's stale and limping but many still think it's awesome because the bulk of the audience doesn't know any better.

I understand and don't necessarily disagree. But the statement that F! and ROE are "dying slow painful deaths and are in great need of updating" is something I disagree with. I would suspect that the vast vast majority of guests to WDW like the shows just fine as is. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be improved upon, but they are probably very low on the list of things that need to be addressed at WDW IMHO -- especially at DHS, which needs a ton of other things more than a F! upgrade.

A lot of people here, who tend to be more frequent visitors and have greater awareness of the parks, tend to think that F! at DHS is a dissapointment, but it still packs in guests every night and people seem to be impressed by it. ROE seems to sell plenty of dinner packages. I doubt TDO would seem them as having as desperate need of updating as people on here. Even accounting for TDO's general lack of desire to spend money, I think they would have a lot of other priorities before these shows.

And if they do this DAK show and update Wishes, then it is tough to say that DO isn't paying attention to the entertainment at WDW, at least to some degree.
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Premium Member
Just within the past year, F! has gotten new lighting, new LED barges, cleaned/or new projectors, new lasers, added lighting, and just a general cleaning. The show is actually in really good shape. The only thing it needs is a new dragon. It's been getting small upgrades here and there just people don't notice or post about it.

What you describe is general upkeep - not upgrades. Contrast that with how they have treated the other version of the show


Well-Known Member
What you describe is general upkeep - not upgrades. Contrast that with how they have treated the other version of the show

To their credit, the other version of the show is one of four nighttime shows at Disneyland.
Fantasmic is arguably the third most important anchor attraction of its theme park AND the only reason to to keep guests there past dinnertime.

Like a lot of attractions at MGM and Animal Kingdom, Disney has gotten themselves into a situation where they cannot afford to take it offline to fix or improve anything.


Premium Member
And if they do this DAK show and update Wishes, then it is tough to say that DO isn't paying attention to the entertainment at WDW, at least to some degree.

To a degree far less it needs. If you are starving to death... And I throw you a single pretzel every day... I am feeding you right? That's what Disney is doing in Florida - far under what is needed to keep the product current... Let alone advancing.

It's like splash mnt... People say 'but they just did all that work!!' -- after letting it fall to pieces for a year plus.


Premium Member
To their credit, the other version of the show is one of four nighttime shows at Disneyland.
Fantasmic is arguably the most important anchor attraction of its theme park.

And f! Isn't the evening anchor at Dhs?

Like a lot of attractions at MGM and Animal Kingdom, Disney has gotten themselves into a situation where they cannot afford to take it offline to fix or improve anything.

Excuses and bullsh...

Disney doesn't seem to have a problem CUTTING the number of f! Performances when it suits their desires.


Well-Known Member
And f! Isn't the evening anchor at Dhs?

I thought that was the park we were talking about.

Excuses and bullsh...

Disney doesn't seem to have a problem CUTTING the number of f! Performances when it suits their desires

Sure, but they keep it open.
At this point the decisions made in underdeveloping MGM have compounded and built up, AND management has switched enough times, that blaming the current management for being prudent and not taking the show offline is unfair. The state of the whole park is a big, expensive problem with no easy solutions.


Well-Known Member
To a degree far less it needs. If you are starving to death... And I throw you a single pretzel every day... I am feeding you right? That's what Disney is doing in Florida - far under what is needed to keep the product current... Let alone advancing.

It's like splash mnt... People say 'but they just did all that work!!' -- after letting it fall to pieces for a year plus.

And f! Isn't the evening anchor at Dhs?

Excuses and bullsh...

Disney doesn't seem to have a problem CUTTING the number of f! Performances when it suits their desires.

Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner!....Judge Flynni is on a roll!

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