New nighttime show 'Rivers of Light' confirmed to be coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom


Well-Known Member
Just noticed the hours for AK have been changed to a 7:30 pm closing for dates in October. There is no mention of Jungle Book (or ROL) being scheduled for those dates as of yet.
7:30 pm would be a reasonable time to show a nighttime spectacular once in October. Fantasmic is typically at 7:30 that time of year.


I am stalking the November hours like crazy. If I can't see Rivers of Light, at least let me book my dinner for 6 PM. C'mon AK...

I'm with you. I'd like to book a later dinner for October and was excited to see the hours extended, but when I tried to book, the latest reservation it would search for was still 5:00 PM.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing the July 4th opening is a no go too :(

I was thinking about this topic this morning as my 60 days opens at the end of July. Currently they only have hours posted for DAK through to September 5th. July 4th is approx 60 days before that. So they probably weren't/aren't aiming for a July 4th opening but maybe just a decision on whether they could do a September opening.

Or am I just wishing for that? lol
I just really want the correct hours for DAK and DHS announced so I can finish planning and book FPs next month.


Well-Known Member
New "Awaken" ad promotes Jungle Book for the summer:

I mean, it's pretty much universally accepted that ROL wont be ready for summer (maybe late summer?), but I still thought it was worth sharing.

ALSO, can we please acknowledge the fact that they used a shot of Flynn and Rapunzel from the Magical Map show at Disneyland and added in a photo of Cindy's castle in the background?
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Out of all the stuff they're advertising, the Star Wars crap bothers me the most. Lol, like the park its housed in, its all a waste of time and embarrassing.

A coworker of mine is going next month. She is not what I would call a Disney "planner", as in she does not spend her time researching on various sites like this. Her trip sounds like its going to be a complete cluster but I won't go into that. Anyway.... I asked what parks she was going to on her trip, her response was "Star Wars Land". She thought HS, was completely converted into SW Land due to the commercials.


Well-Known Member
A coworker of mine is going next month. She is not what I would call a Disney "planner", as in she does not spend her time researching on various sites like this. Her trip sounds like its going to be a complete cluster but I won't go into that. Anyway.... I asked what parks she was going to on her trip, her response was "Star Wars Land". She thought HS, was completely converted into SW Land due to the commercials.

I am sure Disney is more than happy to take her money before she realizes 'Star Wars Land' doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member

So viewing the D23 video of rivers of light again, have we seen the fog effects in the video that start 0:08 into the video? also im kinda confused about how the lanterns will be involved the show, i understand they will move around on the lagoon but i imagined them being lifted into the air, floating above the water in the finale, is this not what they where intended on doing?

Doubtful... unless the individual lanterns can raise off the base they are on on a pole etc. Also we haven't seen any hint of fog effects in Rivers of Light testing so I believe some people think it had been cut.


Well-Known Member
Best part of JBAWM for me is the opening music and performers carrying candles into the viewing area. I hope the opening of RoL will be similar if not better! Based on some things Disney has said, it sounds like RoL will start off in a similar way.

Thanks phoenicians

Well-Known Member
Saw JBAWM tonight and was expecting the worst. I actually came out pleasantly surprised. The live performers are great and I loved the music. The projections were bad though and I wasn't a big fan of the set. The driver of the barge wasn't very well hidden either. I thought it did its just as a replacement nighttime show that was obviously rushed so they could have something for the summer. Looking forward to ROL though as that looks amazing


Well-Known Member
Best part of JBAWM for me is the opening music and performers carrying candles into the viewing area. I hope the opening of RoL will be similar if not better! Based on some things Disney has said, it sounds like RoL will start off in a similar way.
I'm still eager to see the boats come across the river for RoL finally premiers. The two silent characters (Aditya and Aseemar) are already interesting since they remind me of Yen Sid who was silent for a very long time but mysterious in the same way.
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Well-Known Member
I'm still eager to see the boats come across the river for RoL finally premiers. The two silent characters (Yang Teacher and Yin Teacher) are already interesting since they remind me of Yen Sid who was silent for a very long time but mysterious in the same way.
Their names are Aditya and Aseema.

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