New nighttime show 'Rivers of Light' confirmed to be coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom


Well-Known Member
Is Jim Hill a weatherman? Cause he seems to be "guessing" at things more often that the casual Disney fan. Everytime I read a post about someone talking about Jim Hill I think -- so does that mean what he is saying is likely NOT to happen. Jim Hill just is not right very often. The few times he is, his followers over exaggerate how often he does have a clue.
Jim is often guilty of being fed spin on negative projects. That makes him look bad on here. Typically though when he's given information about upcoming projects he is fed good information.


Well-Known Member
Well kudos on your original use of a great saying. (looks around for sarcasm font)
Did I say something to offend you? Your a believer in him, I'm not. Just 2 opinions. Both are allowed I believe in the boards.
I have listened to what he has to say for years and continue to, along with many insiders. IMO, he is wrong more then he is right. I'm sure in your case he it's on the head more then he misses.
Glad you enjoyed the clever saying.;)


Well-Known Member
Did I say something to offend you? Your a believer in him, I'm not. Just 2 opinions. Both are allowed I believe in the boards.
I have listened to what he has to say for years and continue to, along with many insiders. IMO, he is wrong more then he is right. I'm sure in your case he it's on the head more then he misses.
Glad you enjoyed the clever saying.;)
Do a search of "Jim Hill" and "squirrel" on these forums. Every time his name is mentioned someone says even a blind squirrel finds a nut... It's grating.

No Name

Well-Known Member
Is Jim Hill a weatherman? Cause he seems to be "guessing" at things more often that the casual Disney fan. Everytime I read a post about someone talking about Jim Hill I think -- so does that mean what he is saying is likely NOT to happen. Jim Hill just is not right very often. The few times he is, his followers over exaggerate how often he does have a clue.

Well, people are wrong far more often than right, especally lately. All of the small news about new events, prices, etc. is usally picked up on and comes from not-as-recognized people. But all of the big announcements, like Avatar (okay okay, bit of a different situation), Slinky Dog Coaster, and more were unexpected and not revealed or even suggested beforehand. Frozen and Soarin' Over the World were first mentioned by others. I don't know about Rivers of Light. The biggest and latest blunder is how all of our "insiders" ignored the evidence for Star Wars Land going in the back of the park, instead putting too much trust in what they thought they knew, and now people are all frantic. And they're naturally pinning the whole situation as some sort of giant mess, even though the plan likely changed at least 3 months ago (if it changed at all) and the whole thing is very much under control. Oh, and another unfortunate thing is how people are blaming Shanghai. I'm not trying to discredit or pin people, I'm just sort of upset that everyone is being fooled lately. Yeah, if I sound a bit annoyed, I am. It's hard to watch.

Chappie does deserve some credit for keeping things under wraps recently and for manipulating people so well. I say this all the time. He may not know how to run a theme park division, but he definitely knows how to deal with and fool other people.

Jim Hill is not right all that often, and I've certainly been one to doubt him. But he was sort of right about the Jungle Book interim show, so I'm not gonna count him out. Lately, he's been doing no worse then the rest of us.
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Well-Known Member
Rivers of Light costumes, not sure if this is from another media event.


Premium Member
Can anyone read what the text behind the storytellers says?

It says

"Welcome to the happiest place on really... this show would have been good....but unfortunately it's 2016 and we have become a bunch of magical morons...sorry.... enjoy your visit and don't forget to join us for our awesome after hours events and dessert parties....all major credit cards accepted!"

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