New 'My Disney Experience' inspired park maps coming soon


Well-Known Member
I like the look of the new maps. Having things to scale is a nice feature. Is it just me or does having the MK map at scale really make you wish they would replace the speedway with 1 or 2 new rides? That thing really takes up some serious real estate.

Yeah, all the dead space in the map makes it seem like there is all this extra room.


Well-Known Member
I realize that space is limited but I find it strange they ONLY included the Emporium as a shopping option on Main Street and didn't mention any shops on the other side of the street like Arribos Bros., Silversmith, or Art of Disney story. Especially since they are typically "higher end" merchandise you'd think they would try to direct people to them. Also, when there's a signing or limited edition merchandise event, it's usually at one of those shops making it an odd thing to leave out.


Well-Known Member
I realize that space is limited but I find it strange they ONLY included the Emporium as a shopping option on Main Street and didn't mention any shops on the other side of the street like Arribos Bros., Silversmith, or Art of Disney story. Especially since they are typically "higher end" merchandise you'd think they would try to direct people to them. Also, when there's a signing or limited edition merchandise event, it's usually at one of those shops making it an odd thing to leave out.

Same as it would be nice to have the acts that go around the 4 parks mentioned, even if it just said "Please see Times Guide for details" beside the name - they could have had used the "two mask theatre logo" for a "Performances & Culture" category, which could have featured everything from "Citizens of Hollywood" and "Dapper Dans" to "Off Kilter" and "Miyuki" to "Tomb Warriors: Guardian Spirits of Ancient China", '"Spirit Beasts: From Ancient Stories to Anime Stars" and "Stave Church Museum", but I guess there is a lack of space for them as well.

It's a shame, because the "smaller" attractions are the ones that would probably be forgotten about/missed out because people didn't know they were there... (and of course, it would be nice to promote the education in Epcot again...)


Premium Member
You could say the same about the Jungle Cruise and the Rivers of America (and the space behind Monsters Inc/Carousel of Progress).

I don't think that they should get rid of the Tomorrowland Speedway, but I do think they should improve it (change the layout - use up less land, change the location - move to the other side of the train track?, add scenery - futuristic/foliage and change the fuel - electric/sun/other futuristic method?)

To me Jungle Cruise looks smaller now. On the old maps it looked huge. It still takes up a lot of space, but there are backstage areas (buildings and parking) between Jungle cruise and Main Street that weren't on the old map. On the old maps it looked like the ride bumped right up to the back of emporium. I guess since that moron was breaking into backstage areas and filming it for youtube they don't want to show backstage buildings and encourage people to wander back there. The backstage areas are all just shown as green space on the map.

My kids love the speedway, but it doesn't fit the theme and is huge. Someone in a previous DTD thread had suggested opening a larger scale go-cart track at DTD and then replacing the speedway with a true e-ticket or 2 medium sized dark rides that fit the theme. I would be on board with that even though it would be an additional cost. They could break it into an adult only track (without the guide rail) and then a seperate kid friendly one like the current speedway.


Well-Known Member
Hrm, and they don't mention the Arcade or store in Space Mountain either. That's weird.

That could be because it is a ride shop, so you would pass through it anyway, but wouldn't explain the arcade (pity that the pay as you play ships in Adventureland were removed before these new maps - it would be interesting to see if they were on it or not). However, it doesn't mention the gigantic pin shop that is "Frontierland Trading Post either" - in fact, according to the map, there are no shops in Frontierland or Liberty Square and the only shop in Adventureland is the "The Pirates League"

And the only shop in World Showcase is "Karamell-Kuche", and the shop beside International Gateway.


Well-Known Member
you mean when you first opened the account you put in the wrong year? Unless you mean you opened the profile 16+ years ago?

For COPPA reasons, if a user submits a age or DOB that makes them a child initially - you don't change their status if they simply change their DOB. Because what happens is.. a kid submits a DOB.. logs in.. and finds out they are crippled.. so then they go in and lie about their age to get around the restriction. You don't let that happen. Of course, the kid could have lied about their age to start with, but that's the fun you have to deal with for unverified accounts.

I read it as a symptom that some DBA put a 'Age' column in that's calculated when the account is opened. If they've been working with the lowest bidders, it sometimes happens.


Well-Known Member
The covers are decent, but I prefer the old ones. The insides are decent as well, but I also prefer the old ones. That one thing I really dislike is how they face north. I think that will confuse guests. Maybe it's just me and my nostalgia, but I prefer the old ones. It probably will just take some time to get used to.

I really like having the maps more accurately reflect the actual geography, but I'm sort of funny that way. They could've had a Mickey hand (or a Wand) pointing north for people like me.


Premium Member
I read it as a symptom that some DBA put a 'Age' column in that's calculated when the account is opened. If they've been working with the lowest bidders, it sometimes happens.

Then every user would be impacted.. But they aren't. Being forced for a parent email screams coppa - and there has to be a reason, he, and not others are impacted. Users do it all the time when opening accounts... Many don't bother with a real dob unless they think the site really needs it. And while they can update it afterwards... The coppa flag would still be there..


Well-Known Member
i love the new maps....they feel modern and well....they fit in with the rest of civilization....loved them online so im glad they changed the in park maps to match.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
I'm a little miffed at why they bothered with the merchandise locations. Since they don't list all of them, why do they list the ones they do? Listing all of them probably results in too much clutter and very high number counts. But randomly listing one here and another there is the worst of both worlds; its more clutter and it doesn't accurately reflect all the shopping options in the park.

I mean, the new MK map lists only 6 distinct shopping locations (?!?). What makes Mickey's Star Traders worthy of map placement over Merchant of Venus? And according this map, Frontierland and Liberty Square have no shopping whatsoever. And at Epcot, the Karamell Kuche in Germany gets recognized as a shop but nothing else in Germany does.

I don't get it. Its all so arbitrary that there is no sense to it.
Wow, I really did not know how much space there was for expansion in MK until I looked at this map. Granted, they might have to demolish some backstage areas and create some new ones further out if they were to expand in certain places, but TDO is certainly not cramped for room like TDA.


Well-Known Member
How did Spaceship Earth become part of Future World East? Even better, Innoventions West is in Future World East?

They probably based it off the fact that FWE Ops controls SSE.

Innoventions that's just awkward.

Wow, I really did not know how much space there was for expansion in MK until I looked at this map. Granted, they might have to demolish some backstage areas and create some new ones further out if they were to expand in certain places, but TDO is certainly not cramped for room like TDA.
Google Maps aerial views is your friend, not these maps, when it comes to such matters. :)


Well-Known Member
Then every user would be impacted.. But they aren't. Being forced for a parent email screams coppa - and there has to be a reason, he, and not others are impacted. Users do it all the time when opening accounts... Many don't bother with a real dob unless they think the site really needs it. And while they can update it afterwards... The coppa flag would still be there..
You could be right: sometimes I leap to the dumbest possible bug source. Unfortunately, I'm right more often than I should be.


Well-Known Member
If you examine the new maps, you might find some clues concerning unannounced but planned projects. It's logical that if they were planning anything new, they would make sure there's space for it on the new maps so that it's easier to update them, rather than having to redesign the maps, once again.

I've noticed the new MK map shows a lot of vacant land north between Adventureland and Fantasyland. I wonder if anything is being planned there.

In the EPCOT map, I've noticed a big to do for International Gateway, as if this might be the location for a future transporation hub.

For DHS, it's showing a lot of vacant land west of Sunset Boul. It's showing a lot of clearance at the entrance plaza (both north and sound) that could possibly be used for platforms for a future transportation system linking DHS to other areas of WDW.

That's all I found. See if there's anything you can find. Or if you heard any rumors that could add credibility to the things I noticed, or discredit the things I think I noticed...

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