New Monorail spiel


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Original Poster
looks like the old monorail spiel is out and a new one is in... at least on the main TTC->MK->TTC line. a new announcer (who talks excessively fast) is there and a few new items are mentioned. i didn't hear the Please stand clear of the doors, Por favor mantenganse alejado de las puertas either. It may be gone...?

the most annoying part about the new spiel is the addition of music here and there and STITCH. the announcer talks about the new attraction at MK as you approach space mountain and then stitch comes on and says something lame. ENOUGH STITCH.

not sure if the resort line has been changed too.


No more: Please stand clear of the doors, Por favor mantenganse alejado de las puertas. That's the best part, I'm getting sick of stitch fast!


New Member
Stitch-Go Away!

XSTech said:
the most annoying part about the new spiel is the addition of music here and there and STITCH. the announcer talks about the new attraction at MK as you approach space mountain and then stitch comes on and says something lame. ENOUGH STITCH.

:mad: Another example of Stitch taking over WDW. :mad:


Well-Known Member
MonoRon said:
No more: Please stand clear of the doors, Por favor mantenganse alejado de las puertas. That's the best part, I'm getting sick of stitch fast!
I completely agree this was my favourite part aswell, I just can't see why Disney are pumping everyone full of Stitch, he is taking over rapidly fast.


Well-Known Member
Yer I heard Eisner was not happy with SGE so maybe the new attraction could be...

Stitches Great Escape 2...Stitch escapes the magic kingdom and runs away to a far away planet. :slurp:

Just joking, I don't mind Stitch but I think they are just putting too much into the character. I think that instead of pumping all of the budgets into one character, put it into a larger variety of Characters that are not used as much as they could be.


Well-Known Member
jddjcfc said:
I think the new narrator sounds more like a computer where the old narrator sounded really friendly in my honest opinion.

Yea, I agree with that completely. The narration itself isn't bad and the info given is in some cases word for word of the old narration with some updated factoids, which are nice. However, there are virtually no pauses between thoughts or sentences, so it does come across as a "computer voice" which can't discerne between sentences...which it could very well be I suppose. Its not nearly as bad as some had made it out to be though, imo...although I did like the old version a lot more than the new.

As a side note, I did hear the Please stand clear of the doors..Por Favor, etc. part when I was on it a week or so ago. In fact, I'd say it was the old narrator doing it.


Well-Known Member
CTXRover said:
Yea, I agree with that completely. The narration itself isn't bad and the info given is in some cases word for word of the old narration with some updated factoids, which are nice. However, there are virtually no pauses between thoughts or sentences, so it does come across as a "computer voice" which can't discerne between sentences...which it could very well be I suppose. Its not nearly as bad as some had made it out to be though, imo.

As a side note, I did hear the Please stand clear of the doors..Por Favor, etc. part when I was on it a week or so ago. In fact, I'd say it was the old narrator doing it.
Yes the Please Stand Clear of the Doors when played is still the same narrator "Jack Wagner" which has not changed for a long long time if at all. The rest of the narration is the thing that has been changed.
That is what I can not understand though they have changed the narrator but I can still narrate the entire spiel my self when riding it (showing that not much has changed) the only key differences left now are the addition of SGE and a couple of words changed round here and there.


Active Member
The Next Step Of Stich's Takeover:
Instead of Mickey and friends coming in to the Main St. Station at the MK opening every day, its now Stitch and friends coming in. (I feel bad about even talking about such an event) Im just kidding, but if things keep going the way they are w/ Stitch, something bad might happen sorta like this!


Account Suspended
Can anyone explain to me why they keep pushing Stitch down our throats? From what I understand the movie was a flop compared to other Disney animated movies. How come all of the sudden he has taken over WDW. Everywhere you go you see practically only Stitch merchandise! Stop the insanity!!!


New Member
I was pretty sure the Spanish was in at Mickeys not so Scary, but I don't recall durring The Very Merry. But Stitch was in, he said "Welcome to Stitch Kingdom!" It was upsetting, even more so when the mono stopped for a "Saftey Check" and it played/looped like 7 times!
I dont think that I can ride the monorail without hearin the por favor part. My parents bought me a magnet of a monorail and when you push a button it says that. That is probally the best thing i have ever gotten. I love the spiel. I kno that it was in the spiel when i was there in Dec. I also remember stitch being in it also. So maybe as someone said it is only playing on certain rides. We will have to see.

Mom's the word

New Member
Mickeyman819 said:
My parents bought me a magnet of a monorail and when you push a button it says that.

Oh, oh, oh, where and when did they get the magnet for you? Sounds like a great thing to have! I am so glad we bought the monorail toy when we were there last time, if they are going to monkey around with the spiel then I will still have a little piece of it to listen to here at home any time I want! As far as that goes I think we have it on one of our videos as well. I'm afraid I'm getting tired of Stitch and I haven't even been on SGE yet. I know he's meant to be mischievous but perhaps he's due for a time out so he can see the error of his ways in trying to take over Mickey's park. :)


Active Member
I too am getting tired of the Stitch mania an hype. He is all over the place. Like I said in another forum, you would think he is associated with a top notch E-Ticket attraction.

As for the please stand clear of the doors spiel, if it is truly gone then it will be missed.

General Grizz

New Member
I would LOVE to hear any audio/see video. I am dying to hear this thing.

As for Stitch, I love the character, hate the show, but I have yet to determine that this is "too far."


New Member
Mickeyman, I also need to know where your parents got that magnet! Ridding the monorail is one of my biggest highlights of visiting Disney. My next ride just wont be the same without the old spiel. I can pretty much recite the whole thing from ridding the monorail so much! At least it sounds like the por favor part is still there, thankfully!

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