I am always one to be super skeptical about any rumors I hear, but I happen to have a very reliable source for this new information!
A Monorail CM told me yesterday that he and the rest of the Monorail transport team were informed by their managers that the topic was discussed at length in a recent Transportation board meeting.
Supposedly, the entire fleet is to be replaced, as the (now nearing) 30-year-old Mark VIs are becoming completely out-dated with regard to being able to find proper parts to make necessary repairs. Alledgedly, 24 brand new, custom trains will be replacing the current fleet. That's right, 24. Apparently, there was more discussion on connecting the two remaining parks. He also said that Epcot would become the new TTC, as it has the platform capacity space that the current TTC does not.
I was hoping someone might be able to at least confirm if this holds any water at all. As reliable as my source is, I'll still believe it when I see it.

. I know very well how rumors can sound real when discussed among CMs.