history would indicate that Marvel will not create any popular new characters outside of their existing franchises. If they could, they would have done so many times over. But it's just not a realistic expectation.
The problem is, there isn't a vehicle these days to introduce a new character to the public. Comic books aren't nearly as popular as they used to be and, unless it's a cartoon, tv has completely abandoned superheroes.
A film like The Avengers would have been the perfect way to get new characters introduced. To the mass public, Hawkeye and Black Widow (and even Nick Fury to some extent) are new characters. That's why I'm surprised, given that he doesn't resemble the comic version at all, that Hawkeye wasn't named something different – not so there'd be a "Hawkeye ride" at DHS someday, but to begin the process of getting new characters out there.
I could see a Hawkeye and Black Widow movie being very popular now. If they then added characters to go along with them, Marvel could have a whole new team (or family/brand).