Well-Known Member
I would say this horse is pretty much hamburger...
I would like extra cheese and no pickles.
I would say this horse is pretty much hamburger...
I do not think that disney could care less about the diehards. I just think that some of the comments made by them are a little self-centered. An example of this is soarin. I have heard many diehards say that soarin needs a new movie. Many do not realize that for a lot of people this is still a new attraction. It is unfair to hold all of disney for the comments of one person. As far as rewarding the big spenders. What about the perks for disney visa? What about the dining card for annual passholders? I am sure there are more that I am not thinking of. As far as your comments about Alien Encounter. There were a lot of people who loved that attraction(including me). You might want to consider that everyone has different tastes.I guess we can be happy that at least one imagineer looks at our comments.Also it shouldn't matter if your a passholder or first time guest, the attraction should be designed to please both parties. Its kinda sad that Disney could care less about those who spend a lot of time and money at the parks. There really should be a frequent visitor program to reward those who spend a lot of time and money at Disney. Magic Kingdom club was a nice perk, but as usual that was yanked. Now I know why.:hammer:Maybe Disney should take a cue from Vegas and reward its big spenders. Most companies do, its good customer service. Truthfully I hope this twit gets fired for his cry baby comments. I know his comments have made me think less of Disney and thats never good for business.
I bet this is the turd who designed Alien Encounter and The Tiki Room under Horrible Management.:kiss:
Nice use of the Urban Dictionary. Unfortunately I am not a kool aid drinker for everything Disney. As long as the critism is legit and well thought out, I think its fair game. Doesn't make the person saying it a hater of Disney. I believe everyone here loves Disney, thats why we visit this site. It wouldn't be a very entertaining place if we blew sunshine in every post and didn't have a honest discussion about our differences. Call me crazy but I still think its bad business to have comments coming from your employees saying negative things about your customers. Needless to say I would be ed if my employess were telling my best(and Loyal) customers that they are a pain in the rear. Just my opionion.:wave:2/10 - Your troll-fu is weak.
Wazzat? Its a fark-ism. I breed true.Nice use of the Urban Dictionary.
Ha! Now I know you're trolling, Disney doesn't even SELL Kool-Aid! :animwink:Unfortunately I am not a kool aid drinker for everything Disney.
Agreed, but I have yet to see any legit and well thought-out criticism. I await with bated breath.As long as the critism is legit and well thought out, I think its fair game.
Nope, it makes them something, but I don't know what...Doesn't make the person saying it a hater of Disney.
To a point, but that's really not at issue here.I believe everyone here loves Disney, thats why we visit this site.
Right, let's talk about honest discussion from the man who starts name-calling the people responsible for the overlay to Enchanted Tiki Room, and the design of Alien Encounter (I thought that was a "much beloved attraction everyone was sad to see go?)It wouldn't be a very entertaining place if we blew sunshine in every post and didn't have a honest discussion about our differences.
OKCall me crazy
Right, up and to the point where those "loyal customers" are doing nothing but walking into your store, pointing, laughing, name-calling and just generally tormenting your employees on a daily basis. Something tells me that you may want to step in and do something to protect your employees from harassment (which, have no illusions, a lot of this internet stuff amounts to). Otherwise, I do have to call to task your management style/abilities. (You would, wouldn't you? I hope so)Needless to say I would be ed if my employess were telling my best(and Loyal) customers that they are a pain in the rear.
Mine too, everyone is entitled to one.Just my opionion.:wave:
What did the Imagineer say that was wrong?
Taking criticism is one thing...but when you constantly hear negative after negative...there comes a point where you don't even want to try...because you know, if you do your best...you're still going to get nothing but negatives.
I actually applaud the Imagineer for speaking his mind on the subject.
Sure, he singled out this forum...but look around the forums! Nothing but complaints and complaints and complaints! If there is a compliment, 9 times out of 10 it's followed up with a negative!
Bravo to that Imagineer.
But ultimately it's a 3D video game with out a story, or the sense that you are in another world. A nice little C-TICKET. But so much has been spent, we all expect a major E-TICKET.
Personally it just sounds like the writer of the email has worked very, very hard on a ride that took years to produce only to hear negative reviews. Of course they're going to take it personally. Imagine creating something you put your heart into for years only to have it slammed...it would be heart breaking.
On the other note, that same imagineer will feel better once s/he sees the countless families who'll wait 2 hours to ride the ride TSM and see the children screaming for their fav character. Heck, they should even be happy to see the positive reviews on youtube for the Mr. Potato Head AA. It blew me away seeing the footage, let alone experience it in reality.
If any Imagineers are reading this blog, we do appreciate everything you do, and we know that because of you, Disney parks are still the best theme parks on earth. We also understand that budget cuts and other interferences sometimes hinder you from realizing a project's full potential, and we hope that those incidents don't discourage you from fulfilling your dreams of being Imagineers.
Since that time, I've done everything I can to prevent spoiling an attraction for myself by reading reviews or watching videos, so that for a brief moment, I can once again be a first time visitor with no expectations other than my own--and for that, I feel far more fulfilled as a Disney fan.
Whether or not the comments by the Imagineer were real (I know Jim enough to trust him), I do find a deeper message within the story that I've finally begun to understand over the past year. To me, Disney is about the magical experiences that are unlike any others. To be amazed by something new for the first time, is in my opinion, magic. It is for that kind of magic that I keep going back to the parks...
Just my two bits. :shrug:
I agree, to a point. The issues brought up in this thread go beyond "bean counters" or "creativity." I believe the crux of the article goes more to the judgment of that creativity. The difference brought out in the article is the different judgments passed by fanboys and those of the average guest. Can you imagine the outcry of "sloppy imagineering" today if someone placed a placard in front of a weed in the parks? The forums would be buzzing with calls for firing everyone involved... same reaction we saw in many of the SSE threads.
The judgment of the creativity is the problem...
We should all get something straight...when it comes to criticism WDI is kinda tender about it at the moment especially coming from the Disney Geeks and foamers. Do we all not understand that our whining caused a major uproar/rift at WDI over the IASW referb which got national attention and now we're attacking another attraction, a new attraction, an attraction designed for us? Come on, they have every right to hate us.
We all assume the Imagineers can take the "constructive criticism" from the fans? We all assume we know everything. But really how many of us actually work for an integrated matrix based entertainment corporation? I think most of us don't therefore how can we give constructive criticism?
We don't know the exact budgets, we don't know the real time frames, the constraints, we really don't know all the much when it comes to all the "hows and whys" when building an attraction. We all assume we could do better but it comes done to it, but really could we? We can't answer that question.
We should be grateful that WDI has talented people on hand to create experiences for us. Will I say everything by WDI is brilliant...no. But I will say that it's all FUN! I think that's the underlining point we're all missing.
So what if things don't match 100% especially dealing with cross properties such as recreating an animated feature which is flat on the screen into a 3 or 4 dimensional experience. Things will get lost. Period.
We need to stop being picky and be more grateful, appreciative, happy and delighted.
I'm one who supports Imagineers in all that they do. It's a tough act. Give em a break!
Say's who? You?
If that is your opinion you are welcome to it, but I'm not sure that is in a rule book anywhere.
Additionally, you realize how many attractions that would exclude? Here are 10 off the top of my head:
It's Tough to be a Bug
Honey I Shrunk the Audience
O Canada
Wonder of China (name?)
Monster's Inc
Toy Story Mania (assumption, I have not ridden it or read any previews)
Star Tours
Annnd lastly, my last nitpick is with people saying that JH's letter is forgery. I want to know why many think this, cause I like his columns honestly. Is there some days where it's just plain crappy? Sure, all writers have their bad days. Does he have bad grammar sometimes? Definitely so, but I don't let it get to me. Is he negative lots of times? Yes, however, when your speaking truth, it may not be pretty. There's more than just good news in the world today folks. You need to see both sides of the news, both good AND bad, even if it's with your favorite stuff. I'm gunna do something I usually do in my Debate class honestly, and they mention on here so much for these types of news: Source? Where's the source saying this info is false? I don't want to turn this into a firestorm, I just want to know why you guys are saying this. :wave:
The celebrity poster over at LP claims to know who the Imagineer is, and he is dropping strong hints to his identity. I don't know enough about WDI to know who he's talking about, but I'm sure alot of you do. Check out the last page of their thread on the subject.
The celebrity poster over at LP claims to know who the Imagineer is, and he is dropping strong hints to his identity. I don't know enough about WDI to know who he's talking about, but I'm sure alot of you do. Check out the last page of their thread on the subject.
I dont think the imagineers should get the criticism. I think the accountants who have final say on a project and cut the funding out of these attractions is the real reason some of them appear to have less imagination in them than in past years.
Jim Hill is partial to Boabbie so hes biased to begin with. But where would we be without a bit of attention seeking.
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