New Important Poll!!!!

The PMLers View themselves as above the rest of the forum members...

  • Yes I have to Agree

    Votes: 11 17.7%
  • I disagree

    Votes: 40 64.5%
  • It makes no difference to me

    Votes: 11 17.7%

  • Total voters
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Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Time for Timer said:
Leave Dan Alone. If you didn't like his question then don't respond. Don't try and tell him how to title his posts. JUST DROP IT.

You just keep proving his original point. It's funny to me some of you don't realize it.:lol:

Bad mojo there, Timer. Whether you agree or disagree with what somebody says, there are ways to respond civilly....and then there's what you posted. She was stating her opinion in a civilized way. If you don't like what she says, perhaps you should re-read your own advice.


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
I'm not sure how you would think people would not take offense to this poll. You are attacking people. take your issue to the individual and don't make a general remark. If a thread is offensive to you, report it to Steve or PM that person. Posts can be taken out of context because it's a post and doesnt have facial expression.

I think that about sums it up. Got a problem with somebody, have the "globes" as somebody put it, to take it up with them, personally. If it's REALLLLLLY bad, if you feel you're being unfairly singled out or harrassed, Steve will take care of them. :)

And I feel I'm better than all people everywhere, so please excuse me if I continue to do so here on the forums. :) :wave:


Well-Known Member
MicBat said:
That's the thing... it's not just Dan that thinks it. It's your fellow PM's and others alike. Dan just had the guts to say something about it. "Troll hunting" isn't the only problem, it's only a part of it.

And this is why I take my problems to PM... unless you want to get very specific
and embarrass people (and why would we want to do that?) its better to deal with these things in private.

We are a large and diverse group and its inevitable that some personality clashes will happen, some people's sense of humor doesn't translate well to the written word. If there is a problem its better to try to work it out privately, if it can't be done then walk away from that person.

I'll jump in when I see abuse, but I'm not a moderator so I have no control over the situation...I just try to appeal to people's sensibilites. *shrugs*


Premium Member
MsSnuzi said:
Maybe the poll should be titled, "Thank you PMLers for helping support a site that I enjoy but am not able to contribute to at this time" or "Thank you Steve for opening your site to all Disney lovers whether they are financially able to support it or not". Not to offend members that are not financially contributing, they may contribute in other ways. Just a thought . . . :lookaroun
It's interesting you mention this, it's something I have thought about recently.

In the old days (1996 - 1999), I used to recieve occasional emails saying things like "nice site, thanks for sharing all that info/photos with us" or "thanks for the efforts" or "how can i help" "can i send a donation to help keep the site going"

The last few years, all I get is emails either complaining or critisizing. I even had one last week telling me that I treat "customers" badly. People seem to be thinking that somehow if they post here (regardless of whether they financially contribute), they are my "customers". I would remind them, that this site is basically my hobby. It isn't a business, and makes a financial loss, not to mention the considerable time and effort it takes to produce WDWMAGIC. WDWMAGIC is ran by an individual, me. As members here, you are basically visiting my online house. Anyone who is able to be civil and abide by basic common sense rules is very welcome here, and I always try to give the feeling of an open house, where you are free to hang out and be a part of the community. It is dissapointing and frustrating when this concept get's lost. Unfortunately it must be a sign of the times and the way the internet is moving.

This isn't aimed at anyone particular here, just a general observation from things I have received via email, and posted around forums. It seems to me that some people take "hobby" type websites for granted. It is almost as though they think it is their right to use it, and it's their right to demand things, critisize everything, and it's just there when they need it.

People also seem to think that I am desperate for members and visitors, and that if I dont obey their demands, they will "tell people not to join", "contact my advertisers" etc. Frankly, it is almost the opposite. With every single user and visitor to the site, comes greater expense and complexity in managing the site. It isnt in my interest to have more traffic and members, as the end result is more expense and time required to run things.

The concept of the premium membership came from magazine or newspaper subscriptions, where you pay to utilise the services of the publication. Some members use WDWMAGIC (site, forums etc) a lot, which is great. However, when you have thousands of people doing this, costs increase rapdily. So the idea of Premium Memberhsip was for those people who were able to financially contribute, to do so, and help with the cost of running the site. I have said this many times, but without the Premium Membership, WDWMAGIC would not exist on financial grounds.

It is counter-productive to label a group of members, who happen to be part of the financial basis of the site, as being problematic. Feel free to have an objection to an individual, but not the entire group. As I have said many times before, if you have a problem with posts, or a member, notify me using the Report to Moderator link.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
MicBat said:
That's the thing... it's not just Dan that thinks it. It's your fellow PM's and others alike. Dan just had the guts to say something about it. "Troll hunting" isn't the only problem, it's only a part of it.
Last Sunday a troll was ID and attacked by all members of this forum. Very very very respected members some PM some not chimed in. Maybe it got out of hand but all members were involved fueling the fire.

Maybe Steve should consider removing "Premium Members" from the title. Because people are becoming sterotyped. You see someone being rude then they look up at the name and sometimes the title states "Premium Members". We all love Disney wheather we are paying on non-paying customers to this site.

I tried to get involved into a thread one time as was ignored. I believe you were one of the posters. I didn't take offense. I understand, I'm new and need to get known on this site before everyone talks to me. I didn't feel snubbed. I'm only bringing it up because this happens to everyone. Regardless of our so called status.

If he wanted to post something, maybe coming across less confrontational would have been a better answer.

Maybe something like: I have been on this site for quite a while and feel there are times where the PM come off a little strong to non-paying members. Maybe it is a my perception, but my perception is reality. I want to continure contributing to this site so I thought I would bring my feelings to the forefront. What can we so non-paying members don't feel this way.

My two cents



Well-Known Member
:sohappy: Bravo, Steve! Thanks for putting and keeping things in perspective for all of us.

This is a GREAT site!


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
:sohappy: Bravo, Steve! Thanks for putting and keeping things in perspective for all of us.

This is a GREAT site!
I'll second that :D

Keep up the great work Steve, it's very much appreciated :wave: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Al said:
I'll second that :D

Keep up the great work Steve, it's very much appreciated :wave: :sohappy:

If I haven't said it recently; thanks Steve for all you do! :king: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
Last Sunday a troll was ID and attacked by all members of this forum. Very very very respected members some PM some not chimed in. Maybe it got out of hand but all members were involved fueling the fire.
Read what you quoted..

I tried to get involved into a thread one time as was ignored. I believe you were one of the posters. I didn't take offense. I understand, I'm new and need to get known on this site before everyone talks to me. I didn't feel snubbed. I'm only bringing it up because this happens to everyone. Regardless of our so called status.
umm.. I apologize didn't think it was my duty to pay attention to what everyone posts.

Now, I'm going to repost what I said originally because it obviously wasn't read in entirety by most that are responding to it...
Whoa whoa whoa... Have I been waiting for this!! What Dan is trying to say is basically written ALL OVER this thread. You attack members who you THINK just might be a "troll" and I've seen many instances where perfectly normal/credible members were driven away because of the unfriendly welcome they're given. As he said in his intro, it wasn't everyone that's a PM, it's certain members. And believe me... if you want me to list names, I will do just that. I'm not afraid of getting talked about behind my back. I have met quite a few members off this board face-to-face, therefore, they know I mean no harm and that I'm not a bad guy. It's these repeat offenders that give PM's and this board, even, a bad reputation. Reporting threads doesn't seem to help, either. All I'm trying to say is to stop bashing Dan's opinion because it's actually a valid one. How about instead of attacking this member, you PM's attack the members that gave Dan this impression. And as I said earlier, I'm sure you ALL know who they are. And, BTW... you make yourself look guilty when you act so defensively. ;)

Again.. maybe Dan worded it the wrong way. I'm sure he didn't mean all members. That was his mistake.


Well-Known Member
MicBat said:
*sigh* As would had I. Thanks... sorry if I come off as a pain. :hammer:

You're nowhere near as bad as Haemoroids.... now those are a pain in the bum!!! :lol: :wave:

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
MicBat said:
Read what you quoted..

MicBat said:
umm.. I apologize didn't think it was my duty to pay attention to what everyone posts.
Exactly my point. You pick and choose what to respond to as we all do. And no one should take offense.

If you want to discuss further we can chat through PM.


Well-Known Member
MicBat said:
How about instead of attacking this member, you PM's attack the members that gave Dan this impression. And as I said earlier, I'm sure you ALL know who they are. And, BTW... you make yourself look guilty when you act so defensively. ;)

I'll agree that the attack of Dan's comments can be seen as only reinforcing what he had originally stated. And as I, in this post, defend "my kind" (the Guests), the Premium Members then have the right to defend themselves, and a line is drawn dividing the two sides.

Yet for Dan and others, there is a validity in what is being said. Ideas do not just surface from one specific event, but are rather processes, sometimes unfolding over weeks, months, or years. If people feel dejected, and feel that other members are rude to them and newbies, there must be a reason behind it. The new kids are usually attacked for their infractions by a slew of members, many premium, some not. Instead of teaching, we tear apart. When, in reality, the rest of us should tell the "disgusted" member to be polite, welcoming, and helpful to the new member. But instead the newbie is hanged in effigy. Several Premium Members come to mind, and posts are reported, yet it appears that more leeway is given to these members, and thus can get away with a lot more.

Some of the rudeness on these boards can be attributed to both Guests and Prem. Members. For the most part, (a generalization I know), Prem Members have been here for some of the longest times. As elders of the site, they should be understanding that for many people this is their first foray into message boards. Because it is, they should not be attacked for making mistakes and learning by doing. There is quite a difference between instructing and criticizing, yet others and I feel the latter is far more prevalent. We can all use help.

It is necessary that we all strive to help eachother in lieu of ripping eachother down. New and old alike. I only want good things for this Board, I am, thankful I found it.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
surfsupdon said:
I'll agree that the attack of Dan's comments can be seen as only reinforcing what he had originally stated. And as I, in this post, defend "my kind" (the Guests), the Premium Members then have the right to defend themselves, and a line is drawn dividing the two sides.

I view myself first and foremost as a member of this site...always have, always will. All of you are my fellow members. Some of you I really enjoy talking to, some of you I don't know squat about. There are both kinds among PM and non-PM alike. I had great friends on this site before I took the Primo plunge, and I continue to have great friends here. That's really what it comes down to for me.

(Not flaming you, Don, lest I be misinterpreted, just expressing a POV that I think everyone here would be better off for having.)


Well-Known Member
Wilt Dasney said:
(Not flaming you, Don, lest I be misinterpreted, just expressing a POV that I think everyone here would be better off for having.)

Completely understand. There should not be a difference in the way people view eachother. But when a difference is present, it paves a road for preconceived notions and the like. And you tend to defend those that have the same opinion as you. Everyone is equal, thus Disney not charge for FastPass useage, haha.

Not flaming you either, Wilt, but thanks for making me think.


Well-Known Member
This thread has made me pretty sad. Why should we use $5 as a segregation tool? Without that small but important contribution, none of this would be affordable to Steve. He has even said that he takes a financial loss for us. This has been such a great place to go to share ideas and thoughts among people who share a common interest and love.

And whats more, sharing this common love, we form friendships and become each others support system. With everything going on in MY life right now, I really truly appriciate everyones support. PM's and regular M's alike!

My advice would be, if you do see a trend of offensive posts... say something to that person. Maybe you are mis-interpreting thier humor for offensiveness? Maybe the "offendor" thinks they are being funny or sarcastic but it is not coming out that way since typic sarcasm can be pretty difficult. I dont know what it is, I have never thought PMs thought they were any better than regular M's.

I hate seeing this new trend of negative posts on a website about the happiest place on earth.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
MicBat said:
I had posted that Troll hunting wasnt the only problem...
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that was your only concern. I understood you feel there is more issues then troll hunting. :)

But troll hunting is all I have witnessed and all members have done it. :)

I'm a newbie that knew no one on this site when joined. Members have welcomed be, I hope for what I bring. It's the attitude you bring is how you are treated. and yes, some don't understand posting etiquette and need to be taught. When they repeatly abuse after being told a number of times, they should be dealt with but professionally. :)

I have been a non-pay and pay member and have never felt isolated. :)
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