Crazy Harry
Active Member
All these new HM upgrades completely baffle me--- especially how it fits into the stereotypical TDO mentality.
A few years ago HM underwent a major renovation. Although many aspects of that refurb were not "necessary", they plussed the experience tremendously.
Now TDO is back at it again, adding even more improvements to HM (including the upgraded queue).
Yet while the HM is getting attention and money heaped on it -- AGAIN! -- POTC continues to deteriorate after the 2005 refurb. Black sheets cover broken effects in BTMRR. Peter Pan's Flight is filthy. SGE continues to exist. And that's just at MK.
So while the constant improvements at HM are very welcome (and are being added at a pace that has been typical practice in Anaheim for many years), other attractions continue to be neglected.
HM is one attraction that must certainly be acceptable as-is in TDO's eyes. I just don't get why they're pouring more resources into it.
If I had to guess, the above mentioned attractions are likley to be rehabed when they get the next gen treatment like Space Mountain (although not sure if that is technically next gen or not, it is interactive though).
And I hope someone with more knowlege can help, but hasn't next gen been planned for quite sometime? Is it then conceivable that this was planned far in advance of any other arguably more urgent needs?