I know some people will say I'm all namby-pamby about it, but murder was never a part of the original mansion except for three notable exceptions: The Ghost Host's suicide, the dualing portraits, and the decapitated knight.
The first just so happens to occur at the scariest part of the whole attraction. It's as bad as the mansion used to get, and it effectively puts first timers (especially kids) on edge even though the rest of the entire show is an illusion & joke show. The dualists and the knight are depicting those who killed out of "sense of honor", "in the line of duty", or perhaps as punishment for being a traitor to the king. Not murderous intent. Nothing here close to home. No bad taste in the mouth.
While there have always been twisted and evil murderers in this world, Disneyland was never a place to spotlight such people. I appreciate the Black Widow Bride trope, but I more appreciate the desire to not remind people of evil things - especially evil hiding the guise of marriage. (On a side note, HGB2's Long Forgotten Haunted Mansion blog points out that there are no ghosts of children in the attraction. It doesn't matter how appealing some may find "Creepy Doll-like Children Ghosts", the decision was made to not remind people that children die too.)
Now Constance is no longer a murderer. But sure, something is bumping off all her husbands. And sure, it's probably now the Hat Box Ghost. So serial killing is still a part of the mansion we have to live with. But at least it isn't twisting up the symbology of love and marriage. I approve of these changes.