New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024


Well-Known Member
They aren’t only referring to the current situation. This is a long standing issue. There are plenty of people who used the former GAC service that believe unlimited LL was the only accommodation that was acceptable, to the point where they sued Disney when it was taken away.

It was argued tooth and nail that anything below the prior service was illegal, discriminatory, and unacceptable. They used the very same language we are now seeing with the DAC changes.

So the reason you aren’t seeing people arguing for unlimited fast passes with no wait as part of the service currently is because Disney already took that away and it’s not on the table.
Not sure why you all bring up GAC, that ended in 2013 so I don't know how anyone would think that is relevant now.
I feel bad some are perceiving the changes that anything not DAS is a penalty.
This is why I really wonder if Disney might have done better to say:

“we aren’t doing DAS anymore. For anyone. DAS is gone…
If you need accommodations do the interview and tell us what your challenges are and we will tell you how we can assist you with your needs while in the parks”

This way they would not give the impression of “favoring any disabilities” and everyone would be on equal footing. Each person could do the interview and then be told what the accommodations are..

What it seems Disney has done by leaving DAS for some … is they have created a scenario where those who used it before and still feel they need it… now feel like it is being taken from them, but offered to others .

And anything else that is offered will feel like a “less than” accommodation.
If DAS was gone (not taking away accommodations ) but just saying DAS is gone… then everyone is getting accommodations they need individually without worrying about what someone else may or may not get🤷🏼‍♀️


Well-Known Member
Happy to help. Here's the thread with the numbers we counted back in September. I was told on Tuesday afternoon by someone who actually knows, "You're in the ballpark. I wouldn't have done it that way." (I may have said something about their coffee budget being larger than my company in response.)

If you read that and think there's no possible way that 45% of guests at Space Mountain were using DAS and 40% of guests at Peter Pan, let me provide more data:
  • In this 2020 lawsuit filed against Disney in the US District Court in Orlando, the court noted that these data collected by Disney about Guest Assistance Card (GAC) use were both unchallenged by the plantiffs and convincing to the court (emphasis mine):

    In a two-week study conducted by Disney's Industrial Engineering team in April 2013, the team found that GAC pass usage at five of the most popular attractions at Disney (the "GAC Study") was much higher than the percentage of guests in the park who held a GAC pass.

    At that time, approximately 3.3% of guests at Disney used a GAC pass, yet the percentage of guests on the most popular rides who had a GAC pass and entered through the FastPass line was significantly higher than 3.3%.

    The GAC Study showed that 11% of riders on Space Mountain, 13% of riders on Splash Mountain, and 30% on Toy Story Mania used a GAC pass to access the ride.

    Disney's industrial engineers concluded that the small portion of the guest population who held GAC pass was consuming a substantial portion of the ride capacity.

    For example, guests with a GAC pass were riding Toy Story Mania an average of ten times more than guests who did not have a GAC pass.

    Cite: A.L. v. Walt Disney Parks & Resorts US, Inc., 469 F. Supp. 3d 1280, 1294 (M.D. Fla. 2020). The quote above is on the right-hand side of page 9.

  • So 3.3% of the people in the park were using 30% of Toy Story's ride capacity.

  • Disney said on Tuesday that use of the system has tripled in the last 5 years. (Second cite here.)
Okay, so if back in 2013, 3.3% of guests were using 30% of ride capacity at a popular ride, and use has tripled since then, you'd think roughly 33% to 90% of riders on popular rides were using DAS to access the ride.

The numbers we estimated were in the lower end of that range.

The top end of that range is too high, but it's closer to right than wrong. If you said 50-75% of Lightning Lane use at popular attractions was DAS, I would absolutely believe that.
Makes me wonder why they choose this week and why the opposing council didn’t ask for a bigger sampling. post Easter crowds have bigger demand for gAC?


Well-Known Member
A few things.

One, FP+ was not sustainable so had to go and there is no universe where a replacement system would be available to all park goers and still be able to function.

Two, G+ is worlds better than FP+ for anyone who didn't want to plan their entire day months before their visit. You may not like it but for others it is a massive improvement over FP+.

Three, people abusing DAS because G+ is "bad" is an excuse that avoids any personal responsibility for those abusing it. We are talking about folks that are CHOOSING to go to Disney and then CHOOSING to abuse a system designed to help disabled people. No one is forcing them do either of those things and frankly, if there was any justice in this world, they would all be banned for life.
One: Nah FP is dead and gone.could it still be functional today? Who knows with updates what they could have done. But yes, there was talk about bringing preselected rides back as part of the existing G+ structure. Buy before your trip. Which is more behind them wanting to reduce the 40% DAS LL usage than impacting the poors experience.

Two G+ is terrible. 7 am (or equivalent to 5 am) on vacation to frantically pick a ride isn’t good.

Three: being able to plan a day to accommodate personal needs, rest between rides, time away from crazy vs having to hope you can accomplish that with G+ is not a way to avoid personal responsibility. I get you don’t understand or agree with the public accommodations that disney has to provide but if they choose to be in business they have to offer reasonable accommodations.

My point being that if people could self manage a Trip without DAS, using FP+ (or a version of preselected rides) they wouldn’t need DAS. Even in before times they would have been eligible but didn’t use DAS, but now are using DAS because they can’t make the trip work with G+. Not everyone who gets DAS rides 5+ rides a day.


Well-Known Member
One: Nah FP is dead and gone.could it still be functional today? Who knows with updates what they could have done. But yes, there was talk about bringing preselected rides back as part of the existing G+ structure.
To my mind, contrasting FP+ with Genie+ is a hint about the way things are likely to go in the future (Reservations, reservations, and more reservations, is my prediction. Which I’m neither happy nor sad about, I don’t particularly love or hate reservations at this point.)

It’s incredible to remember that FP+ was frigging available to everyone in the park! I find myself forgetting that already. And it worked relatively well for most people. Not perfectly for everyone, but relatively well for most people. While Genie is often a hot mess with limited availability with just a fraction of the people actually using it. I think part of that speaks to the power of reservations. Genie+ not having a time choice element included is a huge difference, in my opinion. That would only make sense if availability was quite high.


Premium Member
I wish they had for us, (UK), if it wasn’t for forums like this no one would be any the wiser. The TA I spoke to when I called WDTC said she didn’t know there were any changes. 🤦‍♀️ Maybe she missed the memo.
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Well-Known Member
Nah FP is dead and gone.could it still be functional today? Who knows with updates what they could have done. But yes, there was talk about bringing preselected rides back as part of the existing G+ structure. Buy before your trip. Which is more behind them wanting to reduce the 40% DAS LL usage than impacting the poors experience.
With enough changes and reducing the number of guests using it they could have something still going but it wouldn't really resemble FP or FP+ anymore at that point. FP+ wasn't sustainable because everyone had access despite there not being enough capacity to support those numbers. It also heavily favored people that knew the system inside and out. It caused a TON of complaints due to the excessive planning required and often completely screwed over those that were not familiar with the system.

G+ is terrible. 7 am (or equivalent to 5 am) on vacation to frantically pick a ride isn’t good.
Sure, the 7 am part stinks for a lot of people but it wasn't really reasonable to expect people to know what hour of the day they wanted to get on a specific ride months in advanced of their vacation. Also, people always have the option to just not get up at 7. You might miss one ride doing that and thankfully, once they cut back on the number of DAS abusers, that will be even less likely to happen if you sleep in. If you do miss it, get in standby where Disney has said they will provide other accommodations for those that can't wait the entire line.

being able to plan a day to accommodate personal needs, rest between rides, time away from crazy vs having to hope you can accomplish that with G+ is not a way to avoid personal responsibility. I get you don’t understand or agree with the public accommodations that disney has to provide but if they choose to be in business they have to offer reasonable accommodations.
Someone offering excuses for people using DAS when they don't need it because they don't want to pay for G+ is letting them avoid personal responsibility which is all I was talking about. As for the rest, yes, Disney has to offer reasonable accommodations and I don't think anyone disagrees with that. The point is that reasonable does not include DAS level of access for every last person to enter the parks with any sort of disability. It is reserved for those that NEED that level of accommodation. Everyone else will get alternative options to help navigate their needs.

My point being that if people could self manage a Trip without DAS, using FP+ (or a version of preselected rides) they wouldn’t need DAS. Even in before times they would have been eligible but didn’t use DAS, but now are using DAS because they can’t make the trip work with G+.
So, someone could schedule their entire trip, hour by hour, 30-60 days before showing up for vacation, but they are unable to push selections in G+ to times that work for them day of? Who would fall in that category that isn't still covered by DAS?

Not everyone who gets DAS rides 5+ rides a day.
Sure, but in order for the math to work on the numbers Len has reported, a lot of people on DAS are getting a lot more than 5 and in many cases.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
Good job just being dismissive of the concerns and questions several people have shared. That doesn’t help people figure out the logistics of how they have to handle their day.
I’m not being dismissive. Those are the stated policies. Those planning a trip should expect those are the forms of accommodation offered. Suggesting ambiguity that may offer more than whats stated sets up people to be disappointed when they arrive.

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