…but do you get a DAS with say a return time of 5:15…but have a lightning lane booked at 4:30?
That’s where it gets sticky.
And none of this is “easy” nor absolute. But Disney is serving its own agenda (everyone pays) and that has squeezed the capacity by design…so unlimited access to DAS had to go.
Just hard.
I agree, I've made the argument before that for fairness's sake, a DAS user should not be able to redeem a LL while holding a DAS return time. Just like I can't redeem a LL while waiting in a standby line... However, Disney isn't interested in what is "fair", they are interested in what makes $$. If nerfing LL for DAS users results in less purchases, they won't do it, even if it's technically "fairer".
The part that seems consistently overlooked is the impact of the disability.
It took us 25 minutes to get out the door today for what was a 10 minute appointment. A neurotypical family with a child our kid's age would be out the door in 5, maybe 10 mins. Basically everything takes at least twice as long for us, on a good day. The only area at Disney where we're accessing things in an equivalent amount of time to neurotypical guests is the attraction itself (once we're actually in line).
We've never gotten LL in conjunction with DAS because of this..making the strict return windows for LL is incredibly challenging and makes everything much more stressful. Especially now that it's back to having to book times before you're even in the park (even with DAS preselects, the only ones that ever worked for us were the ones we could book for first thing in the morning, because after that we just never made it there on time).
I realize there are those with DAS who are not this impacted, I'm just trying to keep some perspective on the very wide spectrum of what DAS does for people.
While this is true... DAS is not meant to compensate for the different movement speed or stops required for certain groups. If this was the case, an accommodation could be argued for anyone over a certain age, anyone under a certain age, anyone with mobility issues, anyone in a large group, ect.
As a personal example, my wife and I visited a few times just the two of us in our 20s... Now we have an almost 2 year old. We have visited twice with him. We move far slower in the parks, have to make many more stops (diaper changes, naps, snacks, ect), and take longer to get ready than before. In no way do I think I should get an accommodation because I move slower than other groups are able to. I also recognize that I move faster than other groups that do not get DAS (I also realize my "slow down" was a choice, and for those with DAS it isn't. However, that isn't true of everyone that can't keep up with other groups)
Do you have a link? I haven't seen this anywhere
No official source, but from personal experience my LLMP did light up green after I was 30 mins past the "expiration" time on a LL at Frozen. Lots of "influencers" have shown scanning green up to 2 hours past expiration.