It’s the same exact situation now, it’s just a different set of people getting very different results.
My GFs heart condition issues are compounded by heat, we did DL last week and it was insanely hot, we averaged about 3-4 hours a day in the morning and about 3-4 hours at night in the park, one night she was so sick we didn’t even go back though, so while most people were getting up to 14 hours a day of park time we averaged about 6 a day for the same exact price, is that fair? Over our 4 days we managed about 25 hours of park time total, and probably 25 rides total. In the past with DAS we’d have had similar park time but probably averaged 35-40 rides.
We were fortunate the lines were short in the mornings this week so we got more done than I expected but we still don’t know if we’ll be back, between the tickets, hotel, food, etc we figured it cost us about $100 an hour for every hour we were actually in the park (or $100 per ride depending on how you want to look at it), that’s horrible value. DAS didn’t give us an advantage, it just made it so we could accomplish something similar in our short time to what the normal guest would get in a full day.