New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024


Premium Member
No standby guests are able to wait in other lines while waiting on a DAS return time (effectively doubling what you can ride). No other guests can stand in line while eating lunch, watching the parade, or doing any other park activities. DAS users are able to take up virtual space in "line" all day from open until close if they use the system to its max. They may well have had higher daily ride numbers than those with G+.
Disney encourages you to spend money when using DAS. The only thing we ever did with DAS while waiting was walk, eat or shop if the shop was mostly empty to avoid issues. I don't see how those who still qualify could do much more if even that much


Active Member
Those that still qualify do not outgrow their challenges
A lot of them learn coping mechanisms as they get older. Many in the neurodivergent group grow up to hold down full time jobs and have families, being able to live a mostly “normal” life with learned coping mechanisms, therapy, brain development, maturity, etc.


Well-Known Member
Disney encourages you to spend money when using DAS. The only thing we ever did with DAS while waiting was walk, eat or shop if the shop was mostly empty to avoid issues. I don't see how those who still qualify could do much more if even that much
Those who still qualify? Maybe they can't do much more. But weren't you talking about the definition of overuse in the past that led to these changes? Go in DAS FB groups and look at posts from before April.. it was all about sharing touring plans, how to maximize rides with DAS, etc

Fido Chuckwagon

Well-Known Member
Those that still qualify do not outgrow their challenges
Unless we are talking about the severely developmentally disabled (which I agree, should still qualify, and do!), the difference is they have agency whereas children do not. Also WDW will still always be a place that caters to children even if it welcomes people of all ages. Their business model is still based around it.


Active Member
2 in parks for my ds
But on the flip side, some of neurodivergent people may need DAS as children but not as adults. I know there are some adults who have been denied and they are angry and feel they should qualify because they have a disability Disney lists right on the website. But some of those people also hold full time jobs, have families, are functioning members of society. So I can see how it is hard to justify giving it to all neurodivergent adults (some should still qualify though as you stated).
I still don't understand the term over use as you can't do more as it's still waiting the same amount of time only elsewhere
"Over use" in the sense of why Disney is changing the DAS qualifications refers simply to the fact that too many individuals were using DAS. There was over-usage of DAS within the parks. It's not referring any any individual/party specifically doing anything "wrong." It simply refers to the fact that too many people were qualifying.


Well-Known Member
Insiders have said that is not the motivation and I absolutely believe it. The das abuse/overuse/poweruse was degrading the park experience for EVERYONE else, including those who legitimately need DAS.
They have also said the number was 8% they could have weeded the liars out & then limited party sizes even more & figured out re rides… we can agree to disagree but if you believe this was purely a lets make the guest experience better i am not buying it


Well-Known Member
A lot of them learn coping mechanisms as they get older. Many in the neurodivergent group grow up to hold down full time jobs and have families, being able to live a mostly “normal” life with learned coping mechanisms, therapy, brain development, maturity, etc.
Learning coping mechanisms doesn't mean you're no longer disabled. Holding a full-time job and a family doesn't mean you're no longer disabled. I didn't use DAS for the first few trips we took to WDW, and let me tell you, "coping" with the parks and being able to actually enjoy the parks are light-years apart. FastPass gave me the ability to ride any headliner I could get a slot for, but the 1-hour window constraint amped up my issues to overdrive anyway. I've had some luck in brigning sensory toys and fidgets with me, but that can only go so far. Same with anti-anxiety meds, and they put me to sleep as soon as the stressor is passed. I hope I'll qualify for DAS under the new system, and if I don't, hopefully the return-to-line will work OK and I'll be self-aware enough to catch myself starting to panic from the sensory overload with sufficient time to find a cast member and get out of the queue while I'm still able to act rationally. Trust me that nobody wants to be anywhere near a 6' 3", 285 lb AuDHD adult whose "coping" has reached its limit.


Well-Known Member
As far as overuse, the ability to make a new DAS reservation while still in the LL queue for the last was the one part of DAS that actually did feel like cheating to me. I guess that and sometimes being able to see a show or ride something with a short wait time while the clock ticked down on a DAS return time. It did occasionally let me do more in the parks some days than a neurotypical adult might without a very solid touring plan. The other times, I'd spend the wait time sitting in one of the quieter areas of the park to decompress or aimlessly browsing the gift shops or getting lunch. The 10-minute rule addresses some of this and I'm actually happy it's been implemented.


Active Member
Learning coping mechanisms doesn't mean you're no longer disabled. Holding a full-time job and a family doesn't mean you're no longer disabled. I didn't use DAS for the first few trips we took to WDW, and let me tell you, "coping" with the parks and being able to actually enjoy the parks are light-years apart. FastPass gave me the ability to ride any headliner I could get a slot for, but the 1-hour window constraint amped up my issues to overdrive anyway. I've had some luck in brigning sensory toys and fidgets with me, but that can only go so far. Same with anti-anxiety meds, and they put me to sleep as soon as the stressor is passed. I hope I'll qualify for DAS under the new system, and if I don't, hopefully the return-to-line will work OK and I'll be self-aware enough to catch myself starting to panic from the sensory overload with sufficient time to find a cast member and get out of the queue while I'm still able to act rationally. Trust me that nobody wants to be anywhere near a 6' 3", 285 lb AuDHD adult whose "coping" has reached its limit.
I had this whole thing written up and the page refreshed and erased it…. Here’s take two

I never said those people are no longer disabled. DAS is not for ALL people who are disabled. As you stated, you can sense when a panic attack is coming up or when you may need to remove yourself from a situation. You can ask before getting on the ride what to do, or wait outside the ride and meet up with your party at the merge. A child can’t do those things. They may not have learned coping mechanisms to understand when they have reached their limits or when they are triggered. Do you see a difference between neurodivergent children and adults? Not saying you shouldn’t qualify; that’s not up to me, but children and adults are absolutely different (I’d say expect the most extreme cases). Adults can also make choices on when they travel to help alleviate some of their triggers, children cannot.


Well-Known Member
I had this whole thing written up and the page refreshed and erased it…. Here’s take two

I never said those people are no longer disabled. DAS is not for ALL people who are disabled. As you stated, you can sense when a panic attack is coming up or when you may need to remove yourself from a situation. You can ask before getting on the ride what to do, or wait outside the ride and meet up with your party at the merge. A child can’t do those things. They may not have learned coping mechanisms to understand when they have reached their limits or when they are triggered. Do you see a difference between neurodivergent children and adults? Not saying you shouldn’t qualify; that’s not up to me, but children and adults are absolutely different (I’d say expect the most extreme cases). Adults can also make choices on when they travel to help alleviate some of their triggers, children cannot.
Sometimes can. And sometimes my wife or daughter notices the external signs in time. OTOH, sometimes it goes from "0 to 60" so fast that there's no time to catch myself or for someone to intervene. So yes, there absolutely is a difference between children and adults, but I'm not convinced that categorically saying "well, adults can just cope with it" is reasonable either.


Active Member
Sometimes can. And sometimes my wife or daughter notices the external signs in time. OTOH, sometimes it goes from "0 to 60" so fast that there's no time to catch myself or for someone to intervene. So yes, there absolutely is a difference between children and adults, but I'm not convinced that categorically saying "well, adults can just cope with it" is reasonable either.
I didn’t mean it as a catch all, not ALL adult, but a lot of them have learned coping mechanisms (myself included). Of course there will still be those times where we may not notice them and react, but will that be in EVERY line or is it a “might happen” in line scenario? I feel like *most* adults it is not going to happen every single time in every line, but will happen on occasion.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
As far as overuse, the ability to make a new DAS reservation while still in the LL queue for the last was the one part of DAS that actually did feel like cheating to me. I guess that and sometimes being able to see a show or ride something with a short wait time while the clock ticked down on a DAS return time. It did occasionally let me do more in the parks some days than a neurotypical adult might without a very solid touring plan. The other times, I'd spend the wait time sitting in one of the quieter areas of the park to decompress or aimlessly browsing the gift shops or getting lunch. The 10-minute rule addresses some of this and I'm actually happy it's been implemented.
Occasionally? You definitely got to do more than any standby guest.
Most LL's are <10 minutes or even walk-on, but I've absolutely had LL waits of 20+ minutes. Usually it's with dark rides. TSMM and IASW are the most likely of the attractions we typically use DAS at (we don't do coasters often) to have waits over 15 minutes. Frozen, Peter Pan, and Pirates sometimes hit that mark, but it's not the norm. Otherwise, it's only when a ride is running at partial capacity.

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