I wonder how these conversations are going.
I can imagine some guests going up to the CM, saying, "I need a RTQ." CM says, "Okay, could you explain your needs?" And then the guest proceeds to describe something that is supposed to be accommodated via AQR where the majority waits in standby, while the person with certain needs waits somewhere else to meet up at merge later. Guest is now upset, because they either don't WANT to do it that way, or they were just mistaken what their accommodations would be. They only want what was essentially DAS, even if they now have to go up to the CM to ask for it first. CMs know they're not supposed to pass out the RTQ except in the rarest of circumstances, so they do anything they can to even bring it up, but because they don't even mention it as an option, the guest are getting angry thinking that they're being gaslit or something.
This is ALL speculation, but I have a feeling it's CMs really playing it close to the chest knowing they're not supposed to give out many RTQs, and guests pushing hard because they don't want anyone to wait in standby, and they're not used to being told no when they ask for something at Disney.