Well-Known Member
Here is a question that pertains not just to Star Wars, but all "futureistic" media. Why, in the future, does everyone dress alike. Not just workers in a particular function, but the general population as well?
Star Tours is basicly an airport of the future. Look around the airport the next time you are there. Gate and ticket agents dress in a similar, but not identical, fashon. Most wear a company vest, cardigan, or something along those line. Ramp workers wear pretty much what they want.
In my company, we have a dress code for our techs, and we encourage them to were a logoed shirt, but it is not required and there is no uniform.
I would think that people working as gate and ticket agents in a Star Wars spaceport (which I assume is what these CM's represent, gate and ticket agents) would wear the future version of "civillian" dress pants (pick some sort of "Star Warsy" style), and then a company top. Choose a plain tunic, and then provide a vest / cardigan / overtunic in some sort of snappy design, slap the logo of United Space Lines on it, and then slap a United Space Lines logo on the shuttle.
To enhance the experience, tell every 5th group that their shuttle has been delayed and they will have to go stand-by on the next one. When they get off, they find that any luggage they had has been mistakenly re-routed to Sea World.
Later editions of star trek have some variety with civilan attire, these are some of the costumes of the ferengi on deep space nine.

(that is not me)