Well then lucky you, because Iger is fulfilling your wish.
But getting back to the original topic, this restaurant isn't in the parks. It's in a resort. NOT a value resort, well known for their garish, overblown, in your face cartoon icons. A MOD resort, which have always been known for their immersive and detailed decor, faithful to the theme of each resort. Look at the interior artist rendering. What says Caribbean about that room? Forget the name. Remove the posters, er "artwork", from the walls and you've got an overly bright, generic room with cheap looking formica tables and stackable chairs. Disney should be ashamed of themselves.
It goes hand-in-hand with the generic, cheap-looking room refurbs.

I seriously dislike the current "if you don't love it, then you must hate it" viewpoint which seems pandemic, especially in the US. It is certainly not conducive to civilized discussion, and only leads to rancor. Nothing in life is all black and white (except zebras and Steamboat Willie). Few things are guaranteed to rile me more than being called a hater because I disagree with one (or some) part(s) of the whole.
Couldn't agree more!