Your post is...well....bizarre, but I will respond. Quite frankly, you do sound like an average guest - which interestingly enough makes me wonder why you would even join any type of Disney discussion group, given that your indifference is obvious. There are MANY people who go to the parks and do not notice the scaling back of cast members, the decreasing quality of food, the lack of maintenance on various attractions ..... If you think we go to WDW and don't have a good time and just complain, that's crazy - but we know when something is being ignored or a problem is getting out of hand. I assure you that if no one cared and watched out for it - the average guest's experience wouldn't be as magical as it is - and there would be no point to Disney holding themselves to a higher standard. .....
Ugh.. why do we always have to have the "ROAR, I'm a bigger Disney fan than you are" comments? "Average guests" don't go 2-3 times a month like that gentleman does. All he's saying is no matter what Disney does there are 10 people who always know better than Disney and will slather that all over these forums. We ALL know the prices are rising and in many ways the quality is dropping, but he was saying that some us need to stop running around with our little notebooks and Mickey pens every trip looking for complaints and just enjoy yourself. Why attack a guy for basically saying that he still enjoys the parks???? Isn't that why he would "join any type of Disney discussion group"? :zipit:
BTW, sshindel, loved your post earlier!!