So my half training plan took a major blow during the month of August. I found out I had a stomach ulcer which was making me really sick and so I didn't run for two weeks. Then my company went through a big merger with a European company which had me doing some travelling and then once home working 16 hour days for two weeks.
I basically did not get to run for about four weeks. Well, maybe three runs in that time. I just got back out there last week and actually ran my best run of the last month at the Boardwalk this weekend.
We had just worked up to 8 miles before my hiatus and now I am so afraid I will not be ready in time for the half in January. I have just under four months now. I realize that I may have to walk part of it and that is ok, I just want to finish since I have never done a half before.
Any tips on how to get myself back up to the 8 miles soon? My biggest fear is not having enough time for working up to 13.1 miles. BUT I WILL finish this race come hell or high water.......already dealt with both anyway and beat them, so I CAN DO THIS.
Any tips? I was thinking tonight hubby and I should see how far we could go doing a run a mile/walk a mile scenario. Maybe i can go the 8 like that?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
I basically did not get to run for about four weeks. Well, maybe three runs in that time. I just got back out there last week and actually ran my best run of the last month at the Boardwalk this weekend.
We had just worked up to 8 miles before my hiatus and now I am so afraid I will not be ready in time for the half in January. I have just under four months now. I realize that I may have to walk part of it and that is ok, I just want to finish since I have never done a half before.
Any tips on how to get myself back up to the 8 miles soon? My biggest fear is not having enough time for working up to 13.1 miles. BUT I WILL finish this race come hell or high water.......already dealt with both anyway and beat them, so I CAN DO THIS.
Any tips? I was thinking tonight hubby and I should see how far we could go doing a run a mile/walk a mile scenario. Maybe i can go the 8 like that?
Thanks in advance for any advice!