Need Girl's Name


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MerHearted
I would like something a little less used, but also cute and simple... nothing outrageous.
Hmm.... How about Kitty? Or anything that can be shortened to Kitty, Cat, or Kat? (Caitlyn, Cathryn, etc)


New Member
I like many:

Anne Marie
Maria (of course)

You just make sure it goes well with the last name and think about all the possibilities of a joke with that name. Kids can be real mean sometimes.... :animwink:


Well-Known Member
well, there's always my name...Amy :D short, simple, not heard extremely often (or at least not in these parts), and in my opinion, pretty darn cute:animwink: i also like:

Arwen (for those who don't know, she's a character from Lord of the dad told me he thought about naming me that when i was born, and i wish now that he had've!)
Victoria (Vicky for short) not so much cute, but i like it anyway
Evelyn (Evie for short...that one i got from The Mummy, btw)

i'm really not good at girl's's easier for me to come up with boy's names
Congrats to your uncle and his wife! is this their first? i can't remember if you said already...sorry.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Ive three daughters,

Zoe Louise
Mickaela Faye
Robin Lindsey, spelt ther boys way to annoy people.

Nearly names,

jasmine , carmell

The Mom

Premium Member
When I was expecting my first (______ unknown) my husband was overseas so we didn't know if he would be home for the birth. (he wasn't supposed to be, but got emergency leave and was helicoptered off the carrier as soon as his replacement arrived)

We had two girl's names picked out (and no boy's name; my mother and I were sure the baby was going to be a girl...she even gave me dresses at my shower!) I said I would wait until she arrived to choose...the names were Elizabeth and Laura.

I also like the suggestions of Julia and Wendy. I would probably pass on Marcia, however! :lol:

edited to add...I took a quick scan of my son's school directory,and there are at least 3 each of Julia and Eliz(s)abeth, and surprisingly (to me) a lot of Ann(e) variations. Only one Laura, and no Marcias. ;) However, you might want to pass on Alexandra; the girls have shortened it to Alex, and so have the boys...there are at least 14 of them.


Re: Re: Need Girl's Name

Originally posted by sillyspook13
Hmm.... How about Kitty? Or anything that can be shortened to Kitty, Cat, or Kat? (Caitlyn, Cathryn, etc)

I see a lot of teasing with this one (though I personally like it)

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by The Mom
When I was expecting my first (______ unknown) my husband was overseas so we didn't know if he would be home for the birth. (he wasn't supposed to be, but got emergency leave and was helicoptered off the carrier as soon as his replacement arrived)

We were sent to Germany two weeks prior to my wife giving birth to No3, cause there had been so many probs with the hospitals in that part of Italy. We stayed in a families centre and I did a job swap, my replacement going to the Med for a few weeks. It was funny because all our bags had red cross labels and they flew a specialist nurse with us. After the birth we flew back so my youngest was airbourne at 2 weeks old.
My replacement wsa having such a good time he volunteered to stay so I could have some leave. Must have been the effect of all that red wine:)


Well-Known Member
I like Anna, it is simple but classy. And the baby can say it themselves very early in age. Also, not to hard when she starts writting. She only has to master to letters A and N. It doesn't matter which way you wright it, forward or backwards.

I also like Lillian (Walt's wifes name.) If we have another daugther my fav name right now is Lillian Grace.

I love Emily or Emma (Emmaline), but way to popular right now.
my favs have always been brenna and hannah. but please dont name her casey,ive been forced to suffer with the boy version of my name and its really annoying:brick:


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyPhD

I also like Lillian (Walt's wifes name.) If we have another daugther my fav name right now is Lillian Grace.

I love Emily or Emma (Emmaline), but way to popular right now.

Funny you mention it, my best friend´s daughter was named Lillian Emilia (Emily) so her names could be the same in Mexico and in the USA where she lives part of the year. We call her Lilla or Lilly, and her sister is Andrea Louise (Luisa). :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok, here's the list of names I'm gonna submit to them. It will be their first born. I've used a lot of your suggestions. Some are a bit common, but I like them anyway.

Hannah, Cindy, Sarah, Lily, Emily, Wendy, Melody, Angel, Megan, Jessica, Julie, Lucy, Sandra, Kaitlyn, Holly, Kristin, Mia, April, Diana, Rachel, Vanessa, Helena



Well-Known Member
The funny thing is that, no matter how uncommon the name, you're bound to run into somebody with the same name.

There's another Marcia in my Japanese class. It confuses the heck out of both of us!

On our cruise there was another Marcia Bower (I'm Marcia Bauer).


Originally posted by sillyspook13
The funny thing is that, no matter how uncommon the name, you're bound to run into somebody with the same name.

There's another Marcia in my Japanese class. It confuses the heck out of both of us!

On our cruise there was another Marcia Bower (I'm Marcia Bauer).

Theres a girl out my school with the same exact last name as you. At least I think its exactly the same.


Well-Known Member
oldkeywest, you reminded me of one! my best friend's name is Leslye...i really like that name and i love her spelling of it, though it's impossible to find any pre-personalized things for her!


New Member
Originally posted by MerHearted
Ok, here's the list of names I'm gonna submit to them. It will be their first born. I've used a lot of your suggestions. Some are a bit common, but I like them anyway.

Hannah, Cindy, Sarah, Lily, Emily, Wendy, Melody, Angel, Megan, Jessica, Julie, Lucy, Sandra, Kaitlyn, Holly, Kristin, Mia, April, Diana, Rachel, Vanessa, Helena


Angelique is an unusual name and you can shorten it to Angel and it looks professional when the girl grows up (okay so I like my own name).... lol

Also.. Veronique
Adrienne (I really like this name but I like it spelled Adryanne lol.. I'm wierd)

and um.. *thinks* Rhiannon is pretty
also... Kristina

Okay those are my suggestions if you are still taking them...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Angelique
and um.. *thinks* Rhiannon is pretty

you all just keep bringing up good ones! i've loved that one ever since i first heard the Fleetwood Mac song! good one, Angelique! :sohappy:

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