Nasty incident outside Club Cool at Epcot tonight

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Epcot and F&W has become the chosen Oktoberfest site for all Floridians. I don't think it is about the booze but more so about the festival atmosphere during this time of year. Why else would the locals pay $90 for park entry and $7 for a beer? F&W has become nothing but a drunk fest similar to what Alpine Helen has become in the North Georgia Mountains during Oktoberfest. You go to get hammered.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Epcot and F&W has become the chosen Oktoberfest site for all Floridians. I don't think it is about the booze but more so about the festival atmosphere during this time of year. Why else would the locals pay $90 for park entry and $7 for a beer? F&W has become nothing but a drunk fest similar to what Alpine Helen has become in the North Georgia Mountains during Oktoberfest. You go to get hammered.
I doubt there are many locals paying single-day ticket prices to go to F&W.
I could go off on an a long social commentary about all the b.s. American cowboy macho man entertainment we're fed in this country, but I'll save that for later.

I can't believe you typed this with as straight face, just saying.


Epcot and F&W has become the chosen Oktoberfest site for all Floridians. I don't think it is about the booze but more so about the festival atmosphere during this time of year. Why else would the locals pay $90 for park entry and $7 for a beer? F&W has become nothing but a drunk fest similar to what Alpine Helen has become in the North Georgia Mountains during Oktoberfest. You go to get hammered.

I believe the term you are searching for is Gemütlichkeit.

Your comments are rather contradictory. Why else would someone pay $90 for entry and $7 a beer? I don't think its so you can get hammered. There are many more economical ways to do that. Including Alpine Helen.



Well-Known Member
When sticks are outlawed, only outlaws will have sticks!

And if the bystanders had all had sticks, the perpetrator could've been brought down earlier, instead of having to wait for the marines to intervene.

This message brought to you by the National Stick Organisation. 'Sticking up' for your right to bare arms in the hot Florida climate!
This message is approved by Teddy Roosevelt.


Well-Known Member
So....while the Slantinel has gotten half of it, they fail to mention the rest that DID happen. All of you think you know what completely happened (and some of you are half right about it) but all the rest of the details are completely WRONG.

Here is the real story (and before someone calls BS, I heard this directly from someone who oversaw everything and was in charge that night):

This rampaging drunk was in the back of Innoventions and went through a door, that leads to different offices on the second floor of Innoventions, namely a few offices for them and a small office for Guest Relations DRC, but its mainly the offices for Future World East Attractions management.

The drunk went up the stairs to the nearest level, proceeded to walk into the FWE management office and proceeded to beat the first Cast Member, an FWE manager, which needed about 12 stitches on his head afterwards. Thankfully, the only other manager that was in there was able to fend the drunk off.

He then went through the GR office and down the staircase on the other side, which is an access point into the Epcot mini-tunnel, where he beat the second Cast Member. That is where he got the PVC pipe.

How he made it to Club Cool with that in hand? No idea. He went into Club Cool and hit the third Cast Member, a woman, with the PVC pipe. There, a former Marine was inside, took notice of what happened and subdued him before OPD and Security got to him. For those of you wondering why it took so long, Security got 3 separate 911 calls from each of the locations and, as far as I know, there is no OPD officer onsite unless necessary (also says something about Security about why they took so long, but, that's another story for another day).

Needless to say, the FWE Cast Members (and even I) are extremely unsettled about this situation. Hell, even other CM's throughout Epcot are unsettled about this situation. Many CM's that have been working with Disney throughout the years and we have all heard outrageous guest stories, but never to this extent. For us, this is the epitome of a rampage. Be VERY thankful that there was only those two managers on the level of that building. If the rest of the managers or if any GR people were there, they would've been under the target as well.

For those of you who are making jokes on this thread....KNOCK IT OFF. These are other human beings we are talking about. I know many of the Cast Members that work that area personally and it's an area that's near and dear to my heart. How would you feel if you saw people joking about the situation when it's a situation that involves people you know? Take a walk in other people's shoes...just saying.
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Well-Known Member
12 million people a year visit and one person should end it all? Get serious. The guy used a pipe, he would have done this here or the streets of Orlando. The guy probably was a ticking time bomb.

It really doesn't matter it happened in wdw. It did t happen in the streets. It only takes one person. I just feel bad for the ones involved and the kids who had to see it. Maybe if you or anyone else who feels this way had been the wdw employees involved you might would be saying something different.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
It really doesn't matter it happened in wdw. It did t happen in the streets. It only takes one person. I just feel bad for the ones involved and the kids who had to see it. Maybe if you or anyone else who feels this way had been the wdw employees involved you might would be saying something different.
While alcohol was obviously involved, things like this and worse happen daily with and without alcohol.

I truly feel bad for the people involved, but I doubt that prohibition would have prevented this from happening eventually.

There are nut cases everywhere.
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