Nasty incident outside Club Cool at Epcot tonight

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Well-Known Member
Sounds like the local college crowd and those who just graduated and if so, the only way Disney can tone this behavior down is to increase prices to price them out of the market. The question is, would vacationers pay the higher prices for F&W to escape the local drunks?

Not at all. College kids go downtown, where there are two-for-ones and cover charges a lot less than $90. The only ones you might see in any measurable number are CPs.

F&W is all about the "professionals" from Winter Park and Seminole County who are loathe to admit they even live near a theme park the rest of the year. And a lot of lifestylers who wouldn't think of eating in, say, a Thai or Middle Eastern restaurant normally but want to be a foodie at WDW. (It's a celebration of all types of international food--they even have two kinds of sliders!!!)


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Premium Member
I see the thought, but how are they going to stop spouses/friends etc. from supplying drinks to someone whose magicband has cut them off?

I can see all of the Manhattan moms that were hiring the disabled now hiring sober people to escort them into the park and get them drinks.
I am available for hire, but @real mad hatter gets first dibs on my services.


Well-Known Member
In its early years, the Food & Wine Festival (F&WF) was an enjoyable experience for the entire family. In recent years, F&WF has degenerated into a drunken Oktoberfest free-for-all on weekends. Increasingly, families are afraid to visit Epcot during F&WF, not something for a family destination to be proud of.

Certainly, it gets pretty busy on weekends, but I've been a few times and never seen the likes of anything like this, nor do I know of any families that are afraid to visit F&W.

I think this was an isolated incident, by some whack-job who, from the sound of things, might have other issues and this could have happened almost anywhere. That's not to say that Disney can't do a better job at watching people for these kinds of things, but this is the first I've heard of such an incident at Epcot.

Considering that Disney decided to turn this year's once lovely Flower & Garden Festival into another excuse for excessive drinking, it seems Disney has already indicated to us which choice it intends to make. I fear it will take a serious incident before corporate Disney does anything.

I think Disney is rightly concerned ANY time there is an incident like this, and if I had to guess, they have probably had several meetings today to review what happened. Disney is in the business of entertaining people, that includes families and even adults who want to come out on the weekend to enjoy the weather, good food and maybe a little drink as well. By no means is Epcot a drunken Oktoberfest (as you describe), nor do I see that they're encouraging such activity. Besides, if people are wanting to get THAT drunk, many will choose to go elsewhere and get drinks at half the price with free, or much lower admission than the $90+ cover charge that it costs for Epcot.

Hopefully Disney will press charges against this guy and the CMs will be able keep their jobs and return to work soon. It's a shame such a fool had to show up and cause this in the first place, and it might have been less likely to occur if there was no alcohol being served, but without knowing ALL the details, it's too hard to say.


To the neo-prohibitionist posters,

Lighten up.

I go to Epcot at least 20 times a year. In the past few visits, I have noticed a larger number of rowdy college kids. The Rose & Crown is practically a UCF bar on weekends. While the old curmudgeon in me gets a little annoyed, I can relate to them. If I could have done the same with my buddies in Epcot while I was in college, I would have.

I have to admit. I am somewhat of a "local" that goes to Epcot throughout the year, and to F&W, to enjoy alcoholic beverages and food. I live about 2.5 hours away. There are a lot of us in Florida that do the same. This isn't the problem. It takes a certain type of person to start hitting people in the face with pipes when they are drunk. Not every "drunk local" is going to go off on cast members. This is an isolated incident. Sure there are probably a few shouting matches each night at F&W, maybe a shove or two, maybe the engaged couple from Des Moines calls off the wedding. But the fact that this thread has 9 pages shows how surprised everyone is by this particular psycho. Its all stuff that could happen anywhere on any given day. I could go off on an a long social commentary about all the b.s. American cowboy macho man entertainment we're fed in this country, but I'll save that for later. If you mind your own business, you'll have a fantastic family evening at the F&W festival.

Tips to handle us "drunk locals" at Epcot, and avoid PVC sandwiches:

1. Don't be the hero when the lean 6'5" 250 pounder is getting on your nerves.
2. Distract the assailant by offering to buy them another round! Drunks get angry when you cut them off.
3. Stay away from the American Pavilion. Typically, the young patriotic male demographic is the most dangerous when drunk, and the Fife & Drum Corp reall gets 'em going. Also, they usually have military training. If you hear people shouting " 'Merica! Hell Ya!" seek shelter.

We hope you enjoy your visit to the Sunshine State!

P.S. I'll be there this weekend. I'll try to document all incidents involving intoxicated guests.
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Well-Known Member
Come on now. Who here at some point HASN'T been frustrated with life...maybe been laid-off from work? Possibly received notice that you're being audited by the IRS? Didn't get that promotion?...So what do you do? Plan a trip to Disney, head on over to EPCOT...and take your frustrations out on total strangers outside of the Cool Zone? Seems like a totally rational act to me!;)
This is outrageous ridiculous of you to even say this!!!

...Magic Kingdom, not Epcot. If you're gonna ruin someone's vacation, may as well do it in the park of all fantasies. Really crush them dreams gooooddddd. That's where i spend my friday nights taking down strangers (Mostly toddlers).


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention another story, more relevant.

One day, after arriving early at Animal Kingdom to jump on KJ, we were walking to the Tree of Life area and saw a group of loud, already-intoxicated mid-40's group of eight (it must have been 10AM, no joke). We walked passed them and joined the line forming behind the Photo Pass Spot and then, they showed up and totally cut in line and took forever to get the picture taken.

Quick thought: drunkenness can be witnessed at any Disney park, at any time of day.


Well-Known Member
Limitation on drinks? Overimbibers trespassed. Here is one use in which I would support the use of ID bracelets. Maybe they can build in a BAC function. PWI = Park-going while intoxicated = instant ejection.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
To the neo-prohibitionist posters,

Lighten up.

I go to Epcot at least 20 times a year. In the past few visits, I have noticed a larger number of rowdy college kids. The Rose & Crown is practically a UCF bar on weekends. While the old curmudgeon in me gets a little annoyed, I can relate to them. If I could have done the same with my buddies in Epcot while I was in college, I would have.

I have to admit. I am somewhat of a "local" that goes to Epcot throughout the year, and to F&W, to enjoy alcoholic beverages and food. I live about 2.5 hours away. There are a lot of us in Florida that do the same. This isn't the problem. It takes a certain type of person to start hitting people in the face with pipes when they are drunk. Not every "drunk local" is going to go off on cast members. This is an isolated incident. Sure there are probably a few shouting matches each night at F&W, maybe a shove or two, maybe the engaged couple from Des Moines calls off the wedding. But the fact that this thread has 9 pages shows how surprised everyone is by this particular psycho. Its all stuff that could happen anywhere on any given day. I could go off on an a long social commentary about all the b.s. American cowboy macho man entertainment we're fed in this country, but I'll save that for later. If you mind your own business, you'll have a fantastic family evening at the F&W festival.

Tips to handle us "drunk locals" at Epcot, and avoid PVC sandwiches:

1. Don't be the hero when the lean 6'5" 250 pounder is getting on your nerves.
2. Distract the assailant by offering to buy them another round! Drunks get angry when you cut them off.
3. Stay away from the American Pavilion. Typically, the young patriotic male demographic is the most dangerous when drunk, and the Fife & Drum Corp reall gets 'em going. Also, they usually have military training. If you hear people shouting " 'Merica! Hell Ya!" seek shelter.

We hope you enjoy your visit to the Sunshine State!
Hello and welcome to this forum (although I have a gut feeling you made a dl just for that post).

May I suggest you go to the hospital and tell that woman who was attacked at her job by a pipe-wielding drunk to lighten up?

Also, is this an isolated incident as you claim, by a single psycho, or is it part of a larger issue, for which you give us handy tips on how to avoid these situations? Surely, it should be either one of these two?

Lastly, nope, I will not deal with drunks and agression by staying away, by 'buying them more drinks or else', or by avoiding the American pavilion. My park, it belongs to us, the well-behaving guests. THEY leave, not us.


Hi Lilly!

Thanks for the warm welcome. I did in fact just join to comment on the state of World Showcase. Typically I don't have much time to post my thoughts on message boards, so the meaning of "made a dl" eludes me. However, this issue really hit home. There is nothing I'd rather do more on my vacation than enjoy a Hovel's and a pretzel by the lagoon with my family. I love enjoying a Jalepeno margarita in La Cava, and sipping a pint of Guinness in the Rose & Crown. Like you, I also feel that my overall Epcot experience is being threatened more and more each visit by drunk guests. I initially began writing a comment to this effect. However, as I reflected on my recent visits, I couldn't think of one incident involving anger or violence. I just don't enjoy the company of college students.

To answer your questions. Yes, It is an isolated incident, it could happen at anybody's workplace. My "tips", although most likely effective, were meant as a joke.

I wouldn't tell the woman to lighten up. I would tell her to hold her employer responsible. Its my understanding the cast member's were in a backstage area. How did the attacker gain access? Disney doesn't have security badges for backstage entry points? That is pretty poor security. I don't recall seeing PVC pipe just lying around in the parks. Actually, most objects seem to be permanently affixed.

I agree, the aggressive guests (that I haven't seen) should be escorted out. And lastly, the park belongs to the shareholders and creditors of the Walt Disney Company, not to you.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The one in Epcot was probably related to the alleged pipe swinging idiot, but even that hasn't been proven, but if it was that still makes three bazaar incidents. Could be true, might not. I'm still cynical.:grumpy:

It could have been that I was never there and just made it up and got lucky I guess? I posted it way before it appeared online in any of the news reports that were later linked and even 'guessed' that a maniac swinging a stick or 'pipe' was outside Club Cool, wow what are the odds? But yeah, maybe I made that story (later reported) up and of course you should still be cynical :D

Anyhow your apology is accepted, as you say my happiness doesn't depend on if you believe me or not just as you shouldn't worry about what people think about you still doubting the Epcot story. Who knows it could have been a different stick weilding maniac not yet reported on the same night :)

By the way I think you mean 'bizarre' rather than 'bazaar' unlless you're actually referring to a middle eastern market for some bizarre reason?

And don't feel angry my friend, I'm just having fun with you now :)

Dog Ate Mouse

Well-Known Member
I do not understand people at times. We all are at the happiest place on earth. How can you get in a physical fight. Do some people leave their manors at home when they leave for vacation or is it they did not have them in the first place. I do understand the busses being crowded and people upset at night because the kids and themselves are tired, but is no excuse to be rude. We see the shows and firworks like everyone else does, but the nights we plan these events we head back to our resort room and pick up our car and just drive it back to the park. This way we do avoid some of the people that I have seen get hostile about waiting for the next bus after the fireworks and parade are over. When we don't bring our car we simply just take our dear sweet time getting out of the park. We have to wait for a bus true, but the crowd that wants to rush and get out of their for the most part are long gone. I am in no rush at WDW when I am there on vacation. My attitude is positive and happy and my emotions is so layed back that I think my BP shows that I am walking dead. I will not let some one ruin my day or my vacation. Now if someone does try to get out of hand which I have had happen once, I go to a CM right awy explain the situation and let them handle it. My wife and I do not have time for this type of behaviour and will not tolerate it. I feel my time is best served at night going on another ride and then eating some ice cream followed by some souvenir time.


Well-Known Member
It could have been that I was never there and just made it up and got lucky I guess? I posted it way before it appeared online in any of the news reports that were later linked and even 'guessed' that a maniac swinging a stick or 'pipe' was outside Club Cool, wow what are the odds? But yeah, maybe I made that story (later reported) up and of course you should still be cynical :D

Anyhow your apology is accepted, as you say my happiness doesn't depend on if you believe me or not just as you shouldn't worry about what people think about you still doubting the Epcot story. Who knows it could have been a different stick weilding maniac not yet reported on the same night :)

By the way I think you mean 'bizarre' rather than 'bazaar' unlless you're actually referring to a middle eastern market for some bizarre reason?

And don't feel angry my friend, I'm just having fun with you now :)
Yea, and I new that... no excuse for the error, I stand humbled (only about the spelling):)! Oh, well! BTW, it's wielding! :bookworm:


Well-Known Member
Stuff like this is why I avoid EPCOT on weekends during F&W. Brings out too many crazy locals and idiotic drunks. NYE is worse. Far far worse.

Sad to see but I'm afraid it happens everywhere. Jerks are jerks.

Now try going to an NFL game sometime. Makes me glad my seats are in the ADA row on the Club Level where two very nice and beefy police officers stand guard.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yea, and I new that... no excuse for the error, I stand humbled (only about the spelling):)! Oh, well! BTW, it's wielding! :bookworm:

You 'new' that? Shouldn't that be 'knew' :D

Anyhow my friend, nice to meet you. We'll move on from this with no hard feelings as we're just guys on the internet talking and having a laugh. I've honestly never lied (except for that joke nose broken thread) on here, anyhow take care and see you around :)


Well-Known Member
..How can you get in a physical fight?...

Let's see. The answer to the first question is.... excessive consumption of alcohol or some other condition affecting normal behavior. The answer to the second question is... yes, some people leave their manners at their manor. Not everyone is as laid-back as everyone else. Walking dead, now I fear a zombie apocalypse.
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